It is induced by weakness (or want of support) in the work, by weakness in the tool, or by its being improperly formed for the duty.
For if in any case the calipers have forcible contact with the work the caliper legs will spring open and will therefore be improperly set.
Podophyllin: as cholagogue, in children of a few months old improperly fed; in alcoholic excess; chronic morning diarrhea.
He is improperly fed, not because food is scarce, but because he is incapable of the routine of regular meals or of any moderation.
Many people, who have taken so much vinous spirit as to acquire the temporary apoplexy of intoxication, and are not improperly said to be dead-drunk, have died after copious venesection, I suppose in consequence of it.
It has also been improperly called nervous rheumatism; but is distinguished from rheumatism, as the pains recur by periods once or twice a day; whereas in the chronic rheumatism they only occur on moving the affected muscles.
The root of the maranta arundinacea, a plant which grows in the West Indies, furnishes, by pounding in mortars and elutriation through sieves, a peculiar species of starch, commonly but improperly called arrow root.
This is what is called a walled area, and sometimes, improperly enough, a roasting furnace.
Under this head may not improperly be mentioned several galls the product of different species of gall-flies (Cynips), particularly those found on some kind of Sage, viz.
No quadruped is more infested by the gad-fly, sometimes alsoimproperly called the breese[234], than the horse.
The seasons here are very improperly denominated summer and winter.
From something in the manner of one of the witnesses, which suggested to me that such a question might not be improperly addressed to him, I asked him, whether he had not been used to be bail?
This is the genuin English idiom; and yet modern writers veryimproperly omit the sign of the possessive, as, I heard of a man acquiring an estate.
Adverbs are sometimesimproperly used instead of adjectives; as, "The tutor addressed him in terms rather warm, but suitably to his offence.
The pronoun what is sometimes improperly used instead of the conjunction that; as, "He would not believe but what I was in fault.
The pronoun he in this sentence, isimproperly used in the nominative case.
The adjectives indifferent, excellent, and miserable, are here improperly used, because adjectives do not express the degree of adjectives or adverbs, but such modifications are denoted by adverbs.
Either is often improperly employed instead of each; as, "The king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, sat either of them on his throne.
Hody and Lord Lyttelton maintain these "barons of the second rank" to have been the sub-vassals of the crown; tenants of the great barons to whom the name was sometimes improperly applied.
Lord Rochford is universally believed to have fallen a victim to the atrocious perjuries of his wife, who was very improperly admitted as a witness against him, and whose infamous conduct was afterwards fully brought to light.
Then came the act of 1736, commonly but improperly called the Mortmain Act.
Corps commanders and staff-officers will see that our movements are not encumbered by wheeled vehicles improperly loaded.
It is now ascertained that the greater part of the prisoners parolled by you at Vicksburg, and General Banks at Port Hudson, were illegally and improperly declared exchanged, and forced into the ranks to swell the rebel numbers at Chickamauga.
The fault, indeed, could be no other than that the parts were improperly disposed.
Jurisprudence) improperly says that the salt itself (cyanide of potassium) may be recovered from the organs by incinerating them in close vessels and treating the ash with water.
Other statements of a most unfavourable character were improperly extracted from her by Coward, the inspector of police.
You cannot fail in any laudable object unless you allow your mind to be improperly directed.
I believe the decision wasimproperly made and I go for reversing it.
This kind of writing may be termed not improperly the comedy of romance, and is to be conducted nearly by the rules of comick poetry.
These at last increased to so great a number, that she was weary of attending such doubtful claims, and, for fear of using improperly the sceptre of Justice, referred the cause to be considered by Time.
If our notions are fantastical, the whole structure falls to the ground; but they are for the most part improperly abstracted and deduced from things.
If he acts improperly at the end of his two years' lease, it does not concern him for two years more.