God will reuenge it, whom I will importune With earnest prayers, all to that effect Daugh.
King Peter like a lion pressed forward, coueting to meet with his brother Henrie, that he might seeke his reuenge on him with his owne hands.
The Scots in reuenge hereof made diuerse rodes into England, withdrawing still with their prey and booties, before the English power could assemble to giue them battell.
Moreouer, in reuengeof the wrong offered to quéene Emma by hir sonne [Sidenote: The bodie of king Harold taken vp, and throwen into Thames.
In reuenge of which contempt a great part of the countrie with the citie was burnt, and the goods of the citizens put to the spoile by such power of lords and men of warre as the king had sent against them.
Flye, to reuenge my death when I am dead, The helpe of one stands me in little stead.
Oh let no words, but deedes, reuengethis Treason Pucell.
I was the chiefe that raisde him to the crowne, And Ile be chiefe to bring him downe againe, Not that I pittie Henries miserie, But seeke reuenge on Edwards mockerie.
Tutor Oh Clifford spare this tender Lord, least Heauen reuenge it on thy head: Oh saue his life.
Withhold reuengedeare God, tis not my fault, Nor wittinglie haue I infringde my vow.
Had I thy brethren here, their liues and thine Were not reuenge sufficient for me.
My gratious Queene pardon what is past, And henceforth I am thy true seruitour, I will reuenge the wrongs done to ladie Bona, And replant Henry in his former state.
My Lord then this is my opinion, [eal020] That Warwike beeing dishonored in his embassage, Doth seeke reuenge to quite his iniuries.
Richard, I bare thy name, and Ile reuenge thy death, [ead054] Or die my selfe in seeking of reuenge.
Vrge it no more, least in reuenge thereof, I send thee Warwike such a messenger, As shall reueng his death before I stirre.
Whereunto Tullus aunswered: “Tell your maister, that the king of the Romaines doth call the Gods to witnes, whether of them first maketh the quarel, to thintent all men may expect the reuenge of those warres.
The queene vnderstanding by her husbande, the circumstance of the facte, neyther for shame did crie out, ne yet made countenaunce as though shee had seen Gyges; but in her minde purposed, to reuenge her husbandes follie.
And for myne owne parte, I doe not passe to lyue long after her, if I thought I should not haue your helpe and succour to reuenge her death.
Wherefore I intended to reuenge their deaths, not caring in the meane time what became of my selfe, so that I might in anie wise obteine my will of thée, who in such sort hast bereft me of my freends.
Moreouer, he gaue strait charge that no[22] man should hurt him, or séeke any reuenge for this his death hereafter.
No knaue thinke not that I forget the wrong receiued of thee, for which by some meanes or other, I wyll purchase iust reuenge vpon thee or thyne?
Wherefore they besought the said king to take in hand to reuenge such a vile iniurie practised against hir, and to restore the kingdome vnto the said empresse, which if he did, it should be a thing most acceptable both to God and man.
Had all his haires bin liues, my greatReuenge Had stomacke for them all Des.
Then Murther's out of tune, And sweet Reuenge growes harsh Des.
Then, with vnkindnes, Loue, reuenge thy wrong: O sweet'st reuenge that ere the heauens gaue!
In thine eyes tryumph murthering my poore hart, Now doe I sweare by heauens, before we part, My halfe-slaine hart shall take reuenge on thee.
Touching that malignant Strumpet, hir owne lyfe shall reuenge the wrongs which she hath gone about to venge on vs.
In like sorte, another whych looketh for his owne vndoinge, seeth himselfe aduaunced to hys estate agayne, by reuenge ouer his Enimies.
This was the very toile which he had laid to intrap those amorous persons and purposed to rid the world of them by that meanes, to remoue from before his eyes, the shame of a Cuckolde's title, and to reuenge the iniurie don to his reputation.
Is this a reuenge of wrong, in steede of one to kill twaine, and yet to wishe for the third to dispatch the World of our race?
The younge Lorde louingly enquired the cause of hir heauinesse: and sayd vnto hir, that if any had done hir displeasure, hee would reuenge hir cause to hir contentment.
Whereof when the erle was aduertised, he hasted thither to reuenge the slaughter of his seruant, and slue both that citizen which had killed his man, and eightéene others.
Sidenote: 2] The second was, toreuenge the death of his nephue Alured or Alfred the brother of the same king Edward, whome Goodwine earle of Kent and his adherents had most cruellie murthered.
Let vs reuenge this with our Pikes, ere we become Rakes.
For the Gods know, I speake this in hunger for Bread, not in thirst for Reuenge 2.
My affaires Are Seruanted to others: Though I owe My Reuenge properly, my remission lies In Volcean brests.
Rees hauing alreadie put armour vpon his backe, would not now incline to any peace, but to reuenge his cause, assembled a great multitude of Welshmen, with whose helpe he burnt & destroied manie townes in Wales so that the K.
The least breach of these lawes, the Hurlers take for a iust cause of going together by the eares, but with their fists onely; neither doth any among them seek reuenge for such wrongs or hurts, but at the like play againe.
Which declareth that men are growen to be farre more contentious than they haue beene in time past, and readier to reuenge their quarels of small importance, whereof the lawiers complaine not.
For when the lord saw his mill to be so spoiled, he in reuenge of his losse, brake the necke of his aduersarie, when he was going to horsebacke, as the constant report affirmeth.
I lost mine eye in laying the prize aboord, And therefore to reuenge it, shalt thou dye, And so should these, if I might haue my will Lieu.
By this Leeke, I will most horribly reuenge I eate and eate I sweare Flu.
Farewell Andronicus, reuenge now goes To lay a complot to betray thy Foes Tit.
Nay, nay, let Rape and Murder stay with me, Or els Ile call my Brother backe againe, And cleaue to no reuenge but Lucius Tam.
If they did kill thy husband then be ioyfull, Because the law hath tane reuenge on them.
And had you not by wondrous fortune come, This vengeance on me had they executed: Reuenge it, as you loue your Mothers life, Or be ye not henceforth cal'd my Children Dem.
Now iudge what course had Titus to reuenge These wrongs, vnspeakeable past patience, Or more then any liuing man could beare.
So, so, now sit, and looke you eate no more Then will preserue iust so much strength in vs As will reuenge these bitter woes of ours.
I thinke she meanes that ther was more then one Confederate in the fact, I more there was: Or else to heauen she heaues them to reuenge Ti.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuenge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.