She sketches out a letter to be written to the lady who is at present a buffer-state between the dried man and the parched women.
The parched lips quiver, as they pant and blow, Sweat pours in rivers from their limbs; when now Chance brings the wished-for honour.
Where Sherman's army stopped and ate and fed their horses the Negroes went and picked up the grains of corn they strowed there and parched and ate them.
People also parched and ate acorns in South Carolina.
It is reddish, or of a parched coffee colour, on the upper part of the body, which becomes blanched on the throat, belly, and insides of the thighs.
The Indians prepare them for food by boiling them into a soup, or syrup, which is taken with parched maize-corn.
The remoter parts of Libya beyond the seacoast, and the people who inhabit its borders, are infested by various beasts of prey; the country yet more distant is a parched and immeasurable desert.
The fowls were scratching with ruffled feathers in the sandy hollows of the parched earth, which they had made during the hours of morning energy.
The action was like that of one who is parched with thirst.
Generally water was scarce, and most of the year the land lay parched and brown.
Farther east and south extends the desert, with its parched sands and sultry air, yet in the very sight of these desert wastes rise snowy mountain peaks.
He chafed the thin hands, and forced a few more drops of water into the parched throat.
A brisk wind enveloped them in the blowing sand of the desert, until Tarzan's lips were parched and cracked.
Weak and hopeless, the entire party lay beneath the pitiless tropic sun, with parched lips and swollen tongues, waiting for the death they were beginning to crave.
Very feverish or parched in the night, and my breathing was hard and sounded as if I was drawing my breath through iron pipes.
The old houses and streets have a dryness and close smell like that in the ancient sepulchres of parched countries.
In barren deserts, on parched and lonely plains, amid hovels crumbling to decay, still stand the monuments of Spain's greatness.
You shall not eat either bread, or parched corn, or frumenty or the harvest, until the day that you shall offer thereof to your God.
Then the camp of the Assyrians howled, when my lowly ones appeared, parchedwith thirst.
For the sun rose with a burning heat andparched the grass: and the flower thereof fell off, and the beauty of the shape thereof perished.
Day and night was I parchedwith heat, and with frost, and sleep departed from my eyes.
And she gave to her maid a bottle of wine to carry, and a vessel of oil, and parched corn, and dry figs, and bread and cheese, and went out.
After dinner and a visit to the service wing, Mr. Braid sought out his sister on the veranda where she was doing what most of her sister-villagers of parched Ingleglade were doing at that same hour--wishing for rain.
He had called, a minute or two before, for a drink of water, complaining of a parched throat.
I sat with my eyes fixed upon the trees, drawing the rain on with the whole strength of desire to the parched country lying there faint with the exhaustion of three months of drought.
Like the Nile brimming over the fields, a flood of joy from nature overlaid my parched being, enriching it with a fertile loam, and shielding it from the irritations of the world.
At night each man stood in his canoe almost starving and parched with thirst, with aching back, stooping to dip the water from the canoe and rising to pour it over the side.
You must call in the rain-doctors to make rain," said Sekhome, as the parched earth cracked under the flaming sun.
It was the only exclamation that escaped her parched lips.
I will go," she said, in a voice rendered thick by her terror-parched throat.
This is the worst of all; it now seems to him that he could be happy and contented with his parchedmouth and his throbbing brain and his rapid pulse, if only he could know that there were no swelling under the left arm; but dare he try?
There in the very heart of the parched wilderness should stand the House of the Lord, with other temples in valleys beyond the horizon of his gaze.
She ran on with the last of her strength, catching at the air with parched lips.
But even at the price of my life I wished to hear what they were saying; hence I mastered myself again, and catching the air withparched lips, with forehead pressed to the grating, I listened, counting every breath which they drew.
Bending over the boat, I seized water with my hands and drank it with parched lips.
Well, it was, and when it got done de ashes was blowed off wid your breath and den de parched leaves folded back from de cooked pone.
We chipped up some sweet potatoes and dried them in de sun, then we parched them and ground them up and that's all we had to use for coffee.
The leaves were occasionally changed as they became parched by the heat.
We rode by the side of a barren mountain, which was covered to an extent of three miles with quartz, and produced little or no herbage, except a species of wiry or windle grass, which was much parched by the sun.
When he had said over the words as long as his parched throat would let him, he became quiet.
No more homespun for 'em, no more valley tan, no more parched corn for coffee, nor beet molasses nor unbolted flour.