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Example sentences for "allus"

Lexicographically close words:
allurement; allurements; allures; alluring; alluringly; allusion; allusions; allusive; allusiveness; alluvia
  1. Mikky was allus welcome to a bite an' a sup ef any uv us had it by.

  2. Sarves you right: you're allus letting out at somebody.

  3. I can allus recklect that there's a Nic in it.

  4. There's allus blacks about; and it's on'y missus as is so scared about 'em.

  5. Sinfai as he approached; “he’s allus ’appy.

  6. Bress your heart, honey, Aun' Sheba'll allus be proud to hab you come.

  7. It's wot you granpa used ter call genus, an' you allus hab it, eben when you was a chile an' want ter muss in de kitchen.

  8. And now, Harry, take out that fiddle of yours and let's have a tune; my pipe allus seems to draw better and sweeter while you are playing.

  9. Yow allus have a way o' overdoin' things, you know, Dick.

  10. Yet them pups" (disgustedly) "is like children, allus ungrateful.

  11. Some o' them rascally boys as is ever and allus about this 'ere yard, and spends their lives shyin' stones at every blessed sign they sets their two eyes on, has done this.

  12. Allus there fust, with a whoop and a shout, And he never shut up till the fire was out.

  13. And he'd howl down the ro'd in a big cloud of dust, For he made it his brag he was allus there fust.

  14. We're allus open till twelve, and sometimes all night--when it pays.

  15. He was allus runnin' into somethin' that didn't concern him.

  16. I allus thought ther was a good 'eal of old Ezry in John Wesley.

  17. Allus in far spellin'-matches and the like, and learnin' songs and sich.

  18. Nights like these and whipperwills allus brings that voice of his!

  19. And youngest one--was allus far the old home here--but no!

  20. Steve loved his mother--allus loved his mother, and would fight far her at the drap o' the hat.

  21. Pears like I'm allus a-runnin' into somepin' else.

  22. I allus thought Mamie rather cottoned to him, and it was the old woman who fought shy, thinkin' Mamie would do better.

  23. He allus stops and goes back like a dog on a chain.

  24. Foxy and me, we dunna allus know what we want.

  25. It inna allus the prettiest as get lovers.

  26. Why's the skip allus full of honey at summer's end?

  27. And when we take honey there's allus bees hurted.

  28. You're allus talkin' like it did--like I had one foot in the grave and was gaspin' my last.

  29. It's what I've allus dreaded, an allus expected, ever sence I fust sot foot on this benighted strand.

  30. Is it perrobable that advuss circumstances air goin' to allus eventooate thus?

  31. Durned old Indians are allus turnin' it off, ain't they?

  32. You allus been doin' that way, ewy evenin', I bet.

  33. The most aggervatin' feature uv it all wuz that a new one uv them cussid cyclopeedies wuz allus sure to show up at the wrong time,--when Leander wuz hard up or had jest been afflicted some way or other.

  34. A bargain's a bargain, an' I allus stick to one I make," and he virtuously took a chew of tobacco while he inspected the afternoon sky with a clear conscience.

  35. A bargain's a bargain, an' I allus stick to one I make.

  36. He lights out for a trip now and again, and ol' Tank allus tags along, grumblin'.

  37. We kept two men allus at the look-out with Horace's field glasses.

  38. Then again, it's allus hard for me to tell what is the true beginnin' of a story.

  39. All he asked was to have his own way and be comfortable; and so he allus kept more punchers 'n he had actual need of, and unless they got jubilant over imposin' on him, he just shut his eyes and grinned about it.

  40. I allus had better luck with Horace after I'd spurred him up a bit.

  41. We moved down to Olaf's, and each night we fetched in his little bunch o' cows, an' allus kept up some hosses in the corral.

  42. She said she still had it on her mind that she had lost something precious; but she couldn't make out what it could have been, and the Friar allus told her not to worry, but to just rest herself back to complete strength.

  43. I knew what love did to a man, and that I hadn't seen the same woman he had; but the' was another face allus before my eyes, and no one else was beautiful to me.

  44. I have allus believed that all wars were useless and unnecessary; but it's sometimes hard for me to love my enemies.

  45. I allus heared dead folks was just h'ants, trying to layway and scare folks," said Iry.

  46. And the Cheevers they has allus lived down the branch from us.

  47. We Marrses don't do no low-down fighting,--we allus fight in the open.

  48. It was allus purely silly about Blant, allowing he's its maw.

  49. I allus used to swill all I could hold, from New Christmas to Old Christmas," said Killis.

  50. He paused, as I passed, to blow his nose after the good old fashion of our first parents, to be cruelly reminded by her, "I allus blow mine on a handkerchief!

  51. And Blant he haint able to look out for hisself with so much to tend to, and needs me there to be eyes for him, especially now, with Christmas coming on, and all the drinking and devilment that is allus done then.

  52. This is the kind of nights I allus keep watch for the Cheevers," said Nucky.

  53. I bring a lock of 'air that 'e allus used to wear, An' you'd best go look for a new love.

  54. I never seed a scud on the 'Banks' but 'ut it was allus follered by a fog.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.