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Example sentences for "three centuries"

  • Most of the legends of Buddhism were wholly written after the beginning of the Christian era, and it cannot be shown that any were written in their present form until two or three centuries of that era had elapsed.

  • Under the influence of such prejudices, three centuries were of as little avail as a few years in our own times, when we are no longer required to propel the vessel against the force of an adverse current.

  • If Doria had wielded his sword and shed his blood for Italy as he did for foreign masters, he might perhaps have saved us three centuries of humiliation.

  • Three centuries more of abject servitude were reserved for Italy.

  • Not one of them has any record of connected facts which bears the stamp of probability anterior to that time, nor even for two or three centuries after.

  • Three centuries and a half had then elapsed since the date,"--Ib.

  • Where language of three centuries old is employed.

  • Our language has suffered more injurious changes in America, since the British army landed on our shores, than it had suffered before, in the period of three centuries.

  • Three centuries and a half had then elapst since the date.

  • Two or three centuries before, certainly, the monasteries had gardens with a variety of vegetables; but nearly all the gardens of the laity were destroyed in the wars between the houses of York and Lancaster.

  • Three centuries were to elapse ere the court of England could rival the necromancy of the court of Tartary.

  • I do not know why the species was supposed, three centuries ago, to have come from beyond seas.

  • The culture of the banana may be said to be recent in the greater part of America, for it dates from but little more than three centuries.

  • A thousand years elapsed between the existence of this cultivation in Babylonia and its transportation into Syria, whence its introduction into Egypt after an interval of probably two or three centuries.

  • No priest, no bishop, is allowed by law to hold real estate; titles vested in religious orders are worthless; the Church is forbidden to acquire wealth, and has been stripped of the accumulated treasures of three centuries.

  • They were so well built, however, as to stand the wear and tear of three centuries, and the slightest attempt at repair would have kept them in order.

  • The whole interior is covered with the most beautiful tiles, which have stood the test of three centuries, and still surpass the best that modern genius can produce.

  • Fortunately, this great man appeared; the first touch of his powerful hand advanced learning two or three centuries.

  • One sees dovecots everywhere in this district, and most of them are two or three centuries old.

  • They were founders of rival sects, which wrangled with each other for two or three centuries.

  • A writer of three centuries ago, told of it as among the aborigines of Yucatan.

  • What a flourishing field for the historian and poet is not the tale of that handful of Breton heroes, who, three centuries ago, planted on the rock of Quebec the flag of Christianity and civilization!

  • Sound, and of enforcing the marine tolls which were exacted from all foreign nations for a period of two or three centuries.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three centuries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    human societies; machine shop; rest assured; should also; three bays; three cases; three drops; three francs; three hundred and forty; three hundred and seventy; three hundred and sixty; three hundred and thirty; three inches; three judges; three little; three more; three other; three rods; three squadrons; three stages; three stitches; three syllables; three times; three times round the; three waters; worship thee