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Example sentences for "thirty thousand"

  • The transfer of the right-wing (thirty thousand men) to Beaufort will so imperil the rebel force at Hardeeville that it will be cut off or dispersed, if not moved in season.

  • Thirty thousand of the Barbarian youth were enlisted in the troops; and the pious labours of Musa to inculcate the knowledge and practice of the Koran, accustomed the Africans to obey the apostle of God and the commander of the faithful.

  • The Archduke and the Prince blamed him for not proceeding instantly to take the town; but suggested no plan by which seven thousand men could be enabled to do the work of thirty thousand.

  • He left a large force to besiege Prague, and at the head of thirty thousand men he marched against Daun.

  • Pulteney, when leader of the Opposition, and possessed of thirty thousand a year, edited the Craftsman.

  • Thirty thousand able-bodied men are a heavy additional load on the markets of a small city, blockaded by sea, and with primitive communications by land.

  • Thirty thousand troops, also, were ready to embark in Marseilles and Nice.

  • The result of the conference was the Roxbury India-rubber Company, incorporated in February, 1833, with a capital of thirty thousand dollars.

  • He also gave the people for paschal sacrifices, young kids of the goats, and lambs, thirty thousand, and three thousand oxen for burnt-offerings.

  • At a later date he engaged in the civil wars of Spain, where he headed an army of thirty thousand men.

  • The provost of the merchants then announced the immediate arrival of twelve thousand guns from the manufactory of Charleville, which would soon be followed by thirty thousand more.

  • Again, David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.

  • He has just bought two estates, and La Crampade is now a property with an annual rental of thirty thousand francs.

  • But I should like to know, please, how it would be possible out of an income of forty thousand livres, thirty thousand of which go with the entail, to give a suitable start in life to Athenais and my poor little beggar Rene.

  • If you cross the river between the enemy and Washington, and cover the latter by your operation, you can be reinforced by thirty thousand men.

  • David again gathered together all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.

  • Suppose that husband and wife have thirty thousand francs a year between them--practically, the sometime bachelor is a poor devil who thinks twice before he drives out to Chantilly.

  • He had dropped a good deal of money on Jenny Cadine, who must have cost him near on thirty thousand francs a year.

  • Can you give me a bond to the tune of thirty thousand francs a year, which is what the Duke has just given me in a packet of common sugared almonds from the grocer's?

  • Where, then had the Baron found the thirty thousand francs he had just produced?

  • Perhaps only as many will be found as the enemy has battalions (Note Gideon's proportion of three hundred to thirty thousand of one to one hundred.

  • Gideon was lucky to find three hundred in thirty thousand.

  • But to the eternal shame of the French command and administration we lost in peace time, twenty-five to thirty thousand of typhus and more than one thousand frozen to death.

  • Early gained some compensation for his failure in this respect by levying a contribution on York of one-hundred thousand dollars in cash; two hundred barrels of flour; thirty thousand bushels of corn; one thousand pairs of shoes, etc.

  • Men are chilled by disaster and do not readily enlist after a defeat; yet the terms of service of thirty thousand of the two years' and nine months' men were expiring, and something had to be done.

  • There are sometimes as many as thirty thousand dependent in this manner for a part of their income upon the state.

  • It often takes five and ten years to make a carpet, and the cost is as high sometimes as thirty thousand dollars.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thirty thousand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bright sunshine; colored troops; devoting himself; five weeks; geologic history; like their; mutton sail; neither male nor female; not mean; permanent camp; rebellion against; short distances; think thou; thirty dollars; thirty feet; thirty grains; thirty leagues; thirty miles; thirty millions; thirty minutes; thirty shillings; thirty yards; thirty years; transshipment point for and; violet rays; will crush