The casualties were insignificant for the forces engaged, as there were but five killed and 12 wounded on the Union side, and four killed and 16 wounded on the Confederate.
It is said that this regiment suffered more casualties than any other regiment from Iowa.
Cook ofcasualties sustained by his company: "Killed--Private Perry Hoyt.
These casualties and the attendant noise, the heavy tramp of booted feet, the raucous sonority of their voices as they called suggestions to each other, all intensified the terror, the tumult of their uncontrolled and turbulent presence.
It seemed a sort of game of tag--a grim game; for the loss of life in these futile manoeuvres amounted to far more in the long run than the few casualties in each skirmish might indicate.
Numerous applications for pensions, based upon the casualties of the existing war, have already been made.
The casualtiesare much higher than any one anticipated,--over one thousand killed and wounded (about 1060).
All the divisions suffered in nearly equal proportion, the casualties amounting to 1066, of which about one fourth were killed or permanently disabled.
But our troops had made extraordinary exertions, our casualties were great, and the general determined to operate against the city after deliberately weighing its capacity for defense.
It can well be believed that a large proportion of the casualties were never reported or recorded.
The number of ships reported is in excess of the casualties reported, because in cases of collision two or more ships are involved in one casualty.
Heavy casualties were incurred, but they failed to reach the enemy's position.
Having suffered heavy casualties on the Western Front, few of the original number left France, bound for Basrah via the Suez Canal.
Casualties were very light and Captain Haldane did excellent work sniping and kept the enemy well in hand.
Eleven other G3M2s had been damaged; casualties included 15 dead and one slightly wounded.
Shortly before dawn, a Japanese sailor who had hidden himself among the heaps of casualties surrounding Hanna’s gun shot and killed the gallant Captain Elrod.
Antiaircraft fire shot down one plane and damaged four; Japanese casualties included eight men killed.
Although many air raids had occurred, he reported, that most had resulted in few casualties and little damage to installations.
The following was our roll of casualties in this fight.
The casualties of the fight were twenty-five wounded.
Unfortunately, the casualtiesduring this movement were heavy, some 200 slain, wounded, and missing.
The casualtieswere as follows:-- Killed--Captain F.
The totalcasualties on Colonel Plumer's side were said to be seventy-eight.
The total British casualties were eighteen killed and about thirty wounded.
The following casualtiesoccurred in General Ian Hamilton's column during the day's fight: Second Lieutenant R.
The remaining casualties were among the irregulars.
Four hundred Dervishes had fallen, great numbers had been wounded, while the British casualties amounted to a native officer of the camel corps dangerously wounded, one man killed, and three wounded.
They had no difficulty in finding Colonel Lewis, who was receiving a report, from the officers of the two battalions, of the casualties they had sustained.
There were fully a thousand of these, and the greater portion of ourcasualties took place from their fire, while the troops were occupied in repelling the main attack.
Altogether, twenty-two officers and men were killed, and fifty wounded; and there were one hundred and nineteen casualties among the horses.
Our casualties during the three days' fighting, though probably severe, are not nearly so heavy as those suffered by the enemy, from whom a large number of prisoners have been taken.
The total casualties of the chasseurs were three killed, three captured, and six wounded.
You will be grieved to learn that among our casualties from sickness my poor dear wife and infant have been numbered.
The list of individual casualties mounted up in increasing ratio, and before long our misfortunes culminated in a wholesale disaster.
There passed into our hands four guns; which cannot be said to have been dearly purchased at six casualties a-piece.
Our gains were paid for with numerous casualties and when we received our relief it was thoroly welcome.
The casualties suffered from the raid, together with those resulting from the gas attack of June 24th, so depleted the Company as to make an immediate relief imperative and that same night Company L took over our sector.
The Germans, whose casualties were heavy, had been compelled to engage their second-line divisions.
The month has been marked by numerous and disastrous steam-boat explosions and casualties at sea.
Unknown thousands perish at sea from storm and shipwreck, while the recorded casualties from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and tidal waves have numbered nearly one hundred and fifty thousand in the past twenty-eight years.
However, a proposal that the lights shall now be entirely extinguished with a view to reducing the casualties to nil has not yet been adopted.
There was plenty to be done, for the casualties amounted to four men seriously wounded and about a dozen others suffering from slight injuries.
Had these weapons been used the casualties here must have been very heavy, for the light battery resembled a scrap-iron store.
They'd come hover and inflict severe casualties on hour men.
This is true except at Lens, where the overseas casualties were considerably heavier.
On this occasion the king went to the cathedral, and, after divine service was performed, solemnly promised to exert his best endeavours to repair the ruins which time, or the casualties of weather, had made therein.
The casualties were: Privates Russell, Braxton and Morris, severely wounded; Privates F.
No casualties among Turkish officers, but one of them left in charge of the fort had disappeared.
So impressed was the commanding officer by the terrible casualties suffered at the hands of the Boer marksmen, that he vowed he would make his battalion the best shooting unit in the Army, and after the war succeeded in so doing.
Nickname: "The Bloody Eleventh," from the number of casualties at the battle of Salamanca.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casualties" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.