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Example sentences for "relatedness"

Lexicographically close words:
relapsed; relapses; relapsing; relate; related; relater; relates; relateth; relatif; relatifs
  1. There may be physico-chemical relatedness without any correlated vital relatedness; but there does not appear to be any vital relatedness which is not correlated with physico-chemical relatedness.

  2. And it is scarcely matter for surprise that, when we find not less specific modes of vital relatedness in the living organism, they are too apt to be just ignored!

  3. It would seem that whenever these obtain they may be correlated with other modes of relatedness which are of the vital or physiological type; and that these, in turn, may be correlated with those that are physico-chemical.

  4. My contention is that this is a mode of relatedness which science must endeavour to treat on precisely the same lines as it deals with any other natural kind of relatedness.

  5. Moore, cognitive relatedness may be termed an entity.

  6. We do not really need the word force in this sense, since the term relatedness would suffice, and has no misleading associations.

  7. How can mere relatedness as such do anything?

  8. The impression one gets, here and elsewhere, is that all forms of relatedness must somehow, by the omission of all other specific characters, be reduced to the mechanical type.

  9. There remains the case of C--the synthetic whole in which cognitive relatedness obtains.

  10. Another very important point is that cognitive relatedness is effective.

  11. And when things stand in certain kinds of relatedness to each other changes take place.

  12. At some stage of evolution this specific form of relatedness came into being, whereas before that stage was reached it was not in being.

  13. In other words, the relatedness is of the part-whole kind, where whole means rest of the whole other than the specific part.

  14. The relatedness of the two factors is shown in a practical way by the fact that, in the first instance at least, they are tacitly expected to work out their own adjustment.

  15. The qualitative aspect of reality, which Bergson usually regards as the nature of reality “in itself,” depends no less than its relational or categorical aspect on the relatedness of the object.

  16. For the relatedness of the manifold to an object will be the combination of the elements of the manifold as parts of an object constructed, and the process of synthesis involved will be that by which the object is constructed.

  17. If we accept the first alternative we must allow that, while relatedness to an object implies a process of synthesis, yet the relatedness, and therefore the synthesis, have nothing to do with knowledge.

  18. If, however, we accept the second alternative, we have to allow that while relatedness to an object has to do with knowledge, yet it in no way implies a process of synthesis.

  19. Moreover, since the relatedness is referred to as relatedness to an object, the phrase properly indicates the relation of the manifold to an object, and not to us as apprehending it.

  20. In the first place, 'relatedness of the manifold to an object' ought not to refer both to its combination in a whole and to our consciousness of the combination; and in strictness it should refer to the former only.

  21. The fact is that this step in Kant's argument exhibits the final breakdown of his view that all unity or connectedness or relatedness is conferred upon the data of sense by the activity of the mind.

  22. The method is the same as that employed by the statistician in measuring the relatedness of any two series of varying phenomena.

  23. And to the extent that this detail absorbs my attention, I lose my sight of and my relatedness to the whole person who happens to be the patient.

  24. This chapter offers some further reflections on the relatedness of humanistic nursing and art.

  25. The novelist James Agee, in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, says that though man or human relatedness never could be described perfectly it would be the greater crime not to try.

  26. Apart from mind there can be no relatedness: apart from relatedness no space: apart from space no matter.

  27. Relatedness only has a meaning when thought of in connection with a mind which is capable of grasping or holding together both terms of the relation.

  28. Consequently, it would be instructive and would add to our knowledge of the evolution of climatic adaptation to know more about the genetic relatedness of these two species as well as their historical relationship.

  29. The taxonomic relatedness of pandas to bears and raccoons has been tested extensively and a number of authors have summarized current thinking on the problem (Martin, 1989; Wayne et al.

  30. Thus significance is relatedness, but it is relatedness with the emphasis on one end only of the relation.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relatedness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.