She went on to say that she hoped her visit would not be an intrusion, but she wanted to see us, and if we could only accommodate her during the summer she would be so glad to stay, and would be willing to remunerate us doubly.
Give them a good room and good food, and I will remunerateyou as far as money goes.
But we cannot take what he has done during two hours, and say that the yield of his two hours' work is worth twice as much as the yield of another individual, who has worked only one hour, and remunerate the two in proportion.
I have ample means at my disposal, and will remunerate you for whatever trouble I may put you to.
I have ample means at my command, and will remunerate you for whatever trouble I may put you to.
It depends not only on the labour which has been employed, but also on the ability which society possesses to remunerate that labour--on Demand as well as on Supply.
For all things are common to all, on the single condition that each man takes the trouble to gather what God has given, which is very natural; or remunerate freely those who take that trouble for him, which is very just.
But if a man submits to it voluntarily for the sake of another who agrees voluntarily to remunerate it, what should render that remuneration illegitimate?
In order to obtain utility (unless the utility which nature gives us gratuitously), we must be at the pains to produce it, or remunerate another who takes the pains for us.
What we remunerate is the /services/ which all those who have co-operated in making and working the machine have rendered to us.
No part of it assuredly goes to remunerate God and nature.
Entreat them to remove the grievous burdens which they have imposed upon you, and to remunerate you for your labor.
But from this moment cease to labor for tyrants who will notremunerate you.
My report had some weight with them; inquiry is to be made into the plan proposed by me, so as to remunerate me, provided my plan is considered good.
He promised to remunerate me largely, and as an earnest gave me ten crowns.
I fancied the time had come for Martin Weyer largely to remunerate the services I had rendered him as his solicitor at the Imperial Chamber during two years, but to my written requests he answered with very bad grace when he answered at all.
The augmented supply required by the population would not be obtained, unless the price of food rose sufficiently to remunerate the farmer for the increased cost of production.
October, and the men settled with in November; and further, when the risk of sales is also taken into account, the sum left to remunerate the curer for his season's work is not very large.
Hence it may be inferred, either that the hires charged are sufficient to remunerate the merchant for his outlay and risk, or that the profits made from the fish and goods sold are so large as to allow of this bonus being given.
You do not require to take it at a price which would not remunerate yourselves?
A partial tax on profits never falls on the trade on which it is laid, for the trader will either quit his employment, or remunerate himself for the tax.
In proportion to the farmer's inability to remunerate himself, by raising the price of raw produce, for that portion of the tax which peculiarly affects him, it will be a tax on rent, and will be paid by the landlord.
Men think very differently about what will remunerate any given labour.
This will be done, without pay from the Department, over all roads where the travel will remunerate the contractors.
At present there are but three small boats or launches on the lake, and even these can hardly find trade enough to remunerate them.
Sir Robert Peel considered as the lowest which could remunerate the grower.
Only two States had acted, but they had made him independent Meanwhile Congress also was willing to remunerate him, but he had put difficulties in the way.
In a letter to Jefferson also Paine explained his reason for desiring that the States, rather than Congress, should remunerate him.
The year before, I had been requested by an American author, of great merit, to contribute to the North American Review, published for several years in Philadelphia; and he promised to remunerate me in proportion to the success of the work.
Just at this period I received a letter from a gentleman, requesting me to write for a magazine (the Literary Garland) just started in Montreal, with promise to remunerate me for my labours.
It is true, indeed, that there is not always found one to recognize, esteem, and remunerate it as that of Andrea Mantegna was recognized.
Raised by fortune, they very often chance upon some liberal Prince, who, finding himself well served by them, is forced to remunerate their labours so richly that their descendants derive great benefits and advantages from them.
House sitting as a body to remunerate those who violated the laws?