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Example sentences for "reuenged"

Lexicographically close words:
retyre; retyred; reueale; reuealed; reuenge; reuenging; reuenues; reuerence; reuerenced; reuerend
  1. The Scots in hope of gaine, and desirous to be reuenged of their old greefes, came to the earle with a great companie well appointed.

  2. Wherevpon they sent their defiance vnto the French king, threatning to be reuenged on him to the vttermost of their powers.

  3. Philenio Sisterno, a Scholler of Bologna, being mocked of three faire Gentlewomen, at a banket made of set purpose he was reuenged on them all.

  4. The Steward openly confessed the treason, which he had deuised against the Ladie, and the whole occasion thereof, and thinking to be reuenged of the refusall of loue by her denied, he framed this slaunder to make her lose her life.

  5. Ah, Emperour Otho, that thou art so well reuenged nowe, with cowardly fraude and deceipt committed against thee by Alerane of Saxone, taking away her from thee, which was the staffe and future staye of thy reuerend age.

  6. But if my wyfe be slaundred, and accused wrongfully, assure thy selfe that I will be reuenged vppon thee.

  7. A President of Grenoble aduertised of the ill gouernement of his wife, took such order, that his honestie was not diminished, and yet reuenged the facte.

  8. For he suspected incontinentlye that hee was discouered, and that the Emperour had sente for him to be reuenged of the faulte so long time paste committed.

  9. It may be vnder the vaile of sugred woordes he goeth about to steale away mine honore, to be reuenged of my Parentes whych haue offended his, and by that meanes to my euerlastinge reproche to make me the fable of the Verona people.

  10. Was it not sufficient for a tirannous husband to be reuenged of hys shame, and to kill the party which had defamed him, without vsing so furious Anotamie vpon a dead body, and wherein there was no longer feeling?

  11. The Scholler aunswered: "I would thou haddest bene with hir in the place where I left hir, that I might haue bene reuenged on thee so well, as I am of hir.

  12. For, if I had not reposed my trust in thee, thou hadst not now reuenged thy self on me, which with desire most spytefull thou doest full well declare.

  13. Let it suffice thee then with this, and like an honest man content thy selfe by being a little reuenged on me, by making me to know now what it is to hurt another.

  14. Meaning therefore to be reuenged on them to the vttermost, he assembled an armie out of all parts of his realme, and entred with the same into Wales.

  15. Whereof king Henrie being aduertised, passed ouer into Normandie, recouered the said citie, punished the offenders, reuenged himselfe of the earle, and returned into England.

  16. If in déed he hath reuenged the inurie doone to my church, I confesse that I am not displeased therwith.

  17. Then let the earth be drunken with his bloud, Ile kill my horse because I will not flie: And here to God of heauen I make a vow, Neuer to passe from forth this bloudy field Till I am full reuenged for his death.

  18. Reuenged maie shee be on that accursed Duke.

  19. But whether their perswasion be to the ende they may be reuenged of their enemies, or for the loue they beare to vs, we leaue that to the tryall hereafter.

  20. During the time of the conflict they cryed and made signes that they were the Captaines and Lieutenants friends: and that they fought for none other cause but to be reuenged on the Souldiers, which were their mortall enemies.

  21. The Paracoussy being wonderfully offended with this brauado, bethought himselfe by all meanes how hee might be reuenged of vs.

  22. Such is the heate of hate in mindes that are mighty; who seldome hold it any breach of Iustice, to bee reuenged of him who offereth dishonor.

  23. These deteined the French King in some tariance in France, whilest the King of England either recouered or reuenged his losses against the Earle of Aniou.

  24. To the end that he might subdue the Realme of England, and reduce it vnto his catholique Religion, and by that meanes might be sufficiently reuenged for the disgrace, contempt and dishonour, which hee (hauing 34.

  25. His pretense was, to spoile and destroie Westminster, and the suburbs of the citie on that side, and after to assault the citie it selfe, to trie if he might enter by force, and so be reuenged of the citizens that had refused to receiue him.

  26. Whereby it should seeme that he was throughlie reuenged of them euen to their no small smart, not in word and threatning, but with sword and bloud-shedding, defending his innocencie, and manfullie shewing his warlike mind.

  27. Herevpon prince Edward now to be reuenged of them, after they began to flie, most egerlie following them, chased & slue them by heaps.

  28. For they forced not what part they tooke, so that they might be reuenged on the king of England: and so against my will made me to learne English, and taught me what I should doo and saie.

  29. Wherefore if that thou hast any great grudge to me, Before this day be spent and past it shall reuenged be.

  30. But as though they had wrong [A conflict between the Negros for to reuenged be, and our men.

  31. Castor and Pollux there all complet stand him by, Least if that Mars conuinced were they might reuenged be.

  32. Berreo, inraged heerewithall, sent all the strength he could make into Aromaia, to be reuenged of him, his people, and countrey.

  33. So as both to be reuenged of the former wrong as also considering that to enter Guiana by small boats, to depart 400.

  34. I found occasions of staying in this place for two causes: the one was to be reuenged of Berreo, who the yere before 1594.

  35. Sidenote: The murther reuenged by women at the appointment of Gods iustice.

  36. But the cheefe and onelie cause vndoubtedlie, was the diuision within the realme, euerie great man desiring rather to be reuenged on his foe at home, than on the common enimie abroad, as by that which followeth you may plainelie perceiue.

  37. These newes were right ioiful vnto Egelred, who burning in desire to be reuenged on them that had expelled him out of his kingdome, made no longer tariance to set [Sidenote: Edmund K.

  38. But whether he was thus tormented or not, or rather died (as I thinke) of the anguish by putting out his eies, no doubt but his death was reuenged by Gods hand in those that procured it.

  39. Nothing so long of memorie as a dog, these Italians are old dogs, and will carrie an iniurie a whole age in memorie: I haue heard of a box on the eare that hath been reuenged thirtie yeare after.

  40. But he woorthilie reuenged himselfe of this iniurie.

  41. Constantine went about to be reuenged of such a traitorous practise, Herculeus fled to Marsiles, purposing there to take the sea, and so to retire to his sonne Maxentius into Italie.

  42. This wicked and vngodly Witch reuenged her furie vpon goods, so that euery one neare her sustained great losse.

  43. Let vs now be reuenged (madame) not onely to render vnto them, what they deserue, but to satisfie the loue which for my part I can no longer beare, except I should die.

  44. And by that meanes he was reuenged of his enemy, and saued the honour of his house.

  45. Moreouer, king Ceadwalla inuaded the kingdome of Kent, where he lost his brother Mollo, as after shall appéere, but yet he reuenged his death with great slaughter made of the inhabitants in that countrie.

  46. Sidenote: 3] The third was to be reuenged of the wrong doone vnto Robert archbishop of Canturburie, who (as he was informed) was exiled by the meanes and labor of Harold in the daies of king Edward.

  47. The king to be reuenged vpon Androgeus, gathered a power, and began to make warre vpon him.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuenged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.