Glue the shoeblack on first, then opposite to him the man.
The shoeblack is the toy one most often sees worked in this way.
Once, during that long sad summer, the little shoeblack thought he would saunter up to the house in South Audley Street, before which he had waited so long one night to meet Charles, who had never come.
If the ghost of the little shoeblackhad been hovering round the wall where he had played fives with the brass button, he might have almost heard the ceremony performed.
Such an event as a shoeblack in South Audley Street was not to be passed by.
Do you mind a little shoeblack boy as used to stand by St. Peter's Church?
As they left the door a little shoeblack looked inquisitively at them, and seemed as though he would speak.
He was thinking now, in his way, about these children--about Gus and Flora on the one hand, and the little shoeblack on the other.
When, however, the boots were shined the shabbily-dressed young man handed the shoeblack a handful of shillings for his pains.
Oceans of Hochheimer, a Throat like that of Ophiuchus: speak not of them; to the infinite Shoeblack they are as nothing.
Will the whole Finance Ministers and Upholsterers and Confectioners of modern Europe undertake, in joint-stock company, to make one Shoeblack HAPPY?
Though the young prince may be superior in his gifts to the young shoeblack, and would best show his princeliness by cultivating the shoeblack, still the shoeblack should wait to be cultivated.
He would not mind her marrying a shoeblack if only he could debase his own family.
The world has created a state of things in which the shoeblack cannot do otherwise without showing an arrogance and impudence by which he could achieve nothing.
Illustration: Clare is found giving the shoeblack a lesson.
Will the whole Finance Ministers and Upholsterers and Confectioners of modern Europe undertake, in jointstock company, to make one Shoeblack HAPPY?
Why, even the little shoeblack was more to him now than I was.
He seemed more interested during the remainder of our walk with the little dishonest shoeblack we had just left than with my half-candid story of my life in London during his absence.
The words of the little shoeblack rang in my ears all night long, echoed by another voice from within, "What are you?
Left alone in a friend's lodging with a broken arm and other contusions, and a smallshoeblack to look after me, who had once robbed me of my penknife and a sixpence!
The last shoeblack that I remember in London sat under the covered entrance of Red Lion-court, Fleet-street within the last six years.
Since that time, thanks to the combination of discipline and liberality, the Shoeblack Society has gone on and prospered, and proved the Parent of other Societies.
The scheme succeeded beyond expection; the boys were patronized by natives as well as aliens, and the Shoeblack Society and its brigade were regularly organized.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shoeblack" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.