Indications of immaturity are here and there perceptible, and at the very beginning there is an inexplicable mass of hyphenation.
We may discern a few traces of immaturity in the handling of the metre and in the presence of "allowable" rhymes.
There was trouble somewhere, stress of doubt, pressure of apprehension, the gravity of immaturity half realising its own inexperience.
I know that you and I have no desire to marry each other--but--but please don't make the reason for it either your age or my physical immaturity or intellectual inexperience.
As it was, the feeble immaturity of the popular parties created a Committee which considered those ten days of inaction incumbent upon it.
Immaturity prevents judging of its relationships on the basis of relative proportions of the skull.
Also, certain features which denote immaturity in other weasels are retained in adults of this species, as for example, sutures on the dorsal face of the preorbital region of the skull.
However, the immaturity of the specimen conceals any other diagnostic cranial features, and prevents referring it certainly to either neomexicana or latirostra.
Then, by association and familiarity, it was enriched and became a thing as near friendship as there can be between men of widely different ages, between immaturity and ripeness.
Intensely he desired her to develop her own life, to grow into the splendid creature he now saw struggling beneath the crust of ignorance and prejudice and shyness and immaturity that hemmed her in.
By immaturityis meant a man's inability to use his understanding except under the guidance of another.
The immaturity is voluntary when the cause is not want of intelligence but of resolution.
The artist alone knows the interval betweenimmaturity and deterioration.
English urban districts immaturity is the chief cause of infant mortality, furnishing about 30 per cent.
It need scarcely be pointed out that not only is immaturity a cause of deterioration in the infants that survive, but that it alone serves enormously to decrease the number of infants that are able to survive.
It is estimated by Newman that about half of the mothers of infants dying of immaturity suffer from marked ill-health and poor physique; they are not, therefore, fitted to be mothers.
Then you became human; and you passed in fifteen months through a development that once cost human beings twenty years of awkward stumbling immaturity after they were born.
The later one does not appear to us to have solved the difficulty of successfully applying to a work of art the process of grafting, upon the fresh, lovable immaturity of twenty-one, the practised but less mobile experience of fifty-seven.
Following maturity came immaturity, but immaturity of rare endowment and rich promise; immaturity already considerably defined, because possessed of individual power and true originality.
Such was the spheric poetical faculty of Shelley, as its own self-sacrificing central light, radiating equally through immaturity and accomplishment, through many fragments and occasional completion, reveals it to a competent judgment.
The yellow base to the lower mandible appears to me to be a sign of immaturity and winter plumage, as it seems to disappear entirely in breeding birds.
A further sign of immaturity is, I believe, to be seen in the nearly uniform fulvous-brown on the throat and fore neck, these portions being more mottled with lines and arrow-head spots of black in the old birds.
All the specimens known have more or less white on the chin and malar region, but this is variable in extent and is probably a sign of immaturity as it is in O.
Immaturity in the case of boys is not a great disadvantage.
Girls going into other clerical positions can qualify with a year or two less of education; but immaturity in any case puts them at a disadvantage.
The establishment of classes in power machine operating during the junior high school period appears to be impracticable, due to the immaturity of the girls and the small number who could profit by such instruction.
Let us never forget how mysteriously our social and political immaturity seems to be bound up with our once lofty and even now remarkable intellectuality and morality.
It is precisely on this account that the period ofimmaturity in the human species is so long protracted in comparison with that of the inferior animals.
Thus, Nietzsche, the instinct-philosopher, appears as an ingenious boy whose veryimmaturity is regarded by himself as the highest blossom of his existence.
The writings of Nietzsche will make the impression of a youthful immaturityupon any half-way serious reader.
The very immaturity of Nietzsche's view becomes attractive to immature minds.
The National Assembly at Weimar continued to demonstrate the philosophic tendencies, academic learning and political immaturityof the German people.
Much could be said of the special problems of the young gifted child in this period of immaturity when his intellectual needs are those of an adolescent while his emotional control and physical powers are still but those of a child.
See Chart 2) Look carefully at any extremely fat person and you will see that his features are inclined to the same immaturity of form that characterizes his body.
The fat person expresses his immaturity also in that he likes to be petted, made over and looked after.
Yet it is not without incompleteness of expression; it smacks of immaturity still; but it is the immaturity which presages a man.