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Example sentences for "large share"

  • Pride may, in reality, have had much to say to this, for I was proud to think that of the thousands who flowed past me each day I could claim equality with a large share, and perhaps more than equality with many.

  • Of course it is needless to say that preparations on such a scale of magnificence attracted a large share of public attention.

  • To this may be added, that not only Necker, but also Rousseau, to whom a large share in causing the Revolution is justly ascribed, were born in Geneva, and drew their earliest ideas from that great nursery of the Calvinistic theology.

  • This I greatly doubt, at all events I have seen no proof of it; and I cannot help thinking that Rabelais owes a large share of his reputation to the obscurity of his language.

  • A large share of any one's daily work, whether it be manual or mental, depends on the recall of previously learned reactions.

  • Reading words, adding numbers, and a large share of simple mental performances, are essentially associative reactions.

  • Following our man through the day's work and recreation, we find a large share of his mental activity to consist in the perception of facts.

  • The adult's superiority in tackling a maze may be summed up by saying that he observes more than the child--much more than the animal--and governs his behavior by his observations.

  • All raw material and energy requirements are imported, as well as a large share of Jersey's food needs.

  • TITO had pushed the development of military industries in the republic with the result that Bosnia hosted a large share of Yugoslavia's defense plants.

  • A large share of exports consists of petroleum products made from imported crude.

  • A large share of the population, perhaps as much as 40%, remains too poor to afford an adequate diet.

  • The women were seemingly of rather a coarser type than those we had lately met, and were found working much in the fields, as well as performing a large share of the out-door labor.

  • A large share of these opium farms, as they may be called, belong to the English government, and are cultivated by their agents.

  • He took pen in hand himself in order to defend the oath, in the wording of which he had a large share.

  • The introduction of scutage is attributed to him, and he certainly had a large share in the acquisition of Brittany.

  • A large share of this added population, especially of that which came to us from abroad, crowds in below Fourteenth Street, where the population is already packed beyond reason, and confounds all attempts to make matters better there.

  • A large share of it, in a sense the largest, certainly that productive of the happiest results, lies outside of the city, however.

  • No doubt intemperance bears a large share of the blame for it; judging from the stand-point of the policeman perhaps the greater share.

  • Hence it has been remarked that were all the copies of the Bible lost and the writings of these fathers preserved, a large share of the Holy Volume might thus be recovered.

  • His native city and its neighbourhood probably enjoyed a large share of his ministrations, and his exertions seem to have been attended with much success, for, soon afterwards, the converts in these districts attract particular notice.

  • A large share of the "journalism" taught consisted simply in teaching newspaper English.

  • As a general rule, however, the introductory course, even if not required, is taken by a large share of the arts students.

  • Above all, a large share of the world's best thought is being expressed in them.

  • Wise, Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, was able to secure a large share of patronage for the Norfolk Navy Yard.

  • For the empty honor of wearing a militia uniform three or four times a year, and paying a large share of the music assessments, Major Van Ness lost his seat in Congress.

  • You have a large share in her, and she has a large share in your good wishes and prayers, I am sure.

  • Atkin works at whatever may be going on, and has a large share of work to get ready for me, and to read with me: Greek Testament, 12 to 12.

  • He is, indeed, a thoroughly good conscientious man, humble without servility, friendly and at his ease without any forwardness, and he has a large share of good sense and clear judgment.

  • The alliance between Montfort and their enemy had a large share in bringing about the secession of the marchers.

  • If Hubert saved Henry from reckless adventures, he certainly deserves a large share of the blame for the Poitevin fiasco.

  • Object lessons or nature study should have a large share of attention.

  • To Le Neve in particular a large share of the credit is due.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "large share" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acted upon; her maid; large bodies; large characters; large clusters; large crowd; large estates; large fleet; large forest; large genus; large groups; large lemon; large letters; large majorities; large majority; large mouth; large picture; large plantation; large sheet; large spoonful; large towns; large tree; large white; larger amount; larger number; larger proportion