Few things can happen more disastrous than the decay and death of a regulative system no longer fit, before another and fitter regulative system has grown up to replace it.
Reason is not, according to Spinoza, a constitutive power in man's life; it is a regulative principle.
It is thus called into play whenever impulses conflict, and is therefore naturally regulative and directive (as Butler argues) of other springs of action.
For the world of science, especially of mathematical science, is the world of considerations which have approved themselves to be effectively regulative of the operations of inference.
It is because facts are not mere facts, in short, but are the manifestation of a "determining reason and regulative principle" which finds its home in universal intelligence, that knowledge of them can become necessary and general.
An Idea] is only the schema of the regulative principle by which Reason, so far as lies in its power, extends systematic unity over the whole field of experience.
The psychological Idea, moreover, can signify nothing but the schema of a regulative principle.
The Idea of the self is there represented as performing a quite indispensable, regulative function in the development of the empirical science of psychology.
The fundamental fact upon which, as Kant has already stated, the regulative principle of Reason is based, is that it is impossible to experience an absolute limit.
Further enquiry, then, into the necessity of the Idea of God as a regulative principle, and its dangers as a source of dialectical illusion, we must defer until we have examined the one remaining argument.
The Regulative Principle of Pure Reason in regard to the Cosmological Ideas 506 Section IX.
It establishes the indispensableness of the Ideas of Reason for the completion of experience, and their legitimacy as regulative principles.
For so long as this assumption is employed only as a regulative principle, even error cannot be really harmful.
Discussion of their significance had best be deferred to the close of the Dialectic, where Kant dwells upon the regulative function of Reason.
The inadequacy of the State to regulative tasks is agreed upon, as a matter of fact, by all.
This definition presents Classicism as the regulative and conservative principle in the history of the art, and Romanticism as the progressive, regenerative, and creative principle.
The regulative institutions of society, such as government, law, religion, and education, have to grapple with this problem of adjusting individuals to the requirements of an increasingly complex social life.
So elaborate are the arrangements for the preservation of a uniform temperature throughout the body that it is practically impossible for a sunstroke to occur unless the regulative apparatus has been previously deranged by ill-health.
It is the constant effort of training to establish regulative principles in the minds of the older pupils, so that within the range of their capacity they may become self-governing.
It must succeed in implanting what may be called regulative principles in the mind.
Regulative training often calls for rousing words from the teacher.
Regulative training begins its work with the first appearance of the subjective part of character (143).
If a few raise doubts and questions, this proves that the folkways have already begun to lose firmness and the regulative element in the mores has begun to lose authority.
The appetites of men were anterior to any mores regulative of them, and the goddess Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite, or Venus is a goddess of erotic passion and reproduction.
At this point they take the character of a philosophy, and are turned back on the work, as regulative notions of how, and how much, to work.
Then they become regulative for succeeding generations and take on the character of a social force.
Ideas were cultivated by it, and it became regulative and directive as to what ought to be done.
The period was marked by the dominion of dogmatic ideas, accepted asregulative principles for the mores.
Nature, which there was a tendency to regard as the whole, is now of the essence of a wider reality and a stage in its development; and it is impossible for the conception formed from it to be regulative of the whole.
In seeking to establish norms or regulative principles, we must, it is evident, make a special study of objects of art which belong to our own level of culture.
That the regulative side of the spirit world was the natural outcome of the clan social system and the tribal government in each tribe.
We may now glance at the ideal purpose of this scientific analysis and interpretation, namely, the construction of norms or regulative principles corresponding to the severally essential elements of aesthetic value ascertained.
It seeks one or more regulative principles which may help us to distinguish a real from an apparent aesthetic value, and to set the higher and more perfect illustrations of beauty above the lower and less perfect.
Such regulative principles and standards of comparison will, it is clear, fail us just at the point where analysis stops.
The truths that were wrought out in the developing life and faith of the Hebrew-Christian people are still the regulative Christian truths, and the personality who crowned the whole development is still the Christians' Lord.
On every manor the tenants gathered at frequent periods for a great amount of petty judicial and regulative work.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regulative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.