When scrapple is to be eaten, cut into one-half inch slices, dredge with flour, and brown in hot fat.
When cold, the scrapple is cut into slices and fried in the ordinary manner as sausage.
The pans should be well greased, also the dipper used, to prevent the scrapple sticking to the utensils.
They call them "busy-bodies" quite appropriately, and they are as typical of the town as its breakfast scrapple and sausage.
She is accustomed to good living--her oysters, her red-snappers, and her scrapple are justly famous.
He did not shed his solemnity when he rose from his knees, nor when he had finished his breakfast of scrapple and buckwheat cakes and left the breakfast table.
Pour in the scrapple and then place the balance of the stock, three pints, in a preserving kettle and add one cup of vinegar.
The scrapple may be formed into croquettes and dipped in flour and fried until golden brown, or it may be cut into thin slices and fried in the usual manner.
We find that Italian polenti, Spanish tamale, Philadelphia scrapple and Southern Darkey crackling corn bread are but variants of the preparation of corn meal in delectable foods.
It differs from scrapple in that the ingredients are mixed in a sauce and poured over the mush instead of being mixed in the meal.
Good scrapple is one of the finest breakfast dishes that we know during the winter, and when prepared after the recipe given here it precedes all other forms of serving corn meal.
Nut Scrapple On a crisp winter morning a dish of nut scrapple is very appetizing and just as nutritious as that made of pork.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrapple" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.