The Hindus, in fear for their safety, placed on the throne the brother of the dead king, and succeeded in defeating the Adil Shah close to Vijayanagar.
Ala-ud-Din Ummad of Birar; and fighting with and entirely defeating Sultan Amir Barid of Bidar, then an old man, whom he captured.
Now, we are to derive the whole of the revenues from trade; the same gentlemen who urged these measures were nowdefeating every kind of revenue which might be productive.
He saw the possibility of separating the two wings of the enemy's forces, and of either defeating Longstreet or forcing him to fall back to Gordonsville, and he had determined to make the attempt.
The Federal infantry, after defeating Bee and Evans, had to cross the deep gully and marshy banks of Young's Branch, to climb the slope of the Henry Hill, and to form for a fresh attack.
To prevent the Federals combining by keeping Banks stationary anddefeating Milroy.
If we cannot be successful in defeating the enemy should he advance, a kind Providence may enable us to inflict a terrible wound and effect a safe retreat in the event of having to fall back.
It was with other ideas than defeating a rear-guard or detaining Banks that he seized the Kernstown ridge.
To accept willingly the rupture of one after another strand of the moral fabric that guides and disciplines individual life in any social system, is a self-defeating approach to reality.
The same honourable member carried a bill for enfranchising ten pound householders in counties, over a second reading in the commons, signally defeating the government.
It was in the upper house, however, that the bill was exposed to the greatest danger, since there existed among the peers a majority capable of defeating ministers on any occasion which they might consider expedient.
Lord John Russell was vacillating and time-serving, although with a show of resolution in resisting and defeating measures which afterwards met, at all events, his qualified approval.
The chancellor of the exchequer moved an amendment with the intention of defeating these resolutions.
The British were victorious, not only defeating the enemy, but capturing many of their standards, and most of their guns.
Brigadier Wilson was attacked there by a force from Delhi, who hoped, by defeating the colonel, to prevent the junction of his forces with troops from Kurnoul.
Having failed in defeating the measure in the whole, they sought to defeat it in its details.
As this was obviously for the purpose of defeating the government, and gaining popularity for party purposes, the public gave them no credit for sincerity, and even expressed disapprobation.
Furius Camillus as suddenly appearing with an avenging army at the moment when the gold was being weighed, and defeating Brennus and all his host.
During the succeeding eight years Staunton maintained his reputation by defeating Popert, Horwitz and Harrwitz.
The booksellers, magazine, periodical and newspaper publishers have before succeeded in defeatingone copyright bill.
Bob is captured by Cossacks, escapes, is besieged with Kobo in a Korean temple, and after defeating the besiegers reaches the army of General Kuroki in time for the battle of the Yalu.
In June, 1807, he completed his task by defeating the Russians at Friedland.
Thus ended the comparatively short career of the man who had most to do with defeating Russian intrigues in Bulgaria.
The Balkan States must bury their mutual jealousies, temporarily at least, and form a temporary alliance with the object of defeating the Turks before it should be too late.
The British navy was built for the specific problem of either defeating the German navy in battle or keeping it fast in its lair.
He defended him warmly, at the same time that he sent to him in prison, through the Duchess of Norfolk, his cousin, a scheme for defeating his enemies.
In the counties the reaction of Toryism, and the effects of the Rye House Plot in defeating and intimidating the Whigs, gave the Court every advantage.
Marlborough argued vehemently for it, but the Whig lords hit upon a way of defeating it by seeming to comply.
The Constitution won the fourth in December, off Bahia in Brazil, by defeating the Java.
The United States won the third in October, by defeating the Macedonian south-west of Madeira.
But, as the season advanced, the British regained their hold on the Niagara peninsula by defeating the Americans at Stoney Creek and the Beaver Dams in June, and by clearing both sides of the Niagara river in December.
When no one is enthusiastic about a Bill, and its opponents hate it, there is not much difficulty in defeating it, and Derby and Disraeli were not the men to let the opportunity slide.
Defeating the Emperor Mahmoud, Hamir entered Chitor in triumph, and once again the standard of the Sun floated over its blood-stained rocks.
Hoopoe was considered as prodigiously skilful in defeatingthe machinations of witches, wizards, and hobgoblins.
For generations the Moguls had poured in intermittent hordes into Northern India, but it was only in 1556 that Akbar, by defeating the Pathans at Panipat, laid India at his feet.
Allenby's forces, after defeating the Turkish troops repeatedly in the field, reached Gazara, three miles from Jerusalem.
The military talent of the North had been already exhausted against Lee, and its largest army too often baffled by the Army of Northern Virginia, to admit the hope of defeating it in battle.
Advancing with extraordinary vigor, General Early pursued the retreating enemy, defeating them in an engagement near Frederick City, and arrived near Washington on the 10th of July.
They are not mentioned as a powerful people in the Pentateuch or the Book of Joshua, but suddenly appear as invaders in the time of the Judges, completely defeating and subduing the Canaanites along the shore.
Many may not indeed see and calculate all the consequences of their defeating an election.
From thence I am inclined to think that the party will also want perseverance in the execution of the other plan, that of defeating the election.
That being an indubitable position, what interest can the Federalists have in defeating an election?
It becomes somewhat exhausted and is likely to become infested with injurious forms of life, particularly nematodes, which cause root-knots upon the tomato plants, thus defeating the work of the gardener.
Overawing or defeating the various Thracian tribes, he reached Amphipolis on the Strymon where he was met by Derkyllidas, who had come fresh from the battle of Corinth and informed him of the victory.
At last--he was defeating this woman who had once defeated him; he was denying and scorning her, as she had once denied and scorned him.
The thought of defeating the mothers of England was however so pleasant to her sense of humour that she hurriedly abandoned this line of reflection.