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Example sentences for "forren"

Lexicographically close words:
forrard; forreign; forreigne; forrein; forreine; forrests; forrin; forrit; forrud; forsaid
  1. But he would not enter into the Tower, bicause (as ye haue heard before) he had aduowed not to enter the fortresse of anie forren prince, in the which a garrison was mainteined.

  2. To what horror (O lord) for any true English hart to consider, that such an execrable iniquitie should euer so bewray you, as for pleasing of a forren enimie to imbrue your hands in your bloud, and to ruine your owne natiue soile.

  3. So it was in England till her Maiesties most noble father for diuers good respects, caused his owne head and all his Courtiers to be polled and his beard to be cut short.

  4. This pleasant and speedy reuers of the former wordes holpe all the matter againe, whereupon the Duke became very pleasaunt and dranke a bolle of wine to Heywood, and bid a cup should alwayes be standing by him.

  5. Which the subtill Italian well obserued by the successes thereof, saying in Prouerbe.

  6. And in a Prince it is comely to giue vnasked, but in a subiect to aske vnbidden: for that first is signe of a bountifull mynde, this of a loyall & confident.

  7. And first of all what buildings or houses they doe vse namely according to Munster, Krantinus, Frisius &c.

  8. Appointed Ambassador to Paris in 1570, he distinguished himself by the extensive system of "secret police," or spies which he established.

  9. In the meane time contention rose betwene the people and the fathers, howbeit the feare of forren partes, linked their mindes together, in the bands of concord.

  10. And what need I to put you in mind of king Iohn his fauourable safe conduct, whereby all forren merchants were to haue the same priuileges here in England, which our English merchants enioied abroad in their seuerall countreys.

  11. The original proceedings and successe of the Northren domestical and forren trades and traffique of this Isle of Britain from the time of Nero the Emperour, who deceased in the yeere of our Lord 70.

  12. Yet after they had acknowledged their dutie, your lordship on her Maiesties behalfe conducted her safely through our English chanell, and performed all good offices of honor and humanitie to that forren Princesse.

  13. Moreouer they had no forren prince to intercept or molest them, but their owne Townes, Islands and maine lands to succour them.

  14. This daie Michaell Bullocke complayneth of William Webbe forren brother for workeinge with Henrye Needeham beinge not ceassed with him and for grindeinge of rasares[149] And Needeham is to be warned to the nexte Courte.

  15. This daie Henry Eaton uppon warninge appeared before the maisters or Governors for keepinge a forren Jorneyman whereuppon it was ordered that the said Eaton shoulde put a waie the said fforren before the next courte daye.

  16. This day John ffoxe a forren Barbor appeared before the M{rs} and was by them forbidden to keepe shopp in London any more for Barbinge or Surgery, And he pˀmissed that he would not.

  17. This daye it is ordered that Humfrey Gorston bringe in his fyne at the next Courte for teachinge of a forren his Art.

  18. And with like ease wee may make of the wooddes there plentie of sope asshes, a comoditie very dere and of greate and ample vente with us, and elsewhere in forren kingdomes of Europe.

  19. Hath not he divers tymes sente forren forces into Ireland, furnished with money, armor, munition, and victualls?

  20. And greate joyninge in contribution upon so happy begynnynges geveth abilitie to fortifie, to defende all forren force in divers comodious places even at the firste.

  21. After the warres foulie ended in forren parties, ciuill dissention began againe at home, diuided speciallie into two factions.

  22. These northerne people, after they were once passed ouer the riuer of Trent, spoiled and wasted the countrie afore them, in maner as if they had beene in the land of forren enimies.

  23. Because of these & other his hard dooings, doubting the malice of his enimies, he procured the friendship of forren princes.

  24. King Egbert gladlie receiued them, and promised to defend them from all forren enimies.

  25. And first he endeauoured either to preuent or appease all forren warres, especially against the Danes, who were then chiefly feared in England, as well in regard of their former victories, as for that they pretended title to the Crowne.

  26. Sidenote: Forren monies forbidden to go as currant.

  27. In the same parlement were statutes made concerning religious men, which had their head and cheefest houses in forren regions.

  28. Neither are the moulds of anie forren barkes so conuenientlie made, to brooke so well one sea as another lieng vpon the shore in anie part of the continent as those of England.

  29. The manner to liue in these vniuersities, is not as in some other of forren countries we see dailie to happen, where the students are inforced for want of such houses, to dwell in common innes, and tauerns, without all order or discipline.

  30. In diuerse forren countries they cause their red and fallow deere to draw the plough, as we doo our oxen and horsses.

  31. This [Sidenote: Englishmen apt to learne any forren toong.

  32. In Plinies time the like affection to forren drugs did rage among the Romans, whereby their owne did grow in contempt.

  33. Howbeit of all in England there are no worse ins than in London, and yet manie are there far better than the best that I haue heard of in anie forren countrie, if all circumstances be dulie considered.

  34. So that herein we haue a perfect view of the perplexed state of princes, cheeflie when they are ouerswaied with forren & prophane power, and not able to assure themselues of their subiects allegiance and loialtie.

  35. Sidenote: The arriuall of forren souldiers to the kings aid.

  36. Our children are taken from us, we are forced to go to the musters, and are set foorth to serue in forren parties, as those that are ignorant which way to spend our liues in the quarell of our owne countrie.

  37. Valentians, A valendo, of preuailing: so that it was no maruell though they were victorious subduers of forren people, sithens they were by nature created and appointed to be conquerors, and thereof had their denomination.

  38. But if it should come to passe that any forren inuasion should be made, which the Lord God forbid for his mercies sake!

  39. Indéed our physicians haue another partition of the daie, as men of no lesse learning no doubt than the best of forren countries, if we could so conceiue of them.

  40. And trulie the estimation and credit that we yéeld and giue vnto compound medicines made with forren drugs, is one great cause wherefore the full knowledge and vse of our owne simples hath bene so long raked vp in the imbers.

  41. Sidenote: Forren princes not without cause abhorre to heare of the shamefull murther of king Richard.

  42. Why, ony yesterday a forren gent said to me, "Encore de Pulley, Gasson!

  43. See what lots of forren gents comes and stays here, and many on 'em so orful ignorant that they carnt not hardly speak a word of Inglish!

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forren" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.