Look here; we'll have to have another one now, or we'll be scrapping to see who gets this!
That's so, I did hear that you and he were scrapping one day.
It comes mighty near being war--with the scrapping all on one side.
The colonel seems to deprecate the scrapping part of it as much as we do.
Of course, Joyce, thisscrapping process is costly.
It meant thescrapping of argument and reason, the abuse of Authority.
It's pretty near chapel time, Foster, and if you try scrapping with me you'll be late.
And, by the way, if I ever hear of you scrappingany more I'll be tempted to tell what happened this morning.
As far as fighting went this long-range scrapping was not of course worthy of the name, but as far as discomfort and fatigue were concerned, the operations were entitled to the most dignified and resonant title in the vocabulary.
It was the same in so many of our days of scrapping and trekking.
You won't forget then to call me in to lend a hand if there is any scrapping going?
Were it not for the scrapping process, the world's market for implements of destruction would be speedily glutted.
Governments have so far been too slow to invent or even adopt improvements, especially where they involve scrapping old plant; and so far, government has generally been an extravagant and wasteful employer.
We hold our own from year to year, and I've reached a conviction that my policy of ruthlessly scrapping machinery the moment it's even on the down grade, is the only sound principle and pays in the long run.
Baseball and football are the limit of my scrapping abilities.
Josh as he turned and looked back over his shoulder, for the three boys had started along the road; "and my dearest wish is that I get on the ground before all the scrapping is over.
Are they supposed to be scrapping like the gods in Homer English Saint George against German Saint Michael and so on?
Perhaps the dragon he makes war on, war to the death, is neither England nor Germany, but just the scrapping between them.
I got to scrapping with a man, Class Day; we wanted to settle a little business we began at the Tree, and he left his marks on me.
It was clear to him now that the Class-Day scrapping which had left its marks upon Jeff's face was with Lynde, and that when Jeff got him in his power he was in such a fury for revenge that no mere motive of prudence could have arrested him.
Bill, when he speaks of them uses the words 'those scrapping babies of mine,' and they like that best of all.
Here I found the bulk of my own platoon furiously scrapping with thirty or forty Boches over the parapet.
All the scrapping will come later," said "the Peacemaker.
It is to be hoped that the town will never be inveigled into scrapping this memorial, which for quaintness and unconscious humour is almost unsurpassed.
The nave, though Norman at its heart, has been altered in a most interesting way to Perpendicular without scrapping the earlier work.
It isn't a very nice thing, any way you look at it--this having two young men scrapping through this region about my girl.
You understand that I won't have any more of this scrapping in my crew.
Remember how you 'n' the cub were tied in the bow, an' you got to scrapping and fell overboard just above the rapids?
A man named Challoner tied us together first when Neewa, there, was just about as big as your head, and we did a lot of scrapping before we got properly acquainted.
He knew nothing of the scrapping lessons, and he spent the time in telling Denton and the vault generally of certain disagreeable proceedings he had in mind.
Chased a bunch of fourteen Albatrii and had twenty minutes' scrapping with them.
And since you're so beastly positive that this isn't a scrapping stunt, I'd sooner be on my own and free to dodge and run and use clouds and so on without having to think of keeping formation.
I don't know how we all get to scrapping this way.
I want to put you wise about this scrapping with your head-barber all the time.
The Kid wanted him to take up scrapping seriously.
Though he had never known a real home or family, scrapping into the Pool from one of the children's Depots.
Instead those claws snapped again, this time scrapping across the top of Dane's foot, leaving a furrow in material the keenest of knives could not have scored.
Sailor thought "the little friendly scrapping practice" was a very one-sided arrangement.
He wanted a bit of persuading to face Klondyke in "a little friendly scrapping practice" in the lee of the chart house when no one was by.
All the elaborate plans that have been made for the extension and development of the port of New York predicate the scrapping of this great harbor fleet of car-floats--some eight million dollars' worth all told.
I'd guess a whole planet full of 'em that laid low when the rest were scrapping with the Force.