She was dressed, and before going down looked at her shrivelled arm.
There was nothing of the nature of a wound, but the arm at that point had a shrivelled look, and the outline of the four fingers appeared more distinct than at the former time.
There was our pretty young Queen receiving our homage, and our old shrivelled bodies and gray heads were bowed before her throne, intimating our resolution to stand by it as we had stood when it was less amiably filled.
When I see these shrivelled old men with age ploughed deep in their wrinkled old faces like my own, and remember the deeds they did with the bayonet, I sigh for ancient days when our bodies were fit for war.
Carolina nodded and her shrivelledmonkey face was puckered into a smile.
If the signorina is hoping for a miracle of plainness she will be unpleasantly surprised," said the old woman, and her shrivelled face was as mischievous as a monkey's as she drew the key of Olive's room from her pocket.
They flashed past us in a rolling cloud of dust, and I had just a glimpse of the pale, handsome face of the master, and of the dark, shrivelledfeatures of the man.
The old man poured a glass of neat gin down his shrivelled throat, and the effect upon him was extraordinary.
Escaping from the influences of personality, his imagination wrought back through eras of geologic time, held him in a vision of the infinitely remote, shrivelled into insignificance all but the one fact of inconceivable duration.
Sitting down before some interesting strata, I lost myself in something like nirvana, grew so subject to the idea of vastness in geological time that all human desires and purposes shrivelled to ridiculous unimportance.
I suspect she was not half so old as her wrinkled face and sunken eyes and shrivelled hands indicated.
Alf went to gather huckleberries, but, except in moist and swampy places, found them shrivelled on the bushes.
Even the dried weeds with their shrivelled seed-vessels were sharply defined against the snow.
The sun burned rather than vivified the earth, and the grass and herbage withered and shrivelled before its unobstructed rays.
A third was on her knees, and at regular intervals, bent down her shrivelled body, and devoured the gravel beneath her.
Faded as the shrivelled flowers, that withering sink beneath her rosy feet: yet we exclaim:--Spring of life!
The shrivelled little figure, the cruel clean-shaven face, the bald head and rat-like eyes, made up an object of utter detestation to Miriam.
Without it, the faith, though it may be genuine, which lies in a man who is idle in cultivating Christian character, will bear but few and shrivelled fruits.
If we do not know that we have it, it must at least remain very questionable whether we do have it at all, and very certain that we have it in scant and shrivelled fashion.
Come forward," said He to the man with the shrivelled arm.
At another time, when He went to the synagogue, there was a man there with one arm shrivelled up.
Her husband hesitated, but his hunger (he had the voracious appetite of such shrivelled atomies) and a wholesome fear of being accused of jealousy made him withdraw, leaving the office to the pair.
Guess you'd put it all in a bandbox, and there would be nothing left but a shrivelled old woman!
At any rate, a handsome, well-grown man in our livery will look better than that shrivelled old porter creature!
The outer surface of the globe as it cooled ripped and shrivelled like a withering orange.
At an age when the women of a higher culture are still at the height of their charm and attractiveness the woman of the Hurons had degenerated into a shrivelled hag, horrible to the eye and often despicable in character.
He wondered, though, when the old man raised his shrivelled face, and bent his gray eye upon him, with a keen inquiring look, that such remarkable features could have escaped his attention for a moment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shrivelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.