Chilly, dry throat and dry cough, soreness, and rawness beneath the breast bone, pain in the head.
For injections into the rectum for rawness of the mucous membrane, the following is well recommended.
When the rawness is extensive and the parts are highly inflamed, the patient should be kept to bed and kept on his back with the limbs separated until the irritation is allayed.
After the thickening is added, the gravy should just boil, to take off the rawness of the flour.
To take off the rawness on the upper side, hold the pan before the fire for a minute or two, and brown it with a salamander or hot shovel.
Avens: hot and dry, help the cholic and rawness of the stomach, stitches in the sides, and take away clotted blood in any part of the body.
The rawness of our American mind as to the subject of propriety in dress is nowhere more shown than in the fact that no apparent distinction is made between church and opera-house in the adaptation of attire.
The failing health of the wife and mother left more and more the charge of all things in her hands; servants were poor, and all the appliances of living had the rawness and inconvenience which in those days attended Western life.
In reality, one cannot set down with any degree of accuracy the age when his rawness attacks him, or the time when he has got the last remnant of it out of his system.
While American newspapers certainly exemplify many of the worst sides of democracy and much of the rawness of a new country, it would be folly to deny that they also participate in the attendant virtues of both the one and the other.
Colorado Springs may be summed up as an oasis of Eastern civilisation and finish in an environment of Western rawness and enterprise.
Here she was detained for some time, and adverse winds still dogged her course when she put to sea again, though they were no longer gentle, but brought with them a piercing rawness from the Polar ice.
What lay below was a hall furnished with a barbaric rawness of color and glitter.
But now they might have been looking at the island of the present, save that it bore no vegetation and there was a rawness about it, a sharpness of rock outline now vanished.
There was light enough, with the lengthening days, to see plainly the rawnessof the world.
But in Gourlay was a rawness of nerve, a sensitiveness to physical impression, which kept him fretting and stewing, and never allowed him to lapse on a sluggish indifference.
For he says, 'in regard of the rawness and unskilfulness of the hands through which they pass, the greatest matters, are sometimes carried in the weakest ciphers.
Just as we have become too sensitive to bear the rawness of pure colour, so have we become too sensitive to bear the rawness of pure affection.
The rawness of our American mind as to the subject of propriety in dress is nowhere more shown than in the fact that no apparent distinction is made between church and opera house in the adaptation of attire.
To visit the Mayor and sound him on the question of his own renomination appeared to Arthur amusing rather than important; because of his own rawness for such a mission, and also because of their relationship.
Could Horace Endicott have ever descended to this view of his world, this rawness of thought, sentiment, and expression?
Amid the rawness and roughness of everything in the bush, its primitive society included, the figure of Dandy Jack stands out in strong relief.
Moreover, one sees here, so strongly marked, that uncouth rawness that attends incipient civilization.
In therawness of dawn a clock struck five, and she stood forsaken in the streets.
Her pain, the rawness of it, had dulled--she could touch the wound now without writhing; but it had left her wearied unto death.
With a sense of rawness that cried out for solitude, Peter suddenly bade Merle good-bye: "I'm going home.
And remembering this, Letty resolved now to unburden herself of a weighty proposition that hitherto she had not dared lay before Sebastian, lest it might rub against an unknownrawness in him.
If she had ever experienced any such a fondness that fact might have mitigated, at least in her own self-view, the rawness of her course.
Judd, struck by the intentionalrawness which Jesse had put into his last phrase.
Fat of any sort is in demand, the piercing rawness of an English winter seeming to call for heating food no less than that of the Esquimaux for its rations of blubber and tallow.
It was a flaw in Keats's art and a blot on his genius--or perhaps only a consequence of the rawness and ferment of his youth?
But now-a-days the errors of criticism are perhaps rather of an opposite kind, and any rashness and rawness of undisciplined novelty is apt to find itself indulged and fostered rather than repressed.