That was a shockingly bad shot for a man thirsting to become a bear and buffalo hunter!
You are looking shockingly pale and thin," she said.
Shockingly out of place was a miniature of the Dancing Bacchante.
Carol relaxed, and found that she was shockingly tired.
Yes you do," he corrected in his shockingly candid way.
From hair to his ankles he wasshockingly emaciated--a gaunt, wasted figure, motionless as clay.
Both shockingly exaggerated," he said, under his breath.
Now, first of all, do you know that you look shockingly ill?
A broader method to the lawyer seems shockingly loose and slipshod.
The verdict must have been outrageous, absurd, clearly a compromise, or absolutely and shockingly against common sense.
They were extremely uncomfortable themselves; their legs were exposed and they seemed shockingly unconventional.
Ancient chronicles of this town record the arrival--in pre-Revolutionary times--of an unfortunate individual whose face had been shockinglymutilated by accident or disease.
This is a shockingly different state of affairs than I expected to find.
Who takes the most inexplicably officious notice of such a trifle as Marie's dress, at the most shockingly inappropriate time, when the father of Madame Duparc lies dead in the house?
It is ten feet high, but I could not judge of it where it is cooped up--shockingly ill-placed.
Shockingly windy walk: thought my brains would have been blown out.
If you can't get your way you would be shockingly disagreeable!
Well, I told him I didn't know, and was shockingly confused, and then we got up quite a scene.
I flatter myself that I'm rather stout, but if I must tell you the truth I've been shockingly chipped and cracked.
It is a shockingly thin concern, but it is not three weeks since the last went, and, as I tell you, a second Simla year journalised would inevitably throw you into a deep slumber.
Our course today has been north-east and easterly, the roads shockingly bad, and we were obliged to leave behind several coolies and two sepoys who were unable to accompany us.
We were now between two ranges of very high hills; on our right hand Bukit Pandang, seen from a great distance at sea; the road shockingly bad.
I took hold of Linton's hands, and tried to pull him away; but he shrieked so shockingly that I dared not proceed.
Miller, with a small detachment from the regiment, proceeded to the river Embaras, where they found the bodies of the murdered family, shockingly cut up with the tomahawk and scalping knife.
The first face he recognised was that of his friend and chum Carlos, but oh, how shockingly changed!
We haven't an unsound rope or block, but many of the smacks are shockingly ill-found, and one rope or spar may cost a crew their lives if it's faulty.
So this quaint andshockingly heterodox millionaire would rave on, for he was a most peppery old person.
And he upheld this shockingly barbaric view with the plea that he always liked to see people having a good time, and that next to sleeping in the sun and eating macaroni the Italians were never so happy as when engaged in a row.
For even if the two brilliant ones should graduate and William should cease to be so shockingly absent-minded, and the younger boys so shockingly boisterous, and Mary so delicate, there was always Elizabeth.
Willows told himself the man looked shockingly ill--"do you think Mrs. Carstairs would prefer you to continue the case?
No spirit has ever indicated to us a suspicion even that the spirits whose acts evolved witchcraft were either malevolent, censurable, or in any sense shockingly wicked.
Egyptians being judges, it must have been a shockingly wicked spirit who acted upon them through Moses and Aaron.
Has the Great Permitter of the many sufferings which war has engendered been "shockingly wicked"?
If specific doings prove their authors, if spirits, to have been shockingly wicked, the same having mortal authors, would prove the latter to have been just as shockingly wicked.
If there was anything supernatural in the witchcraft of 1692, if any other than human spirits were concerned at all, one thing is beyond a doubt; they were shockingly wicked spirits.
He was shockingly wicked at that moment, for he not only held on and kept us in torture, but pulled again without success; and even then he would not let go, but pulled yet once more, and the tooth came out.
They may have been so shockingly wicked as to do that.