The art of provisional refusal, and of attractive flight, must inevitably have attained a high development among superior beings, for it is a powerful medium of seduction and selection.
The state which yields to the seduction of some charming socialistic theory, and endeavours, as it will endeavour, to realize it, will inevitably be ruined.
But they are open to influences of another kind--we mean seduction by masters and male members of the household.
Prostitutes frequently, and we believe with truth, allege seduction as the first step toward their abandoned course of life, and the allegation itself should induce a sympathy for the misfortune of their present existence.
The opinion that brothels are outlets for dangerous arts of seductionhas never been substantiated.
Adultery and seduction were every-day matters in the circles which educated Mary, Queen of Scots, and developed the wit of the author of Grammont's Memoirs.
By seduction in such circumstances is meant the inducement to do wrong by promises or other suasives, in opposition to the commonly received idea, which makes the fall the result of strong personal attachment.
The crime of seduction can be viewed only as a mean and atrocious perjury, and strangely callous must he be whose conscience in after life does not pursue him with scorpion stings and fiery tortures.
Under King Roger a charge of seduction was never taken, but William, the successor of that prince, punished with death the crime of rape.
If a case of seduction occurs, the seducer can be forced to marry the girl and pay her original price, or else give her parents the sum which they would lose by her error.
A great number of foreign-born women are found in this class, victims of emigrant boarding-houses, or of seduction on board ship during their passage to this country.
If seduction does not prevail in Scotland, still less do hasty and unequal marriages.
In Scotland, seduction under such circumstances is next to impossible.
The Scottish people are not without their vices, but seduction is not one of these; and we firmly believe that the existing law of marriage has operated here as an effectual check to that license which is far too common in England.
We call it a crime, for though it may not be so branded by statute, seduction under promise of marriage is as foul an act as can well be perpetrated by man.
In England, it is notorious to every one, and the daily press teems with instances, that seduction under promise of marriage is a crime of ordinary occurrence.
I was like someone fighting in vain against the sweet seduction of an overwhelming and fatal drug.
As a fact, I wished to refuse; but I could not withstand the seduction of Morenita.
I must accustom my eyes to Objects of temptation, and expose myself to the seduction of luxury and desire.
Though still unconscious how extensive was its influence, He dreaded the melodious seduction of her voice.
Seduction cannot, I am sure, be accepted without very great caution as a common cause for illegitimate births.
This explains, I think, their belief in the old fiction that the seduction of men by women does not take place, but all men know it goes on unceasingly.
He fell in love with Bettina and with her fortune, and in three months he had done the work of seduction and enticed her away.
La Briere had not the gift of seductionwhich Melchior possessed.
Never has the charm and romance of passion been more wonderfully rendered, but Tolstoy makes us feel this seduction terrible as a murder.
Tolstoy now tells us the story of the seduction as it appeared to her, and adds details of a terrible and haunting pathos.
Parts of Les Trois Mousquetaires are unsurpassed and unsurpassable; but the Bonacieux love-affair is inadequate and intruded, and I have never thought Milady's seduction of Felton quite "brought off.
This is little more than a dialogue depicting the attempted seductionof a maiden by a wanton cleric.
Her seduction has already drawn him into war; now her cowardice in the crisis of the battle decides the war {191} against him.
It is safe to assume from the records that seduction in all parts of the civilized world was at about the same stage of primary development.
The seduction of the middle classes was a monotonous business, popular only by reason of the danger it entailed.
The Old Testament abounds in stories of seduction by means of trickery, bribery and simple persuasion.
Granting an amount of exaggeration in the fables, we have still the proof that seduction has always been a recognized practice in Heaven.
In the early days of our culture, seduction was practised upon certain species of recognized placer in the social system, and thus attained a certain grade of standardization.
The true seduction does not depend upon mechanical devices such as alcohol.
Added to the stimulation of the churchly attitude was that of the caste system, which made seduction the only means of communication between the classes.
The growth of the Church, with its set ideas of these subjects and its zeal to catalogue the sins of mankind and to deal out punishment accordingly, gave to seduction its greatest impetus.
As a matter of fact, seductionis undergoing a great change.
For the purpose of this treatise let it be understood therefore that seduction is the process of persuading someone to do that which he or she has wanted to do all the time.
The woman who had sold her birthright of charm and seduction for his sake sat down to eat her mess of pottage.
Her mind cast back over the ages--over the innumerable forms of seduction and subserviency which the instinct of women had induced them to assume, and she reddened to flame sitting alone in the twilight.
When this craving went too far, it frequently led to seduction by some of the chevaliers who makeseduction a profession.
Etioles had a complexion of the most striking whiteness, lips somewhat pale, and eyes of an indescribable color in which were blended and compounded the seduction of black eyes, the seduction of blue eyes.
In point of position, a mechanic's daughter was not far removed from the slave; a mechanic's daughter was viewed only as a good object of seduction for some nice young gentleman.
Nor were the means of seduction wanting to Ali, whose wealth was enormous; but he preferred to keep it in order to carry on the war which he thought he could no longer escape.
No man could have imagined that the revolting method of seduction employed could meet with success, and if the commander had desired to convict her of perfidy he would have come alone and made use of more persuasive weapons.
It is not easy to see in what sense he used the word when he wrote to the Chevalier that 'seduction .
We should no longer hear that seduction was to be sued as "loss of service:" it would become loss of honor to more than one.
The heart which is weak or feeble is easily softened, changes its inclinations with facility, resists not the seduction or the ascendency required, and may subsist with a strong mind; for we may think strongly and act weakly.
Partly by an undue thirst for knowledge, and partly by increasing sensuality, and the seduction of woman, man fell.