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Example sentences for "grievously"

Lexicographically close words:
grieved; grieves; grieveth; grieving; grievous; grievousness; griffe; griffin; griffins; griffons
  1. Two of the prisoners were so grievously wounded that it was impossible for them to walk, and the soldiers were obliged to carry them on an improvised litter.

  2. Sir John, grievously wounded, had barely escaped with his life, and the colonel of dragoons had been killed outright.

  3. It will be remembered that two of these prisoners were so grievously wounded that they were carried into Bourg on stretchers.

  4. You shall subdue the society which has grievously wronged you, to your own high spirit.

  5. She not only sinned grievously against the Lord, but she wronged me.

  6. The king, being grievously harassed by the opposite counsels he received, and his doubts as to which of his advisers were honest, wrote to Coligny; begging him to come and aid him, with his counsel and support.

  7. Here they found the Admiral, who had been borne off the field, grievously wounded.

  8. I implore your majesty's forgiveness--I confess that I sinned grievously against my emperor.

  9. Miss Church-Member, with eyes but partly open to her own folly, was grievously perplexed and not a little disappointed.

  10. It took both arms to contend with the real and imaginary imps who stood grinning at her folly, and grievously tormented her from all sides.

  11. Many such children accompanied every regiment, and their education was grievously neglected.

  12. I seriously fear that, if such a measure as this should be adopted, many valuable works will be either totally suppressed or grievously mutilated.

  13. When they that separate, are grievously and intollerably persecuted.

  14. Yet Shakspeare has not sinned in this way more grievously than Johnson.

  15. Emmie Penrhyn's letter was an especial pleasure to the Mother, and what she said of the centurion's servant, grievously 'tormented.

  16. Jeune was grievously annoyed, but, with the generosity which was always characteristic of him, he at once accorded us his friendship, and remained my most warm and honoured friend till his death about ten years afterwards.

  17. I fear, after my last, you will be grievously disappointed to hear of us as no farther on our way.

  18. Kosciusko rallied them, was thrown from his horse, grievously wounded, and made a prisoner by the Cossacks.

  19. The gentleman seemed to be very grievously offended at such treatment; but the young advocate paid no attention to him, and rapidly crossed the New-Market Square.

  20. But they are so grievously wounded, that they will remain infirm for the rest of their lives, compelled to appeal to public charity for their subsistence.

  21. Though grievously frightened during the last fortnight, he had not dared to be on the wing as yet.

  22. So grievously did he feel for the loss of that half-sovereign that for some moments he could think of nothing else.

  23. Yet I was grievously afraid he should, and found it exceeding hard to trust him, seeing I had so offended him.

  24. But since I was sealed to the day of redemption, I have grievously sinned against God, have not I, therefore, cause to fear, as before?

  25. Nor, indeed, is it meet it should, because the body has not sinned so, so grievously as the soul has done; and God proportioneth the punishment suitable to the offence.

  26. Suppose a child doth grievously transgress against and offend his father, is the relation between them therefore dissolved?

  27. In the larger household of city and state the educational part of the law is grievously neglected.

  28. Here is where, during the period of our human history, we in our newborn consciousness and imperfect knowledge, have grievously interfered with the laws of nature.

  29. Meantime the colonies, that had been sent into Samaria, in the room of its ancient inhabitants, were grievously infested with lions.

  30. In the following citations it will be observed that Adair and Catlin were grievously in error in their respective statements.

  31. Except that it is grievously in peril, nothing!

  32. Mournfulness dropped on me like a cloud in thinking of the bright little princess of my boyhood, and the Ottilia of to-day, faithful to her early passion for our sea-heroes and my country, though it had grievously entrapped her.

  33. Taras, you have misled us--you are grievously mistaken.

  34. I have; but I have been grievously deceived by evil men, on whose honesty I relied.

  35. No; she has done that once too often already, and is grievously sorry for it now.

  36. The day before yesterday they returned, some of my most trusted peasants among them, grievously drunk.

  37. You are grievously mistaken if you imagine that the law in itself is to blame, or that the Emperor wishes his judges to close an eye when poor peasants are ill-used by rich and powerful oppressors.

  38. Taras was grievously disappointed, and resolved to avoid further altercation, but something happened which forced him against his will to appeal a second time to the patriarch's sense of justice.

  39. The case does but lend force, then, to my belief that a judge and avenger is grievously needed in this country.

  40. I call the Almighty to witness that we are grievously wronged!

  41. But, my dear Lillian, you must have greater proof than this before you so grievously accuse another!

  42. I loved Pearl Hamilton; the little life that had sprung from our union had grievously torn my own in the severing, and nothing could heal the wound.

  43. Of all hands along the battle line, the first aid man has the greatest calm and confidence in the face of fire, largely because he has seen the miracles worked by modern medicine in the restoring of grievously wounded men.

  44. It is within these powers that he will sit in judgment on his men and that he may punish them when they have been grievously derelict.

  45. If the origin of such insane propositions could be ascertained a great boon would be conferred upon humanity, since many a man found himself most grievously disappointed when the whole affair was recognized as an illusion.

  46. Jones, both gallant officers, but their greatest personal loss was that of General Longstreet, grievously wounded on the 6th and immediately carried from the field.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grievously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    agonizingly; awfully; badly; bitterly; blatantly; cruelly; deadly; deathly; distressingly; dreadfully; ever; excessively; excruciatingly; extravagantly; flagrantly; frightfully; grievously; horribly; improperly; inexcusably; inordinately; intolerably; miserably; openly; painfully; plaintively; sadly; severely; sorely; terribly; unduly