Madame be still, with reuerence may I say it, [daj090] That euery word you speake in his defence, Is slaunder to your royall Maiestie.
This company was welcommed of the high officers, and after brought into the kings presence, all the nobilitie being present; and there after great reuerence made, M.
When the sermon was done, a pontificall Masse was celebrate with all solemnities, and all the reliques taken downe, and the lord great master and all his knights with great deuotions and reuerence heard it.
And when they were within the Turkes pauillion, and had done him reuerence as appertained, our ambassadours sayd that the great master had heard and seen his demaund to yeeld the towne.
After he had vsed such words, as wherewith best to comfort him, he brought the king foorth of that simple house with all due reuerence shewed toward him first to the shrine, and after to his chamber.
This his silence, this discretion, that his reuerence which hee sheweth, oughte to moue thee to compassion.
The kinge hauing made reuerence vnto her, after hee had well viewed all her gestures and countenaunces, thoughte that hee had neuer seen a more goodlier creature.
For there was not one, from the very least to the greateste of al, but did both loue and reuerence the Duchesse, in such sort as it seemed vnto them, that this misfortune was fallen vpon euery one of their children.
They which do not reuerence to men, do begile the Goddes.
There was indeed at the beginning, about the time of the reformation of religion, great reuerence had vnto the bishop; but neuer so great, that our politique lawes at the bishops command should giue place to outlandish lawes and customes.
Vpon these and other the like considerations, I thought it fit and very conuenient to commend with all humilitie and reuerence this first part of our English Voiages & Discoueries vnto your Honors fauourable censure and patronage.
There set they up the image of a certayne Loutea of that countrey, whom they haue in great reuerence for certaine notable thinges he dyd.
This prouinciall doth ordaine in euery conuent one, which is like vnto the prior or guardian, whom al the rest doreuerence and obey.
And here to speake of the great reuerence they giue to their king, it is such, that if we would giue as much to our Sauior Christ, we should remooue from our heads many plagues which we daily deserue for our contempt and impietie.
And he with no more reuerence then such vsage required, saluted the Emperor and went his way.
This same was she which commonlie is called saint Audrie of Elie, had in great reuerence for the opinion conceiued of hir great vertue and puritie of life.
Herevpon, manie of the English people beléeued and were baptised, hauing in great reuerence the simplicitie of those men, and the swéetenesse of their heauenlie doctrine.
First the faire reuerence of your Highnesse curbes mee, From giuing reines and spurres to my free speech, Which else would post, vntill it had return'd These tearmes of treason, doubly downe his throat.
Pale trembling Coward, there I throw my gage, Disclaiming heere the kindred of a King, And lay aside my high bloods Royalty, Which feare, not reuerence makes thee to except.
Sutch is the Reuerenceand Authoritie of the Sexe of man, wherevpon doeth ryse the comparyson of the wyfe, which doth resemble the man vnto the Sunne, and the Woman to the Moone.
The poore woman as wel for the reuerence of the Dame, as for the trouth of the matter, could not denie the facte, and therefore fallinge downe vppon her knees, asked her forgiuenes.
Howebeit, at that time peace being concluded, the Viceroy with all his captaines were come to do reuerence to the king.
As they two were together, Mithridanes asked him (to whom hee vsed conuenable reuerence as to his father) what he was?
The Sergeauntes for the reuerence of those religious women disclosed, and gaue them place to enter in before the Tyrant.
When she had supped and washed her handes, making a reuerence to the Lord of the house, shee retourned backe againe that way shee came, without speaking to any.
James, but they were quicklie set at libertie by the French kings commandement, for the reuerence of S.
This to auoide, I will neither begge ayde nor authoritie from strangers, butreuerence them as worthies and fathers of their owne Countries.
Wherefore to leaue off any further digression, I will fall to mine intended purpose: and because the whole scope of my labour hath all his aime and reuerence to the English Husbandman, I will first shew you what a Husbandman is.
But moste of all shall profite, if the chylde accustume to loue and reuerence hys master, to loue and make muche of learnyng, to feare rebuke, and delyght in prayse.
The fyrste care is to be beloued, by lytle and lytle foloweth after, not feare, but a certen liberall and gentle reuerence which is more of value then feare.
Reuerence is neglected: dewties be confounded: and to be shorte, disobedience doth ouerflowe the bankes of good order, almoste in euerie place, almoste in euerie degree of man.
Varro was so estemed for his excellent learnyng, as Tullie him selfe had a reuerence to his Cic.
And I rysing vp, made reuerence before the Royall seate of her sacred maiestie, and kneelyng downe vpon my knee, she thus said vnto me.
Where doing reuerence vnto the Emperor Alexius, we sawe the Church of Sancta Sophia, and kissed diuers sacred reliques.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuerence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.