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Example sentences for "cannel"

Lexicographically close words:
cannabis; cannae; cannas; canne; canned; canner; canneries; canners; cannery; cannibal
  1. These are the earliest publications on the subject known to me; and Quekett, though not understanding the nature of the bodies he observed, holds that they are a usual ingredient in cannel coals.

  2. Quekett, in his "Report on the Torbane Hill Mineral," 1854, has very well figured similar structures from the Methel coal and the Lesmahagow cannel coal.

  3. C] The Liverpool Old Company have since resorted to the use of Cannel coal, and consequently very nearly assimilate to the Liverpool New Company in illuminating power.

  4. It is possible, from the superior quality of this gas, that a little of the cannel gas made for a particular purpose, may have have got intermixed with it in the experimental gasholder and apparatus.

  5. Aside from those named are forms of coal that are occasionally found, such as graphitic anthracite, cannel coal, etc.

  6. The annexed figure represents a large tooth of the Megalichthys, found by Mr. Horner in the Cannel coal of Fifeshire.

  7. Specifically, a colorless liquid, found as a constituent of petroleum, in the tar oil of cannel coal, etc.

  8. Parrot coal, cannel coal; -- so called from the crackling and chattering sound it makes in burning.

  9. Has everybody heard of Doctor Dee, the magician, and of the black speculum or mirror of cannel coal, in which he could see at will everything in the wide world, and many things beyond it?

  10. My speculum, like his, is constructed of an oval piece of cannel coal, highly polished, and set on a wooden back with a handle to hold it by.

  11. Shall I put down the cannel coal, and determine without any more ado on paying a second visit to the land that is cheered by my comfortable inn?

  12. England produces a large amount of cannel coal, as well as another variety of bituminous coal, which latter, however, does not burn with such a black smoke as the coal found in the Ohio valley and the Western States of America.

  13. There is another form of coal called cannel coal, which is a corruption of "candle coal," so called because a piece of this kind of coal when ignited will burn like a match or pine knot and give light like a candle.

  14. Try to ignite a piece of cannel coal by holding it in a Bunsen flame.

  15. Cannel Coal is a variety of bituminous coal which can be ignited like a candle.

  16. Mineral coal is fossilized vegetable matter; anthracite has had most of the volatile hydro-carbons removed by distillation in the earth; bituminous and cannel coals retain them.

  17. This is because so many of the gases are still left, and it shows cannel to be less pure C than bituminous coal.

  18. In cannel coals the prevailing constituents are the spores of cryptogamic plants, algae being rare or in many cases absent.

  19. Cannel is more compact and duller than ordinary coal, and can be wrought in the lathe and polished.

  20. This excess is greatest in what is known as cannel coal, the Lancashire kennel or candle coal, so named from the bright light it gives out when burning.

  21. Lignite and cannel are usually dull and earthy, and of an irregular fracture, the latter being much tougher than the black coal.

  22. Cannel coals are generally variable in quality, being liable to change into shales or black-band ironstones within very short horizontal limits.

  23. Some lignites are, however, quite as brilliant as anthracite; cannel and jet may be turned in the lathe, and are susceptible of taking a brilliant polish.

  24. The branch railroad had not come up the river toward Lonesome Cove, and now he meant to build barges and float his cannel coal down to the main line, for his sole hope was in the mine in Lonesome Cove.

  25. The eye was a piece of shining black flint and told him that his mine in Lonesome Cove was but a pocket of cannel coal and worth no more than the smouldering lumps in his grate.

  26. The gas thus collected possessed little illuminating power, but it was afterwards mixed with the rich gas from cannel coal, and raised to the requisite illuminating standard.

  27. In Liverpool, gas from cannel coal is supplied at the low price of 3s.

  28. In the island of Phu-Quor or Koh Trou, which belongs to Cochin China, and which is very near to Komput, there are rich mines of cannel coal.

  29. In the islands of Phu-Quoc or Koh Tron, belonging to Cochin China and near to Komput, there are rich mines of coal, similar to our Cannel coal, from which ornaments are made.

  30. The retorts are worked with three-hour charges, but the producer is only charged once in every six hours For each set of eight retorts the charge of raw cannel is about 18 cwt.

  31. Referring to the composition of the gaseous fuel obtained from cannel coke in one of these gas producers, we give the following typical analysis on the authority of Dr.

  32. Being entirely made from Scotch cannel the coke is very poor in quality, as it contains a large percentage of mineral matter or ash relatively to its fixed carbon.

  33. The fuel employed is the coke or char resulting from cannel coal when it has yielded up its hydrocarbons and other gases during the process of carbonization in the gas retorts.

  34. We have already spoken of a charge of cannel as being about 18 cwt.

  35. The bituminous shale produces a very good gas, and it is used partly to supply the place of cannel or parrot coal.

  36. As early as 1850 illuminating oil, known as "coal" oil, was made in the United States by distilling cannel coal, but this product was supplanted within a few years by the natural petroleum discovered in Pennsylvania.

  37. He proceeded with his operations, working the quick fire of cannel which Macauley had started into a glowing bed of hot coals.

  38. Start a fire, Jim, and get a bed of cannel going with a roar.

  39. Locally they grade into cannel coal, with which they are genetically related.

  40. A variety of bituminous coal, called cannel coal, is characterized by an unusually high percentage of volatile matter, which causes it to ignite easily.

  41. No members of the Glasgow Committee were present when either the undisputed Late Celtic comb, or the inscribed, perforated, and disputed pieces of cannel coal were discovered.

  42. Another highly ornamental piece of cannel coal is in the form of a short spear-head with a thickish stem.

  43. There are some shaped stones, sometimes perforated for suspension, made of the same material; while another group of similar objects is made of cannel coal.

  44. Commentry cannel coal, the number of recognizable organs in the midst of the mass of debris is much larger.

  45. From what precedes it seems to result, then, that anthracite is in a much less appreciable state of preservation than cannel coal, and that it is only rarely, and according to locality, that we can discover vegetable organs in it.

  46. The composition itself of cannel coal must be, in our theory, connected with the chemical nature of the materials from whence it is derived, and that were first dissolved and then became insoluble through carbonization.

  47. It is evident (as we have demonstrated) that other cannel coals may show different plant organs, or even contain none at all, their presence appearing to be accidental.

  48. They gate a cannel an went upstairs, an varry sooin coom daan ageean wi a owd tin trunk at they put on th' hearthstun.

  49. His mother wor a widdy an he wor th' only child shoo'd ivver had an shoo set a deeal o' stoor on him, an firmly believed at ther wornt another at wor fit to hold th' cannel to him.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cannel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.