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Example sentences for "routed"

Lexicographically close words:
roustabout; roustabouts; rousted; rout; route; routes; routhe; routine; routinely; routines
  1. At the head of the Saxon infantry, he had routed the legions of Franconia, and had driven numbers into the deep and rapid river.

  2. Borne down by this vigorous assault, the pursuing column fell back in confusion, and were routed with great slaughter.

  3. Folkmar, governor of Prague, had fallen, Henry had fled, and the Bohemians were routed with prodigious slaughter.

  4. Fruitlessly did Henry endeavor to preserve his array and keep his ground: he was routed at every point.

  5. The mystic heresy of the Illuminisme, propagated by the 'alumbrados' of Spain, appeared here in the first half of the seventeenth century, but was routed out before long.

  6. Porfirio Diaz routed them To the last man.

  7. My lord, at Callovalla when the French Had routed the Republicans, there came At night some student priests into the field To help the wounded and to cheer the dying.

  8. He then charged with irresistible fury, and routed Mackay's army in every direction, saving two regiments who stood firm.

  9. Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain: Fought all his battles o'er again; And thrice he routed all his foes, and thrice he slew the slain.

  10. His trousers were an old pair of the captain's, and his jacket had been routed out by the boatswain, both officers being about as opposite in physique to the stowaway as could well be imagined.

  11. He afterward continued his retreat to Portsmouth in the course of which the former made an attack but was repulsed and would have been totally routed had not his strength been estimated above its real amount.

  12. About the same moment Washington routed the cavalry on the British right, who had pursued the flying militia and were cutting them down on the left and even in the rear of the Continentals.

  13. The routed troops continued their flight to Fort Jefferson, a distance of about thirty miles, throwing away their arms on the road.

  14. Mesha awaited them with his hastily assembled troops on the confines of the cultivated land; the allies routed him and blockaded him within his city of Kir-hareseth.

  15. One of these represented the ancient hero Naram-sin standing, mace in hand, on the summit of a hill, while his soldiers forced their way up the slopes, driving before them the routed hosfcs of Susa.

  16. A detachment of archers, sailors, and engineers sent to make a reconnaissance of the harbour was taken by surprise and routed with loss, and on the following night Tafnakhti suddenly made his appearance on the spot.

  17. I was about to note down a singular instance of this indignant justice of the people, when the arrival of a letter, in a hand unknown to me, suddenly-routed all my intentions.

  18. He looked more like one in whom reason was, by some terrible shock, suspended and held in abeyance, than actually routed or annihilated.

  19. I had not tasted food for several hours, and yet now I could not eat a morsel; chagrin and shame had routed all appetite, and I sat looking at the table, and almost wondering why the dishes were there.

  20. He grinned; and forthwith he routed out the two sleeping blacks, and sent them scampering for wood.

  21. At Tanjong Gâtal a battle was fought, and the royal forces were routed with great slaughter, as casualties are reckoned in Malay warfare, nearly a score of men being killed.

  22. Syphax, impelled by these arguments, made war on Masinissa, and, in the first engagement, routed and put him to flight.

  23. Toward the close of this year, a letter came from Titus Quinctius, with information that he had fought a pitched battle with Philip in Thessaly, and that the army of the enemy had been routed and put to flight.

  24. But the Romans were superior both in numbers and courage, for they had now routed both the cavalry and the elephants, and having already defeated the front line, were fighting against the second.

  25. This attack of the cavalry at length routed them.

  26. The enemy were routed and slain, their camp taken and plundered, the colony relieved from a siege, the prisoners taken from the other colony recovered and restored to their friends, and an end put to the war in one battle.

  27. They were, therefore, routed at the first charge; and having scarcely attempted resistance, returned to the camp in shameful flight.

  28. The remainder, under the Brenn, precipitated themselves on Macedonia, routed the army which endeavoured to arrest their progress, and forced the remnant of the regular forces who survived, to take refuge in the fortified cities.

  29. The horse of Numidia routed the cavalry of Rome.

  30. In the absence of her great emperor, and of the main imperial forces, the golden capital herself, by her own resources, routed and persecuted into wrecks a Persian army that had come down upon her by stealth and a fraudulent circuit.

  31. His dogged persistency puzzled her and routed all her usual array of graceful phrases.

  32. But the Palmyrenes are repulsed with great slaughter; the routed army press back into the city, and the gates are closed upon the pursuers.

  33. On the south, two miles distant, is the memorable field of Bannockburn, where thirty thousand Scotchmen under Bruce routed the English army of one hundred thousand men, thirty thousand of whom were killed.

  34. It was the silent, dismal march of a funeral train, rather than the hurried flight of a routed and discomfited army.

  35. For the second time that evening Lydia Carr completely routed Dundee's carefully worked-up case against her.

  36. What I have to say is this: that if a severe struggle took place near the tumulus to which I have referred, the routed army, following the Roman vicinal way to Ribchester, would pass by the locality, which is not far distant.

  37. At last a friend appeared, who, in the most triumphant manner, told us that the Confederates had routed the Federal fleet.

  38. The Enniskilleners nevertheless made various excursions, and routed a body of James's troops marching towards Sligo.

  39. The Turkish troops were completely routed and made no attempt to defend Basra, which was entered by the British on November 22.

  40. The second Army under General Rennenkampf, which had come too late to prevent the disaster, was also routed by General Hindenburg on September 10, and for the time being the Russian offensive in East Prussia was abandoned.

  41. Occasionally routed in regular engagements, the Camisards, through their desperate valour and the rapidity of their movements, were constantly successful in skirmishes, night attacks and ambuscades.

  42. An army despatched against Obaidallah under Ibrahim routed the Syrians near Mosul (battle of Khazir); Obaidallah and Hosain b.

  43. They were routed at Ras 'Ain, but Obaidallah had still to fight Zofar.

  44. I avoided the Indian Territory until I reached Fort Smith, where I rested several days with an old comrade, who gave me instructions and routed me across the reservation of the Choctaw Indians, and I reached Paris, Texas, without mishap.

  45. Both foremen were anxious to strike due north, several herds having crossed Red River as far west as Doan's Store the year before; but I was afraid of Indian troubles and routed them northeast for the old ford on the Chisholm trail.

  46. Two thirds of the herds were routed by way of Doan's Crossing in leaving Texas, while all would touch at Dodge in passing up the country.

  47. All beef herds were routed to touch at headquarters in the Outlet, and thence going north, they skirted the borders of settlement in crossing Kansas and Nebraska.

  48. Three of the latter were routed by way of the Chisholm trail, and two by the Western, while the cattle under contract for delivery at the company ranch went by any route that their will and pleasure saw fit.

  49. Everything was routed by Doan's Crossing, both Edwards and myself accompanying the herds, while Major Hunter returned as usual by rail.

  50. The young major-general determined an attack immediately, and handling his little army with great skill and intrepid courage, he routed the enemy in the great victory of Assaye, which broke the Mahratta power.

  51. We abashed, humiliated, and utterly routed an enemy strong in numbers, in fanaticism, and in dogged courage, but we suffered a fearful loss when we were not in a position to part with one man.

  52. Notwithstanding the heavy loss suffered in the second attack, the Russians collected the scattered remains of the column which had been routed on the right of the French, and brought up all their reserves.

  53. Sometimes a shell blurted into the rooms, and routed outlying artists as they sketched the ruins of Sebastopol.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "routed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.