The man proved both intelligent and obliging; Kirkwood had barely time to drop down beside the girl, ere the cab was swinging out into the Strand, to the peril of the toes belonging to a number of righteously indignant pedestrians.
In that same discourse President Young declares that those who were "righteously slain" were the wicked that the "Lord had to slay" in ancient Israel.
Do you want a few references of where men were righteously slain to atone for their sins?
This is a misquotation, it should be: "I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain, in order to atone for their sins.
I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain in order to atone for their sins.
Were not theserighteously slain to atone for their sins?
These three states are agreeable to God, if men righteously live in them.
This power Christ gave to the apostles and to all bishops, if they righteously hold it.
I strive to enlarge my territory, but I shall claim nothing that is not righteously my own.
Nobody would hear the evil speeches of others, far less actual assaults, if the king did not righteously protect the earth.
As they thus lived, O Bharata, righteously protecting one another, they found the task (after some time) to be painful.
After the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas are righteouslyprotecting all creatures.
In the other world, there is great difference of condition between the person that acts righteously and him that acts sinfully.
Righteously protecting all his subjects, he should honour all righteous persons by standing up when they come and by making gifts unto them.
From such an act committed thrice, one may cleanse one's self by the resolution to bear one's self righteously ever afterwards.
In former days, men righteously devoted to Sacrifices used to obtain therefrom the fruition of all their wishes.
By acting both righteously and sinfully one attains to the status of the deities.
Pururavas said, 'Tell me truly, O god of Winds, to whom, this earthrighteously belong.
Righteously or unrighteously, this kingdom hath now become ours.
Yudhishthira is, therefore, exhorted to take the sovereignty, for sovereignty, righteouslyexercised and without attachment, will crown him with bliss hereafter.
Athens, no doubt, didrighteously decide, When Phocion and when Socrates were tried: As righteously they did those dooms repent; Still they were wise whatever way they went.
In the tenth century, he adds, Howell Dha, sovereign of Wales, "decreed that a husband might righteously eject from his home the wife who had given a single kiss to any man but himself.
Let us feel and confess that this inevitable leprosy of our flesh, which is all mere disobedience to the will of God is the punishment of sin, righteously inflicted of God.
But it is sure and certain that God is most righteously offended with all this sin, and that he will never suffer it to pass away unpunished.
It was as if she had said, "I have gotten a man of God, who will conduct himself more righteously and happily than I and my Adam conducted ourselves in paradise.
This then is the punishment of the woman, which righteously fell upon her as the consequence of original sin, which she bears quite as unwillingly as she does those pains and troubles, righteously imposed on her flesh in child-bearing.
For we are here taught that our first parents, being thus righteously deprived of all other kinds of food, had nothing left for food but the herb of the field.
For out of these very words of God to Satan, there begin to shine forth grace and mercy; yea, out of the very midst of that anger, which sin and disobedience had sorighteously kindled.
God does not join them together in one and the same punishment, as he might righteously have done.
Thou mightest righteously have surrendered me to my own perverse will; left me to the fruit of my own ways, and to be filled with my own devices.
It was a political year, and he generally had something to say on matters municipal, national, or international; and he spoke out more and more freely, as with each opportunity he warmed more righteously to his subject.
So long as we remain alive we are not safe from doing things which, however righteously and honorably intended, can wreck our repute and extinguish our friendships.
When Zenith's lone Conscientious Objector came home from prison and was righteously run out of town, the newspapers referred to the perpetrators as an "unidentified mob.
But James, who was not a healthy man, was often in the wet field when another would have been in bed, and righteously in bed.
Of Annie they highly and righteously disapproved, partly because they had to feed her, and partly because she was friendly with Alec.
His catechization of Peter had clearly demonstrated that He maintained His right as the King's Son, and yet would condescend to voluntarily give what could not be righteously demanded.
God is righteously zealous of the sanctity of His own name[80] and of names given by His appointment.
John's situation must be righteously considered by all who assume to render judgment as to his purpose in sending to inquire of Christ, "Art thou he that should come?
It is the man's one title to literary fame, for spurning the thievish practice he knew so well, he was righteously indignant when The London Spy was fathered upon him.
Most righteouslyour Princess Egeria distinguishes her reign by prohibiting it,' said Lady Singleby.
Mrs. Merrill did not trouble to explain why, but Mrs. Simms through her husband soon learned the whole truth, and she was righteously indignant and even terrified.
This truth appears constantly in the Bible and is the basis of its appeals to live righteously and godly in this present world.
In the early ages of the Church it was customary to recite in holy commemoration the names of eminent Bishops, of Saints and Martyrs; the names of those who had lived righteously and had attained the perfection of a virtuous life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "righteously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: decently; honestly; honorably; immaculately; nobly; purely