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Example sentences for "understandable"

Lexicographically close words:
underskirt; underskirts; undersleeves; undersold; understand; understandably; understande; understanded; understandest; understandeth
  1. The close of 1919 saw a phase, a very understandable phase, of passionate and even violent 'Americanism,' in which European imperialism and European socialism were equally anathema.

  2. But now we have a very human and understandable account of him.

  3. But it is quite understandable that the Exodus story, written long after the events it narrates, may have concentrated and simplified, and perhaps personified and symbolized, what was really a long and complicated history of tribal invasions.

  4. And another deficiency, very understandable to us nowadays, but quite beyond the scope of anyone then, was the absence of any general elementary political education at all.

  5. It is quite understandable that such a creature would very rarely die in water in such circumstances as to leave bones to become fossilized.

  6. One of these was that so messages might be sent understandable by the sender and receiver, but not plain to the uninitiated.

  7. In liberal-minded Englishmen, who have been wont to regard their empire as an incipient league of free peoples, this revelation, of the barbaric quality in its administrators produced a very understandable dismay.

  8. Ptolemy was a man of very extraordinary intellectual gifts, at once creative and modest, with a certain understandable cynicism towards the strain of Olympias in the mind of Alexander.

  9. These adaptations, no doubt, made the new teaching much more understandable and acceptable in Egypt and Syria and the like.

  10. The geologist is often in despair in his attempt to express his ideas clearly and precisely, and at the same time to use terms which will be understandable by his readers and will not arouse needless controversy.

  11. His chief purpose is to convey, in somewhat elementary terms, an understandable idea of the central features of economic geology.

  12. However, properly defined, it can help us to evaluate the Fair Play settlers in some understandable context.

  13. When they are made, the narrative which follows will be more understandable and more enjoyable.

  14. One would be just as understandable to me as the other.

  15. It is therefore quite understandable why his accumulation of letters was so large, and partially understandable how he came to have before him four bulky parcels of them, respectively endorsed with the names of Mary, Nell, Kitty, and Flip.

  16. Paradoxes become understandable truths, and the pairs of opposites that dwell in all advanced intellectual conceptions, seem to bend around their ends and form themselves into a circle.

  17. It is understandable that there are people who tend to ignore the lights that were so small, far too small.

  18. It is understandable that our conscience should be moved by all such inhuman treatment, but yet we must strictly obey the instructions of the Press emergency law, which stipulates that it is our duty to suppress rumours and foreign propaganda.

  19. Both in Europe and America the news of this development awakened well-understandable enthusiasm, and convinced men that the Republic at last stood for something vital and real.

  20. Chiang's reluctance to apply democracy then and there is understandable whatever the inmost motive; so, too, is his yielding to a widespread demand.

  21. An authoritative but understandable explanation of the work of the Ministry is found in H.

  22. As in a Greek tragedy, Wang, blinded by self-esteem and goaded by political frustration, has chosen his unsavory course from understandable motives.

  23. The fairies certainly have a more understandable way of putting it than the geologists and the anthropologists when we ask them to tell us how long it is since Palaeolithic man listened to the hooting of the wood owl.

  24. In order to have an understandable answer, we need to be within the model which generates the answer.

  25. Troops can endure hard going when it serves an understandable end.

  26. Some traditional terminology has been retained, either because it is generally understandable or because there is no reasonably concise English equivalent.

  27. The primary one is in descriptions, where English replaces Old French, making them understandable to those who are not specialists in the field.

  28. Destiny is a thing not understandable by finite minds.

  29. Nor was it an understandable thing, except to the woman who loved him.

  30. If it is given in plain and understandable English and the jury think the expert a clean-cut, sensible man, it is just what the jury want to learn.

  31. Somewhere, somehow, and by non-understandable methods the verdict is reached.

  32. After all, the charge of the judge is not more understandable than most of the other parts of the trial.

  33. In cultural and political conflict the function of conflict in social life becomes understandable and reasonable.

  34. Community surveys have translated into understandable form a mass of information about the formal aspects of city life.

  35. The Iowa man had become a distinct, almost understandable personality to Hugh.

  36. It was understandable and could be dealt with.

  37. Hendricks was executing some weird sort of dance, patting the containers, swinging them wildly about his body, with an understandable fondness.

  38. Using again the most understandable terminology, to our right, and somewhat above us, nearer by far than any of the charted bodies, was something which registered on our charts, as a dim and formless haze of pinkish light.

  39. There was to be in the future no hiding under cover, for everything was to be done in the open, and in a way entirely understandable to the ordinary layman.

  40. It was an original notion to suppose that lunatics had a sort of common logic which made them understandable to each other.

  41. Nor is this gloating savagery, blended as it was with a rational and understandable policy, difficult to comprehend.

  42. Portents of disaster and bodings of coming trouble succeeded the famine, for the most part of a very understandable nature.

  43. At the same time it was understandable that he should seek to avoid an armed conflict with his fellow-countrymen, the Varangians of Kiev, and to effect his purpose by stratagem rather than by force.

  44. It is equally understandable that those who find themselves adrift should doubt the home as an institution.

  45. It is entirely understandable that the woman who sees herself left behind with her dead gods should cry out against change as the ruin of her hopes.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "understandable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appreciable; articulate; clear; coherent; comprehensible; conceivable; discernible; distinct; elementary; evident; explicit; intelligible; luminous; natural; penetrable; perceptible; plain; popular; readable; recognizable; simple; transparent; understandable; unprofessional