When information came that, on the day after Christmas, Burnside was preparing for a new campaign, the President telegraphed him: "I have good reason for saying you must not make a general movement of the army without letting me know.
General McClellan hastened across the river, and, finding the news to be correct, issued orders during the night for a general movement of the army next morning to the vacated rebel camps.
I deemed it of the utmost importance, before a general movement of the armies operating against Richmond, that all communications with the city, north of James River, should be cut off.
The Emperor Joseph II in his day passed for an unbeliever; [1489] but there was no general movement.
To carry intellectual progress much further there was needed a general movement of scientific study and a reform in education.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "general movement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.