With these, by righte comes Coriolanus in, Whose cruell minde did make his countrie smarte; Till mothers teares, and wiues, did pittie winne.
The sighte, righte well the passers by did please, Who did reioyce to finde these goulden crommes: That all their life, their pouertie did ease.
Agayne iijc men̄ I-tolde, That dursterighte wel a-byde.
Be thou” he saide “righte nougħt a-ferde, But helpe vs wightly at this nede.
Have we a righte to believe noughte but what we can see or prove?
To nothing do I aspyre by this my presumption (righte honourable) but cherefull acceptation at your handes: desirous hereby to shew my selfe studious of a frend of so noble vocation.
Andreuccio aunsweared, that he would send for none of his company that night: but for so much as she was so importunate, he himselfe was righte well content to satisfie her request.
But whether this my coniecture bee righte or wrong, they oughte to consider, whiche firste began the warres.
Mendozza and Tolledo, families not onely rightenoble and aunciente, but also most aboundante in riches, subiectes and seignories of all the whole realme.
On the other part, behold the qualities and condicions of Guiscardo: then if you please to giue iudgement wythout affection, you shall say that he is righte noble: and that all your gentlemen be villaines in respecte of him.
But of trouth you shall not chose but take part of my supper: and althoughe my husbande be not at home (whereof I amrighte sorie,) yet you shall knowe that his wife is able to make you some good chere.
Dreame of Chaucer in mye opynyone may well (naye rather of righte sholde) contynewe his former title of The Dreame of Chaucer.
To the righte Honorable his singular goode Lorde Sir Thomas Egertone knighte lorde keper of the greate seale and Master of the Rooles of the Chancerye.
They therefore thoughte there must be Somewhat in it they shoulde like to see; soe, helde him down in spite of his hitting righte and lefte, and pulled therefrom, among sundrie lesser Matters, a carnation Knot of mine.
In Cipre men hunten with papyonns, that ben lyche lepardes: and thei taken wylde bestes righte welle, and thei ben somdelle [Footnote: Somewhat.
For righte as the fyn perle congelethe and wexethe gret of the dew of hevene, righte so dothe the verray dyamand: and righte as the perl of his owne kynde takethe roundnesse, righte so the dyamand, be vertue of God, takethe squarenesse.
Wherfore every gode Cristene man, that is of powere, and hathe whereof, scholde peynen him with all his strengthe for to conquere oure righte heritage, and chacen out alle the mysbeleevynge men.
And thei ben righte felonouse and foule, and of cursed kynde.
The kyng of that yle is fulle riche and fulle myghty, and righte devout aftre his lawe: and he hathe abouten his nekke 360 perles oryent, gode and grete, and knotted, as Pater Nostres here of amber.
For fro what partie of the erthe, that men duelle, outher aboven or benethen, it semethe alweys to hem that duellen, that thei gon more righte than ony other folk.
But whan God alle myghty wole, righte als the londes weren lost thorghe synne of Cristene men, so schulle thei ben wonnen azen be Cristen men thorghe help of God.
And zif wee ben righte children of Crist, we oughte for to chalenge the heritage, that oure Fadre lafte us, and do it out of hethene mennes hondes.
To holde the morerighte weye be see, it is wel a 1880 myle of Lombardye.
And righte faste by that place is a cave in the roche, where Adam and Eve duelleden, whan thei weren putt out of Paradyse; and there goten thei here children.
This is not the righte weye for to go to the parties, that I have nempned before; but for to see the merveyle, that I have spoken of.
Lo, yond saugh I myn owene lady daunce; 565 And in that temple, with hir eyen clere, Me caughte first my righte lady dere.
This is the righte lyf that I am inne, To flemen alle manere vyce and sinne: This doth me so to vertu for to entende, That day by day I in my wil amende.
This is o word for al; this Troilus 1660 Was never ful, to speke of this matere, And for to preysen un-to Pandarus The bountee of his rightelady dere, And Pandarus to thanke and maken chere.
And if the left be thus straite trussed vp, and the righte hanging downe, then doeth he begette a hée lambe.
And holde therighte wey of Holy Chirche, and hym shulde want no goode.
And Herry prynce of Walys, thanne the kynges eldest sone, consailed hym for to forsake his heresye, and holde the righte wey of holy chirche.
Then kyng Estmere he plight his troth 95 By heaven and his righte hand, That he wolde marrye her to his wyfe, And make her queene of his land.
Plight me your troth, nowe, kyng Estmere, By heaven and your righte hand, That you will marrye me to your wyfe, And make me queene of your land.
Ye varlet cometh righte hastilie---" You know the delightful kind of thing.
But never-the-les, my righte lady swete, Thogh that I be unconning and unmete 75 To serve as I best coude ay your hynesse.
To Daunger, Shame and Drede anoon The righte wey ben [bothe a]-goon.
I wol returne and speken of my peyne; The point is this of my destruccioun, My righte lady, my salvacioun, Is in affray, and not to whom to pleyne.
And with what righte he builded and lefte men in Hispaniola at the firste, before the Popes donation, with the selfe same righte he mighte have subdued all that he shoulde afterwardes discover.
And forasmoche as somtymes (thougbe seldome) the Indian put to death some Spaniardes upon goodd righte and lawe of due justice, they made a lawe betwene them, that for one Spaniarde they had to slaye an hundred Indians.
That the Queene of Englandes title to all the West Indies, or at the leaste to as moche as is from Florida to the Circle articke, is more lawfull and righte then the Spaniardes, or any other Christian Princes.
So, then, the Popes gifte was of no more force, then of that which they mighte have chalenged by their former righte and interest of discoverie.
Then Kyng Estmere he plight his troth, By heaven and his righte hand, That he wolde marrye her to his wyfe, And make her queene of his land.
Plight me your troth, nowe, Kyng Estmere, By heaven and your righte hand, That you will marrye me to your wyfe, And make me queene of your land.
Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he wolde not that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.
Righte deere (saithe he) in the fighte of the lorde / is the dathe of his sainctes.
With that saugh I another Rapeliche renne forth, The righte wey he wente.
Sidenote: 1444] Righte reverent and my most worshipful maister, I recomaund me to yow.
Edwarde the prince in rightegrene age, and all his noble sonnes, in suche maiestries, wherby they were more apt in haunting of armes.
And than ye shulde have righte litille nede to have thoughte, anguisshe or besinesse for to conquere and wyn ayen youre rightfulle enheritaunce, or to defende youre roiaume from youre ennemies.
How long the king is entitled to the righte enheritaunce of Angew and Mayne.
We faren as he that dronke is as a mous; A dronke man wot wel he hath an hous, But he noot which the righte wey is thider; And to a dronke man the wey is slider.
Sidenote: Year uncertain] Righte trusty and righte welbelovyd counceillours, I comaunde me to you.
Then kyng Estmere he plight his troth By heaven and his righte hand, That he wolde marrye her to his wyfe, And make her queene of his land.
This is o word for al: this Troilus 1660 Was never ful to speke of this matere, And for to preysen un-to Pandarus The bountee of his righte lady dere, And Pandarus to thanke and maken chere.
Lo, yond saugh I myn owene lady daunce; 565 And in that temple, with hir eyen clere, Me coughte first my righte lady dere.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "righte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.