The servant, ugly to the verge of deformity, and wearing invariably the abominable smirk that disgusted others but amused Berkley, went about his duties.
There is a satisfied smirk upon his pale lips, and a poor attempt at self-depreciation about his whole manner.
His tones were like the bark of a wolf, and there was a devilish smirk in his white face, as he made her a mock salutation, and glided into his parlour.
The communications officer sat back, paying little attention to the board before him, a light smirk on his face.
Presently he came tripping in with a smirk and a bow, the inevitable little hat under his arm.
Diana favours you, child,' he said, with a smirk which was lost on Julia.
No; he did not have the perfidious smirk or the brazen swagger of the lady-killer.
It is a look that should wither and abash man; but he has been known to smirk at it and offer flowers--with a string tied to them.
The smirk of his offensive stare and more offensive words irritated.
The visitor glanced about with many a smirk of approbation, and some wise shrugs of the shoulder; but said nothing aloud, preserving his breath for more important speech.
Symonds drew up before Mr. Emersham's windows, and the lawyer himself looked out at this unwonted vision of a carriage at his door, and drew back with a smirk of satisfaction!
It cost a smirk or smile; Jehu had hundreds at command, and the accident was amended.
An "I-told-you-so" smirk hovered on his pinched visage.
That meek smirk of Don Anastasio's was the absurdest thing in all psychology.
Tis incredible how a rogue may impose upon men of worth and integrity if he but know how to smirk piously, and never miss a service.
Now the roan was a natural coward, with a sneer for some and a smirk for others.
In place of the would-be squire I had encountered in Threadneedle Street, here was an unctuous person of business in sober gray; but he still wore the hypocritical smirk with no joy in it.
Something in my appearance, or force of habit, or both brought him to his feet, and wiped away the smirk from his face.
Had there been some inward change in the man to dry up the fount of contempt from which that ironic smirk rose to his lips?
Not the mocking smirk which had curled his lips so much of the time, but a good, broad, healthy grin that betokened genuine inward enjoyment.
Then with a wizen smirk he proudly felt No other mote of God had ever gained Such giant grasp of universal truth.
A smirk and renewed efforts were the result of this speech at first; but the smirkgrew smaller as the hill grew steeper, and the efforts dwindled to vanishing point with the higher windings of the road.
At last there was no smirk at all, and at my sixth repetition of the encouragement he stopped dead.
I stepped toward him, all my moral superiority betraying itself in the self-satisfied smirk which fixed itself on my face in accordance with the sense of duty which the Philistine feels so keenly in his relations with others.
The front of that house had gone, exposing the hollow inside, the collapsed floors and hanging beams, and showing also a doll with a foolish smirk caught in a wire and dangling from a rafter.
He stood there, a blackguard on the face of him, but a gentleman in spite of that undefinable and vaguely repulsive smirk which played about his straight and refined mouth.
O'Hagan had received the sentence with the same impertinent smirk on his face as he had received many similar sentences.
Woodlouse) towards raising a fund for the liberation of the Reverend Smirk Mudflint and Barnabas Bloodsuck, junior, Esq.
To satisfy the first of these she employed Mr. Smirk and company; to the second, Mr. Bagshot and company; and our hero had the honour and happiness of solely engrossing the third.