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Example sentences for "puzzled"

Lexicographically close words:
puttis; putts; putty; puttyng; puzzle; puzzledly; puzzlement; puzzler; puzzles; puzzling
  1. He detects in himself, and is puzzled by it, a new-born disposition to treat Addie as if she were in her teens, entirely caused by her excursion into feminine paths hard to explain or classify.

  2. He kept his eyes still on her with a puzzled look, adding immediately after, "Could you not tell me of something to remind me?

  3. The old gentleman said nothing, but looked at her, puzzled and hurt at what he shrank from thinking her heartlessness; trying to concoct excuses for it that would make her seem less ungracious.

  4. Challis glanced sharply at her, puzzled by her words and their manner.

  5. Athelstan Taylor was puzzled on his way home by the curious selection of a restless conscience as aliment for disquiet.

  6. She saw in the large puzzled orbs that met hers, and the small hands pulling nervously at the sheet, that the idea she wanted was either dawning or fructifying.

  7. Jim seemed puzzled for a few seconds, perhaps not recalling the name in its present form; then experienced illumination.

  8. Challis seemed for a moment puzzled about his meaning.

  9. It gave place to a mere puzzled look on his, provoked, no doubt, by the expression of cold fatigue on hers and her silence.

  10. There had been so little on which to base the excitement--so little that he was puzzled as to what had caused the scene with his wife.

  11. His one interest in making money, just as if they had some one to leave it to, puzzled her.

  12. As he pondered, puzzled and disappointed, it came to him that he needed something by which to measure his wealth, someone whose appreciation of it would make it real to him, give him a genuine sense of its possession.

  13. James for about three weeks, the latter was puzzled to find that Mr. Crips was far from penniless.

  14. Leaning back in his chair, with his hands clasped behind his head, a position he always assumed when puzzled and perplexed, the rector looked at her a moment before he spoke.

  15. She turned a very puzzled face to her mother.

  16. I don't understand"--a puzzled line settling in her fair brow.

  17. She did not like things that puzzled her.

  18. Charles looked in his face with a puzzled expression.

  19. Look here, boy," said the puzzled traveller, "what possible good would it do you to smash my baggage?

  20. She paused and regarded the irises with a puzzled frown, still trying to examine her narrative critically.

  21. If you were to ask me, NOW, what effect the right of suffrage, office, and all the duties of men has had upon the morals of the women of our State, I should be puzzled what to say.

  22. But in your case, Enos, I am puzzled to find where the difference lies.

  23. Mr. Johnson, meanwhile, though enjoying the cheerful humor of his hosts, was not a little puzzled with regard to its cause.

  24. Even Mrs. Whiston, with all her experience, was a little puzzled by this change of mood.

  25. He was too much puzzled and excited to keep still.

  26. During this brief interchange of remarks, Lady Merthyr Tydvil had been gazing rather fixedly at Austin, with her head on one side like an enquiring old bird, and a puzzled expression on her face.

  27. I do not know," she said at length, in a vague, puzzled tone.

  28. It was plain that the townsfolk were puzzled how to come at us without suffering great loss.

  29. You have puzzled and foiled me, and I want to understand you.

  30. She turned then, asking no questions; but she looked at me from time to time in a puzzled way, as though she thought she ought to know me--as though I reminded her of some one.

  31. I was puzzled on this point myself, now I came to consider it.

  32. The three looked at each other with puzzled question.

  33. He was puzzled that Lord Derby toasted him, with the smile his own father might have given him--was bewildered when the men rose to the toast with a joyous roar.

  34. Then they passed into the Deanery, and the manservant who opened to them bowed with some added hint of ceremony that puzzled Michael.

  35. However, he perceived at once that further attempts to penetrate the mystery would be useless, and he kept musing on the strangeness of the circumstance, as profoundly puzzled as before.

  36. Yes, perhaps you are, and you'll be more puzzled yet when you know all.

  37. The girl shook her head, eyeing the document with a puzzled expression.

  38. Meanwhile, Jack's puzzled frown had turned to a look of absolute dismay and incredulity as he read.

  39. And the wise young person at his side kept silence; a little puzzled but content, and waiting, wisely waiting.

  40. However puzzled Hartigan might be by the complexities of the female mind, the mental processes of the unlettered male were quite familiar to him and he showed his comprehension by a simple challenge.

  41. Hartigan was frankly puzzled by the turn of affairs.

  42. Never once did his conversation turn on the Church or its work; and Belle was puzzled and uneasy.

  43. Rivals examined the work of the week, corrected everything, and explained all that had puzzled the youth.

  44. One thing puzzled Jack: he had not yet seen his royal Highness.

  45. The caravans from Sana'รก, the capital, used to carry patterns of vases to be made in China and bring back the porcelains at the end of the third year: these are the Arabic inscriptions which have puzzled so many collectors.

  46. Then said the Lady of Beauty to him, "What ails thee to look puzzled and perplexed?

  47. The captain puzzled over the letter a good deal.

  48. The clergyman's wife seemed a trifle puzzled and perturbed by the Phillips expression and attitude.

  49. We are not now, because," her eyes turned to and dwelt upon the puzzled face of Captain Sears Kendrick, "we were interrupted.

  50. But I don't understand," repeated the puzzled Elizabeth.

  51. He pondered and puzzled over it the greater part of the night and then reached the conclusion which the male usually reaches under such circumstances, namely, that he had better ask her pardon.

  52. But at once a puzzled look came over his face, and he turned to his fellow wireless man.

  53. I don't quite get you," said Bob, with a puzzled air.

  54. When the sermon came, it took Mr Wentworth's admirers by surprise, though they could not at the moment make out what it was that puzzled them.

  55. He was taking his walk in a subdued way, pondering something--and it puzzled him sorely in his straightforward, unprofound understanding.

  56. He was even at the moment a little puzzled to have such a despairing petition addressed to him.

  57. Kings and princes had been known to marry far out of their degree for the sake of a beautiful face; and why a Perpetual Curate should be so much more lofty in his sentiments, puzzled and irritated the clerk of St Roque's.

  58. I suppose a man may change his religion, sir, without getting rid of his natural affections," said the Squire, gazing out with puzzled looks to watch Gerald going slowly down the avenue.

  59. To say so much in looks and so little in words, was a mode of procedure which puzzled Lucy.

  60. But you were very hard upon poor Leeson, my dear," said the Rector, with his puzzled look, when she had regained her composure.

  61. To be sure, Gerald Wentworth had gone over to the Church of Rome, which was a step too far to be compatible with the English brotherhood; but popular imagination, when puzzled and in a hurry, does not take time to master all details.

  62. As for Mr Wodehouse, he was more and more puzzled how to interpret these tears in his daughter's eyes.

  63. This speech at first puzzled Mrs. Jennings exceedingly.

  64. What Edward had done to forfeit the right of eldest son, might have puzzled many people to find out; and what Robert had done to succeed to it, might have puzzled them still more.

  65. I should be puzzled to spend so large a fortune myself," said Mrs. Dashwood, "if my children were all to be rich without my help.

  66. That morning the mail collector on Grand Avenue was not a little puzzled over a package which was quite properly addressed to a Johnny Thompson of a certain address on Grand Avenue.

  67. One glance about the room, a halting puzzled stare at the pistol and arrow hanging over Drew's bed, then he was gone.

  68. His manner puzzled her, made her afraid in spite of herself.

  69. He informed West of this before departing, and was slightly puzzled by a certain humourous gleam that shone in the steely eyes at the news.

  70. The man's whole demeanour puzzled Babbacombe--his total lack of shame or penitence, his savagery of resentment.

  71. We should be puzzled how to pack them all, should not we?

  72. If he had worded his interrogation differently, I should have been sorely puzzled to answer it; as it is, in the form his question takes, I find a loop-hole of escape.

  73. I was only puzzled to know what had become of you?

  74. As we came home through the fields singing, if any one had given me three wishes, I should have been puzzled what to ask--and now!

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "puzzled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    addled; agape; aghast; agog; amazed; annoyed; anxious; astounded; awestruck; baffled; bamboozled; beat; beguiled; beset; bewildered; bewitched; bothered; breathless; captivated; confounded; confused; daze; dazed; disconcerted; distressed; dizzy; dumbfounded; embarrassed; enchanted; enraptured; enthralled; entranced; fascinated; flabbergasted; floored; fuddled; gaping; groggy; harassed; hypnotized; irked; licked; lost; mesmerized; muddled; mystified; nonplussed; overwhelmed; perplexed; perturbed; plagued; puzzled; quizzical; spellbound; staggered; staring; stuck; stumped; stupefied; surprised; thunderstruck; troubled; vague; vexed; wondering; worried

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    puzzled expression; puzzled frown; puzzled look