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Example sentences for "shrivels"

Lexicographically close words:
shrivel; shriveled; shriveling; shrivelled; shrivelling; shriven; shroff; shroud; shrouded; shrouding
  1. Then it is that Omaha shrivels and withers too.

  2. The green and fertile country shrivels and blackens before their breath, the cattle die, the fowls die, the things that creep and walk and fly die.

  3. Carbolic acid, however weak, must not be used on the thin parts of the skin of small mammals or birds, as it dries and shrivels them up so quickly as to seriously interfere with subsequent modelling.

  4. Love is no faint exotic made to bloom In the close summer of a glassy frame, That at the first breath of the unquelled air Shrivels up like a parchment in the flame.

  5. If this part of the process is neglected, the skin of the leg shrivels up, dries down upon the bone, and looks like a mummy.

  6. It seems all right for a short time, but when it dries, it shrinks and shrivels up, and the nose not only loses all character and beauty, but becomes an eyesore.

  7. The yelk-sac in the human case forms the greater portion of the germinal vesicle during the third week of gestation; but it shrivels up afterwards so that it was formerly entirely missed in the mature foetus.

  8. From its innermost and inferior section is formed subsequently the permanent bladder of the amniotes, while the larger outer part shrivels up.

  9. Indeed any fruit that he even touches with his foot in passing, shrivels up.

  10. If I seize one of its legs or a point of the skin with the tweezers, it suddenly shrivels and curls up and swells out again, as it does when in complete possession of its energies.

  11. Treated in that way it shrivels up at once, and when compared with the results of other causes of death, looks quite insignificant.

  12. I have a friend who, if you treat him with disrespect, shrivels you up with a sarcastic wag of his right ear.

  13. Why, it blooms of itself under the sun of love, and shrivels to death under the cold blast of distaste and aversion!

  14. I find in my soul the image of the deserts where my fathers ranged, illumined by a scorching sun which shrivels up all life.

  15. Care or sorrow, when it touches him, shrivels him up as completely as frost shrivels up the pumpkin.

  16. And if you cut the connection between God and the creature, the creature shrivels into nothing.

  17. The difference between the work that shrivels up and disappears and the work that abides is not so much in its external character, or in the materials on which it is expended, as in the motive from which it comes.

  18. Not uncommonly it shrivels on the stem making a raisin.

  19. Perfection is a seedling of Delaware, which it greatly resembles but does not equal in New York, being hardly as high in quality, does not keep as well, shrivels before ripening, and shells badly.

  20. Hence the disastrous effects supposed to attend a breach of taboo; the offender has thrust his hand into the divine fire, which shrivels up and consumes him on the spot.

  21. In some parts of West Africa, indeed, wizards are continually setting traps to catch souls that wander from their bodies in sleep; and when they have caught one, they tie it up over the fire, and as it shrivels in the heat the owner sickens.

  22. Its pernicious qualities are evidently occasioned by its excessive aridity; for it dries and shrivels up the skin, and, by affecting the lungs in a similar manner, soon produces suffocation and death.

  23. And the fire, likewise, Will melt the copper and will fuse the gold, But hides and flesh it shrivels up and shrinks.

  24. For fire can win when from the infinite Has risen a larger throng of particles Of fiery stuff; and then its powers succumb, Somehow subdued again, or else at last It shrivels in torrid atmospheres the world.

  25. Towards morning these wither away, the flower shrivels up, ceases to emit scent, and looks as if it were faded.

  26. When an apple dries and shrivels in winter, the surface becomes covered with ridges.

  27. On the completion of the plume of the feather the external sheath is thrown off, leaving it quite free, and the vascular core belonging to it shrivels up.

  28. Immediately after hatching the yolk-sack becomes withdrawn into the body; while the external part of the allantois shrivels up.

  29. The first generation are intoxicated by the new life, but in the third generation the cord is cut which connected them with Nature, the Great Mother, and life shrivels up, sundered from the source of life.

  30. The delicate bond which unites us in happy communion with God shrivels up, as if scorched, at the touch of sin.

  31. But at last he will collapse altogether, like the same ball when a slit is cut in it, and it shrivels into a shapeless lump.

  32. If the ceremony has been properly carried out, the man whose spittle has thus been treated begins to feel ill at once; his soul shrivels up and dwindles; and within seven days he is a dead man.

  33. My heart shrivels up and my spirit shrinks curled.

  34. When the fine days of May arrive, the grub shrivels and casts its skin and the nymph appears, fully clad in a stout, reddish, horny hide.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shrivels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.