After the usual salutations to her parents, and conversing some time with his aunt, he addressed Alida with his native pleasantry, relating to her some stories of the satirical order as the current news of the city.
He accompanied the first salutations with many flattering compliments, but with all his endeavours to win her favour, he could not awaken even a temporary regard in the bosom of Alida.
Their hands he asks as pledge of faith, and joins Their hands in his presented; tender begs His salutations to his daughter dear; And his young grandson.
He acknowledged with great respect the salutations of the gentlemen, who could not be prevented from crowding to the door of the fly after him.
Carry lay back in her corner, and felt that she would like to kiss the soft air that blew upon her, and send salutations to the trees and the sun.
The usual salutations were exchanged, and the new comers began to look about them.
It is," was the answer; and as the strangers drew nearer, the salutations of "Peace be with you!
Thus with harty salutations to you all, and harty prayers for you all, we lovingly take our leaves, this 18.
I exclaimed, after the first salutations had passed between Andries and myself, and squeezing his hand again and again.
But the salutations of Opportunity were hasty and far from being very composed.
I could readily perceive that she would have been better pleased had her uncle permitted the salutations to be limited to the bows and courtesies.
Tom Bayard met my salutations frankly, and with a gentleman-like ease, though there was a slight color on his cheek which said to me, "I mean to get your sister.
Colonel Follock, nevertheless, gave me his salutations and congratulations before we left the court; and they were as cordial and hearty as if he had been a second father.
The manner in which all parties shook hands, and the cordiality of the salutations generally, in which Prudence and her daughters soon shared, betokened something more than amity, I fancied, for it looked very much like intimacy.
Mr. Newcome, as soon as our salutations had been exchanged.
Jaap's own salutations were very elaborate, and altogether of a character to prevent the suspicion of our ever having met before.
They were glad to see me, and met my salutations frankly and like old friends; though I could see they did not fancy my dress in the least.
A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a person, or one which merely permits the exchange of salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.
The guests received a greeting which relieved their embrassment, offered their salutations in well-chosen terms, and when they retired, as when they entered, made a deferential salute.
Our salutations were very hearty on both sides, consisting of many kind shakes of the hand.
They offer their salutations and good wishes to each other, eating dainties even as the men.
After the firstsalutations the Freiherr requested him to take a chair beside him.
I forgot to mention," said Pan Stanislav, "that I bring you salutations from Pani Emilia Hvastovski.
It is," was the answer; and as the strangers drew nearer the salutations of "Peace be with you!
Afzool Khan was well known, and a hearty shout had greeted him as he dismounted, looked proudly about him, and returned thesalutations of his friends and the soldiery.
Woe to you, Pharisees, because you love the uppermost seats in the synagogues and salutations in the marketplace.
He that is sent to raise to life the sinner spiritually dead, must not suffer himself to be called off, or diverted from his enterprise, by the salutations or ceremonies of the world.
Beware of the scribes, who desire to walk in long robes and love salutations in the market place and the first chairs in the synagogues and the chief rooms at feasts: 20:47.
And salutations in the market place, and to be called by men, Rabbi.
The English officers and the Afghan Sirdars had exchanged salutations and conversed for a little while on horseback.
The boat had been delayed a little while the party were making and receiving the parting salutations of their friends, and the Delhi had a lead of nearly half a mile.
The Guardian-Mother started her screw, and began to move very slowly down the river, amid the cheers and salutations of the officers, soldiers, and citizens of the town.
After exchanging salutations the chief gravely stroked his beard, and gave vent to a few polite expressions of welcome.
Can I make the salutations and genuflections ordered in the Koran while thus strapped up?
Each called downsalutations and peace upon the head of the other, and Lella M'Barka asked Maïeddine if he would drink coffee.
They began at once to raise their wares, to shake each other cordially by the hand, and to exchange salutations of mutual confidence.
A thousand salutations to all your dear relatives.
Barbarous nations frequently imprint on their salutations the dispositions of their character.
Other salutations are very incommodious and painful; it requires great practice to enable a man to be polite in an island situated in the straits of the Sound.
One moment he was talking with a group of men from Tennessee; again he was exchangingsalutations with Captain Grant, who was here now without prospects, drinking too much, quite a sorry figure, lounging about waiting for something to turn up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "salutations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.