Why should we go on fighting not our own battle (I speak now of a civil battle) but theirs--in a minority in the Legislature, the progress of the contest widening daily old differences and begetting new ones!
Thus it was that the Romance languages were fashioned out of the wreck of Latin, the vast [Pg179] influence of the literate minority to the contrary notwithstanding.
A glance through the /Congressional Record/ is sufficient to show how small is the minority of purists among the chosen leaders of the nation.
The trials--beside their Terror function of upholding a minority government--were great public shows for the howling rabble and leering sansculottes, the hoodlums of Paris whom even the masters dared not offend.
The rule of Robespierre's fanatical minority that has seized the State, inaugurates the dreadful Reign of Terror.
We have witnessed the formation of a minority of the States, whose bond of connection was a common opposition to the establishment of what was regarded as a "national" government.
The debate in the legislature had tended to diffuse information respecting the system, but it had also produced a formidable minority throughout the State.
On the other hand, it was said that a majority of the States might be a minority of the people of the United States, and that the representatives of a minority of the nation ought not to have power to decide the conditions of peace.
At the same time, the independent political existence of the people of each State made it impossible to treat them as a minority subject to the power of such majority as would be formed by the States that might adopt the Constitution.
In Pennsylvania the minority were becoming restless under their defeat, and were agitating plans which looked to the obstruction of the government when an attempt should be made to organize it.
The communication of the minority party in Rhode Island was received and read, and the interests of that State were attended to throughout the proceedings.
The former was the plan insisted on by the friends and advocates of the "national" system; the latter was the great object on which the minority now rallied all their strength.
He had to encounter, in the convention of the State, a body of men, a majority of whom were not unfriendly to the Constitution, but among whom there was a minority very hard to be conciliated.
What is ten times greater, Leonidas and the Spartan minority did not make such a stand at Thermopylae, as we did.
The rest of the bill was contested inch by inch, and by division on division, till eleven at night, after our wise leaders had whittled down the minority to twenty-four.
Lord Rockingham and the Cavendishes have made a jaunt to the same quarter, but could carry only eight along with them, which swelled that little minority to fifty-six.
In March, 1910, the Republican Insurgents, forty in number, united with the Democratic minority to overrule a formal decision of the Speaker.
I am, therefore, so to speak, in a minority in my own land, but it is a minority of the best elements, just as it is in England with respect to Germany.
Experience shows, however, that there is little likelihood of such influence except in the case of a small minority of the tests.
In fact, it is only a minority in which success depends on but one factor.
Only a small minority mentioned resourcefulness in play, capacity to adjust to practical situations, or any other out-of-school criteria.
The popularminority of the previous assembly became the majority in this.
The anti-conventional minority had formed an opposition in the councils; but this opposition, while waiting the reinforcement of a new third, had but cautiously contended against the policy of the directory.
It was in agreement with theminority of the councils, and relied on the approbation of the mass.
As a politician, and at the head of a minority for the time hopelessly weak, he had merely to look on and assist, by opportune sarcasms, the ebb of Liberal popularity.
Being in a minority he was unable to initiate any definite policy; nor if the opportunity had been offered him would he have attempted to reverse the commercial policy of Peel.
His business now as a general was to go with the times, and if possible change his minorityinto a majority.
But they were still a Ministry on sufferance, and how to turn a minorityinto a majority was still an unsolved problem.
The cathedral is abandoned, the accumulations of Lothair's minority are thrown into Theodora's hands, and he himself enters into the campaign for the liberation of Rome.
Disraeli was one of a minority of five who dared to say that it was unnecessary, and that other measures ought to be tried.
The minority seem to have the best of the argument,[39] but Abbas has established himself as Supreme Pontiff.
Suppose, for example, that the small minority of Bahais now in Persia should become a majority, with a Bahai Shah, Bahaism would become the established religion.
In Persia, where Bahais number a hundred thousand, a small, but influential minority rejected the authority of Abbas Effendi.
We learn from Russia that it is the minority and not the majority who determine destructive action.
Lancaster firmly on the throne; but the longminority of Henry VI.
He had been, twice Regent of France, during the minority of Henry, where he upheld the cause of the Plantagenet King with signal ability.
The minority of the Board were silent rather than satisfied, and their dissatisfaction was shown rather by their absence from the Board meetings than by open opposition.
William, Earl Marshal and Protector of England during the minority of Henry III.
On the whole, both for the constitutional principles which they upheld, and the religious proscription which they resisted, the recusant minorityin the Irish Parliament of James I.
During the twelve years of his minority the Anglo-Irish policy of the Council of Regency had shifted and changed, according to the predominance of particular influences.
The recusant minority have been heavily censured by our recent historians for consenting to these attainders.
It will be apparent that during the last few years of the second, and under the minority of the third Edward, the Anglo-Irish Barons would be left to pursue undisturbed their own particular interests and enmities.
In Provincial Legislative Councils having very restricted powers of legislation, the elected Indians are in a minority everywhere.
In the minority of his son Otho the Third, Rome made a bold attempt to shake off the Saxon yoke, and the consul Crescentius was the Brutus of the republic.
Under the minority of his grandson, the clamors of a people, deprived of their daily sustenance, compelled the Byzantine court to undertake the recovery of the capital of Egypt.
He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Cameronian regiment raised from the minority of the western Covenanters who consented to serve under William III.
He was even beginning to have hopes that three or four others would sign it; for to be in a minority with royalty has its charm.
Somebody," she replied, "whose minority report of one would attract all the attention it deserved.
His mind sparkled at the prospect: to be in a minority of one had a peculiar fascination for him.
Then, as he took stock of the situation, "And are you expecting me to head the minority report instead of him?
They are afraid that the Commission as it stands will issue findings of a one-sided and party character, and that any minority report, unless it obtained the chairman's signature, would have no weight.
That was a concession to the Protestant, or rather to the English-speaking minorityin the Province of Quebec.
There was only one authority that could deprive the Roman Catholics French-Canadians of Ontario of their rights in that province, or the Protestant minority of their rights in the Province of Quebec.
Everyone has agreed as to what the rights of the Protestant minority were and are, and no one has interfered with them.
The rights of the minority in the Province of Quebec with reference to their religious tenets and their language have no other and no better foundation than the same rights of the French or Catholics in the Province of Ontario.
I think that I am really getting better, and shall have to stay among theminority in this world a little longer than I had expected.
I wish we were not in a minority of our fellow-men!
There could be no doubt that the Unionists were greatly in the majority, but it was also true that there was a large and influential minority of her people in favor of secession.
But they composed but a small minority of the nation, and their advice and remonstrances were generally disregarded.
They have their clubs, they have a numerous poor & they have enormous wealth in the hands of a minority of the nation.
Upon the questions growing out of them, John Marshall was one of the ever-decreasing Virginia minoritywhich stanchly upheld the policies of the National Government.
Marshall wrote the reply[907] of the minority of the Legislature, who could not "remain silent under the unprecedented" attack of Madison.