You may go to the diuels dam: your guifts are so good heere's none will holde you: Their loue is not so great Hortensio, but we may blow our nails together, and fast it fairely out.
I am a Votarie, I haue vow'd to Iaquenetta to holde the Plough for her sweet loue three yeares.
I will wage against your Gold, Gold to it: My Ring I holde deere as my finger, 'tis part of it Iach.
I dare not fight, but I will winke and holde out mine yron: it is a simple one, but what though?
This Ladye seeinge her Louer nousled in hir lust, dandled him with a thousand trumperyes, and made hym holdethe Mule, while other enioyed the secrete sporte which earst hee vsed hymself.
It resteth in you both to holde vp your hand, and keepe your promise, to the end that the Lord Nicholas, deceiuyng and mocking me, may not trust and put affiance in your force, vnto whych I heartily do recommend my selfe.
Holde thy peace therefore thou foolysh girle, for greater honour and more ample Benefite is meant to thee, than thou hast deserued.
Wyll yee bee so mated and dumped, as the shadow alone of a fond and inconstant young man, shall holdeyour Nose to the Grindstone, and drawe you at his lust lyke an Oxe into the stall?
And as he fixed his eyes aloft vp to the heauens, a flash of lightning glaunced on his Face so violently, as it made him to holde downe his head, lyke a lyttle Chyld reproued of his maister.
For we holde it to be part of an honest and ingenuous mind, as to refute false crimes, so not to challenge vndeserued praise vnto himselfe, nor to accept it being offered.
We holde his most holy Word to be the onely rule of our saluation: and that alone (al mans deuises being cast away and contemned) we propound vnto our selues as an infallible rule, and leuel of our faith (Galat.
Without Caleis in their Butter they cakked When they fled home, and when they leysure lacked To holde their siege, they went like as a Doe: Well was that Fleming that might trusse, and goe.
Yes, quod the courtier, one may holde hym well inough.
A courtier on a tyme that alyghted of his horse at an Inde[204] gate sayde to a boye that stode therby: Ho, syr boye, holdemy horse.
Holde thy peace, foole, said the curate; they wyll scantly beleue, that they were fyue hundred.
The boye, as he had ben aferde, answered: O maister, this a fierce horse; is one able to holde him?
Of the courtier that bade the boye to holde his horse.
To whome therfore openly the frere spake and sayd: thou woman there in the tawny gowne, holde thy peace and leaue thy babelynge; thou troublest the worde of God.
Well, quod the boye, if one be able inough, than I pray you holde hym your owne selfe.
Northerne starres causeth the earth there to shake off the Sea, as some Philosophers doe thinke: or finally for the great store of waters engendered in that frostie and colde climate, that the bankes are not able to holde them.
Here our goldfiners made say of such Ore as they found vpon the Northerland, and found foure sortes thereof to holde golde in good quantitie.
St. Paul speaks of a sacrifice once offered; we holde the host to be a continuall sacrifice.
But "my state is so tost and weather-beaten, that it hath nowe no anchor-holde left to cleave unto.
The starres, thou seest, holde back their twinckling shine And Luna hides her-selfe to pleasure vs.
In hernes holde hem and in halke, And prechin of tythes and offrend, 490 And untruely of the gospell talke; For his mercy, god it amend!
And siker, if ye holde not the rule of youre patrons, ye be not than hir freres; and so ye lye upon youre-selves!
And sith ye will receyve money in your hertes and not with youre handes, it seemeth that ye holde more holinesse in your hondes than in your 230 hertes; and than be ye false to god.
Now see, in good trouth; holde ye nat such sonnes worthy of no reverence, and dignites 115 worthy of no worship, that maketh men to do the more harmes?
And also it mot ofte ben out of thought; for no remembraunce may holde oon thing continuelly in herte, be it never so lusty 20 desyred.
I have no power you to do grevaunce, Nor to punisshe non other creature; But, to eschewe the more encomberaunce, 775 To kepe us from you al, I holde it sure.
I holde it for no gift, in sothfastnesse, That oon offreth, where that it is forsake; For suche gift is abandoning expresse That with worship ayein may not be take.
And how this wil first in-to man first assented, I holde it profitable to shewe; but if the first condicion of resonable creature wol be considred and apertly loked, lightly the cause of suche wil may be shewed.
Lay three or fower balls before you, and as many boxes or small candlesticks &c, then first seeme to put one ball into your left hand, and therewithall seeme to holde the same fast.
This king by Louing Hir whome he neuer saw, fared like the man that in his slepe dreamed that he had in holde the thynge furthest from him.
The poore Mayden hearinge there resolution, and seeing that shee vaynely dysparckled hir Voyce into the Ayre, began to holde hir peace, whych caused the Louer to speake vnto hir these wordes: "And what my Wench?
Amadour not being so nere death as he saide he was, left of his holde in suche good time, as the Ladye opening her closet, founde him at the dore, and Florinda farre enough from him.
And at his returne he tolde vs that it was very true, that they would lay holde of vs if they could.
The mooste partie of this peple That passeth on this erthe, Have thei worship in this world, Thei wilne no bettre; Of oother hevene than here Holde thei no tale.
Have ynough, and say hoe: And do well and better, and flee sinne, and seeke peace and holde you therin, and so biddeth John Trewman and all his fellowes.
Awey fro the auter thanne Turne I myne eighen, 2690 And bi-holde Eleyne Hath a newe cote; I wisshe thanne it were myn, And al the web after.
I kanholde love-dayes, And here a reves rekenyng; Ac in canon nor in decretals I kan noght rede a lyne.
For sith charite hath ben chapman, And chief to shryve lordes, Manye ferlies han fallen In a fewe yeres; 130 But holy chirche and hii Holde bettre togidres, The mooste meschief on molde Is mountynge wel faste.
But hennes-forth I wol my proces holde To speke of aventures and of batailles, That never yet was herd so grete mervailles.
What that he seith, I holde it ferme and stable; I say the same, or elles thing semblable.
Holde thy tonge folish knaue I do not meane so 880 +Remdt+ I here now ye cannot agre, which of you should go +Wyll.
From thy company I cannot abyde I must nedes holde upon thy syde yllwyll and shrewdwit who caa hyde For they will be together.
Holde the conueiance of his land, and must The honor lie there?
Clowne Why his hide is so tanned with his trade, That it will holde out water, that's a parlous Deuourer of your dead body, a great soaker.
Queene Nay, how i'st with you That thus you bend your eyes on vacancie, 80 And holdediscourse with nothing but with ayre?
And I knowe neuer, nowher fer ner neer, Man that was gladde to bynde him prysonier, Thoughe that his prysoun, his castell, or his holde Wer depeynted with asure or with golde.
Nexst in ordre, this bochier stoute and bolde That killed hathe bulles and boores olde, This Berthilmew, for al his broode knyff, Yit durst he neuer with his sturdy wyff In no mater holde chaumpartye.
I1] Clowne Why his hide is so tanned with his trade, That it will holde out water, that's a parlous Deuourer of your dead body, a great soaker.
Queene Nay, how i'st with you That thus you bend your eyes on vacancie, And holde discourse with nothing but with ayre?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.