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Example sentences for "after each"

  • Thus the guide bar, after each traverse, necessarily winds the silk in variable lines, to the side of the preceding threads.

  • When half dry, it must be exposed twice to the fumes of burning sulphur; and, after each operation, it is to be well stretched and smoothed; it should be finally dried in a state of tension.

  • After each of these baths she was wrapped in blankets and the sweating continued for some time.

  • The buttocks require a gentle swabbing and thoroughgoing "patting dry" after each soiling or wetting of the diaper, but no soap is required in this region but once a day, and even then it should be used sparingly.

  • After each cheese is dressed, it should be replaced in the dressing mold, care being taken that the bandage remains in place and leaves no portion of the surface of the cheese uncovered and in direct contact with the mold.

  • After each washing, they are drained for two hours on cloth, and placed on clean matting.

  • If a milking machine[17] is used, great care must be exercised to see that all parts that come in contact with the milk are cleaned after each milking, and then put in a clean place until ready to use again.

  • But not less surprising was the tenacity with which the smaller rotifer retained its hold; for although one might think that it was being almost jerked to pieces, after each bout of jerking it was seen to be still attached.

  • After each journey I put another larva in the glass with only two or three larvae, to replace that which had been removed.

  • After each bath, a head-bath for twelve minutes, each side of the head being alternately placed in the water.

  • After each operation a cold-head bath for ten minutes.

  • After each story, you and your classmates should tell the speaker what you liked in his story and in his telling of it.

  • After each playing, the class will talk about it.

  • The cans, after each time of using, ought to be scalded out, and, once a week the can should be filled with cold water, and the water should be allowed to remain in it until the can be again required.

  • The head, after each washing, ought, with a soft brush, to be well brushed, but should not be combed.

  • Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and took one "Pellet" after each meal.

  • The anus should be well anointed with vaseline, lard, oil, or fresh butter, after each movement of the bowels.

  • There is nothing to be renewed for each batch of work but the limestone, and that, after each job, will be good burned lime.

  • This tool is caused to cut by hammer blows, being slightly revolved upon its axis after each blow, hence the curved shape of its cutting edge causes it to sink a dish-shaped recess in the work which holds that end steady.

  • This declaration should be repeated, by way of reminder, after each trick, till actually scored.

  • The underlying principle of all such systems is to play a Martingale--that is, after each loss to increase the stake in various proportions until all previous losses have been recouped, and a profit is shown.

  • If there were no limit every one could win at Monte Carlo, by the simple method of doubling up after each loss.

  • It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, supplicate God to bestow mercy and forgiveness upon his parents.

  • It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, .

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "after each" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after alluding; after considerable; after giving; after having; after life; after mass; after prayer; after puberty; after reading; after school; after some; after supper; after telling; after time; after times; after touching; after twenty; after waiting; after washing; after what has happened; afternoon teas; afterwards known; little after; preceding page; should always; slavery meetings