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Example sentences for "gazed down"

  • Then, creeping cautiously towards the edge of the cliff, he gazed down, while an expression of stern resolution settled upon his pale face.

  • As he gazed down, a feeling of horror seized him; he gasped for breath, and almost fainted.

  • At first, as he gazed down, he saw only the crumbling face of the chalk.

  • He gazed down on her, showing his white teeth and laughing.

  • Standing behind her chair, he gazed down in puzzlement at her graciousness.

  • He gazed down at the recumbent figure upon the ground.

  • His slippered feet were posted on the lower part of the self-feeding stove and he gazed down, deep in thought, at the lurid glow of the fire shining through the mica sides of the firebox.

  • But now, as he gazed down, he beheld a deep dark-shadowed valley, far-reaching and sombre.

  • Carlisle, holding to the silenced machine with a small gloved hand, gazed down as at a bit of stage-play.

  • He gazed down at the girl's dimly limned face, and his gaze seemed full of an unconquerable hopefulness.

  • He gazed down at the work of his hands, and there seemed to be no color in his face.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gazed down" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and well; assured himself; bear testimony; breeze from; cooking pots; country doctor; electrical current; gazed around; gazed down; gazed upon; great indeed; having passed; her character; league from; life sentence; over their; plus three; political conditions; pure food; she held; unless otherwise; upon another; white tissue; will bless