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Example sentences for "reuenues"

Lexicographically close words:
reueale; reuealed; reuenge; reuenged; reuenging; reuerence; reuerenced; reuerend; reuerent; reuerentia
  1. Whereupon it commeth to passe, that vnto this day the whole Island is the kings owne Fee-simple, and that all the reuenues thereof pertaine vnto him.

  2. Footnote: Rushen] Also hee inriched with reuenues and indued with priuiledges al places of religion within his islands.

  3. In the beginning of Lent the king gaue to his sonne prince Edward the rule of the citie of London, with all the reuenues and profits thereto belonging.

  4. About Easter, the archbishop of Rone came ouer into England, and dooing homage for such reuenues as belonged to his church here within this realme, had the same restored vnto him.

  5. The bishop of Rochester returning fr[=o] the court of Rome, brought with him a bull, authorising him to receiue to his own vse the fift part of the reuenues of all the beneficed men within his diocesse.

  6. Philip earle of Flanders (for his homage) a thousand pounds of yearlie reuenues in England, and the countie of Kent, with the castles of Douer and Rochester.

  7. Euerie man of the laitie hauing goods or reuenues to the value of sixteene marks, should have one paire of curasses, an helmet, a speare, and a shield.

  8. The cause why he made this brag, was for that the king withheld from him certeine reuenues which he claimed to haue here in England, and therefore he ment to recouer them by force.

  9. That king Henrie the father should assigne to his sons more large reuenues for maintenance of their estates, with a caution included, that they should not spend the same riotouslie in any prodigall sort or maner.

  10. Also a thousand pounds Aniouin of yearelie reuenues in Normandie, and two castells there.

  11. To his sonne Richard he gaue two houses in Poictou, with the one halfe of all the reuenues of the countie of Poictou to be receiued and taken in readie monie.

  12. To his sonne Richard, he offered halfe the reuenues of Guien, and foure conuenient castels in the same.

  13. First he offered to his sonne Henrie the yoong king, the moitie or one halfe of all the reuenues belonging to the demaines of the crowne within England, and four conuenient castels within the same.

  14. In the meane time Henrie the sonne remaining at home in England, fell from all good order of measure kéeping, and gaue himselfe to all excessiue riot, spending and wasting his reuenues inordinatelie.

  15. This legat at his comming to Westminster, deposed the abbat of that place, named William from his roome, for that he was accused both of wasting the reuenues of the house, and also of notable incontinencie.

  16. This Bishoprick had diuers faire houses and large reuenues in Cornwall: but one Veyzy, Bishop of the dioces in King H.

  17. He maried one of Viels coheires; and though endowed with fayre reuenues in Deuon, maketh Cornwall beholden to his residence.

  18. And this knight not wel forseeing his poore estate, brought his wyfe home to his house, and there, at more leisure considering the same, began to fele his lacke and penury, and how hardly and scant his reuenues were able to maintein his port.

  19. This Boemian knight was also not very rich, hauing onely a Castle, wyth certain reuenues thervnto, which was scarce able to yeld vnto him any great maintenance of liuing.

  20. Also this yeare the pope granted to the king of England the tenth of ecclesiasticall reuenues for one yeare, as before that time he had likewise doone.

  21. The aphorisms which wise men have uttered on these vital topics can never fail to deserve our regard, and they will prove edifying to us, even should we, led by a higher wisdom, be inclined to say nay to them.

  22. The prince gaue to the lord Iames Audelie (who had receiued in the battell manie sore wounds) fiue hundred marks of yearelie reuenues assigned foorth of his lands in England.

  23. And their reuenues (not able to mainteine their expences) began to decrease, whereupon they were fayne to morgage and sell their inheritaunce, in suche wyse as in the ende they grewe to extreme pouertie.

  24. The Sampson went aboord on the bow, but hauing not rome enough, our quarter lay on the Exchanges bow, and our bowe on the Caracks bowe.

  25. Guinea, with the Minion of the Queens, the Iohn Baptist of London, and the Merline of M.

  26. Sidenote: The rich reuenues of the king of China.

  27. We heare say that euery day they take this order in all principall places of marchandize, for paying of the Custome vnto the king, specially for salt, whereof the greatest reuenues are made that the king hath in this Countrey.

  28. By these meanes the Herehaught groweth so rich, that although hee haue neither land nor any reuenues otherwise, yet may he be accounted the wealthiest man in all Iapan.

  29. Finally, this High Priest wont to be chosen in China for his wisedome and learning, made in Iapan for his gentry and birth, hath so large a Dominion and reuenues so great, that eftsones he beardeth the petie Kings and Princes there.

  30. These are they which may properly be called the Peeres or Princes of the Realme of China: for they deriue their houses and reuenues vnto their posterity, and so are these royall families continually preserued.

  31. Item, the king is stirred to liue onelie on his commons, and other men to haue the reuenues of the crowne, the which hath caused pouertie in his excellencie, and great paiments of the people, now late to the king granted in his parlement.

  32. Sidenote: The eleuenth part of ecclesiasticall reuenues granted to the K.

  33. Sidenote: The tenth of spirituall reuenues gr[=a]ted to the K.

  34. For as Equites Romani were chosen Ex censu, that is, according to their substance and riches; so be knights in England most commonlie according to their yearelie reuenues or aboundance of riches, wherewith to mainteine their estates.

  35. Now, for that he still defended his cause, and would not reuolt from his will, Offa depriued him of all his possessions & reuenues that he held or inioied within anie part of his dominions.

  36. I loue not learning so ill, that I will impaire the reuenues of anie one house by a pennie, whereby it may be vpholden.

  37. Also in England no man is commonlie created baron, except he maie dispend of yearelie reuenues a thousand pounds, or so much as maie fullie mainteine & beare out his countenance and port.

  38. When any Bishopricke or Abbey fell voyd, hee did apply the reuenues thereof for supply of his necessities and wants: and for that cause kept some of them many yeeres together vacant in his hands.

  39. All the reuenues of his Duchie he either sold or morgaged; all his Cities he did alien, and was vpon the point of passing away his principall Citie of Roan to the Burgers thereof, but that the conditions were esteemed too hard.

  40. Other workes of charge he left not many; neither in very deed could he, by reason of his often banishments, and the seasures of the reuenues of his Church.

  41. Now to purchase the fauour of the Clergie, he called Anselme out of exile, and restored him both to the dignitie and reuenues of the Sea of Canterbury.

  42. He also established at Caen the chamber of accounts of the reuenues of his dukedome of Normandie.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuenues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.