The openings were enlarged, and a number of fragments of bone, together with pulped cerebral matter and blood-clot, were removed.
The wounds were explored, and a large number of fragments of bone and pulped brain were removed, especially from the anterior wound.
Wounds explored (Mr. Stewart); numerous fragments of bone and some pulped cerebral matter were removed.
A large entry wound in the scalp was produced, while the defect in the skull was coarsely comminuted and was capable of admitting three fingers into a mass of pulped brain.
A number of fragments of bone (one lodged in the wall of, but not penetrating, the lateral sinus) and pulped brain were removed.
When seen on the third day the wound was gaping and pulped cerebral matter was found in it.
The wounds were explored and a large number of fragments of bone and a quantity of pulped cerebral matter removed.
Some patients recovered, even when the damage had been sufficient to cause escape of pulped brain into the orbit.
A number of fragments of bone and pulped brain matter were removed.
It may be pulped by some of the pulping machines now in use, the day it is gathered, then washed and dried.
When the Henze type of steamer is used, the pulped mass (see Page 121) is blown into a preparatory mash vat, at the proper temperature.
In both the first and second processes the beets must first be entirely cleaned of adhering dirt, trash and clods of earth, and then rasped, pulpedor sliced by certain machinery.
The half-dozen loaves of brine-pulped bread, which the cook had brought, did not count.
Brought up from the wreck was a journal, so torn and mushed and pulped by the sea-water, with ink so run about, that scarcely any of it was decipherable.
One dungeon at a time, and dungeon by dungeon, they messed and pulped the lifers.
Blind boils they call Fvuma, and they cure them by splintering over them the pulped root Nchechi, mixed with red and white earth.
Small-pox they try to cure by smearing the body of the patient over with the pulped leaves of the mzeuzil.
The common treatment is to smear the body of the patient with the pulped leaves of the mzeuzil palm and with palm oil; but I cannot say the method is successful, save in preventing pitting, which it certainly does.
Any kind of light meal should therefore be fed either with damp chaff or with pulped roots, well mixed with the feed in the manner described elsewhere.
Most of his few rags had been torn from him, he was swathed about the middle with a Malay sarong, and his lean body was scored and pulped with blows.
For a long time he lay looking at his pulpedfingers and the driven drops of blood from the quick of his nails, sensing the exquisite pain almost as a luxury, hugging it to him.
There wasn't any sense in slowly feeding in till my head was crushed, and already my arm was pulped half way from elbow to shoulder, and the pulping was going right on.
Boil the vegetables, all chopped fine (reserving the parsley for seasoning), in three quarts of water until they can be pulped through a colander.
The vegetables should be pulped through the colander.
Boil chopped onions, turnips and celery in the water until soft enough to be pulped through the colander.
Strain a second time, and return the soup, with the pulped celery, to the fire.
Heat, but not to boiling, stir in thepulped peas, and toss about with a silver fork or spoon until they are a smoking mass.
I believe pulped mangels, with chaff, are the best, cheapest, and most healthy food horses can eat.
Mr. Wright, near Dunbar, gives the following account of an experiment with pulped roots and straw and oil-cake.
To guard against this danger, perhaps the best way would be to give pulped mangels and turnips mixed with cut straw; a mixture which could not easily be bolted.
Some feeders give young store pigs half-a-pint of peas, mixed with pulped mangel, and the quantum of peas is gradually increased to one pint per diem.
These also have as many pulped roots as will moisten the chaff, except the horses, and to them I give, along with bruised oats, just enough roots to keep their bowels in a proper condition.
A mixture of cut chaff, with pulped mangels, is a good substitute for the more costly hay; and particularly in the case of animals intended for breeding or for the dairy.
Set over the fire the pulped fish, the liquor that boiled them, some perch, tench, and flounders, and some fresh leaves or roots of parsley.
Scald as much fruit as when pulped through a sieve, will cover the bottom of a dish intended to be used.
Mitsos trod these as before, while his father and Spero went on picking, and when they were sufficiently pulpedhe poured on to them about a quart of brandy.
A burning house, a falling wall, and then a mass of pulped bodies.
Pulpers are also equipped with attachments that automatically move the imperfectlypulped material over into a repassing machine for another rubbing.
Fermentation and Washing The next step in the process consists in running the pulped cherries into cisterns, or fermentation tanks, filled with water, for the purpose of removing such pulp as was not removed in the pulping machine.
Some cylinder pulpers are double, being equipped with rotary screens or oscillating sieves, that segregate the imperfectly pulped cherries so that they may be put through again.
They, too, are made in combinations employing cylindrical separators, shaking sieves, and repassing pulpers, for completing the pulping of all unpulped or partiallypulped cherries.
Some planters permit the pulped coffee to ferment in water.
The pulp itself is carried by the cover and is discharged through a pulp shoot, while the pulped coffee is delivered through holes on the breast.
Make some plain white sauce (see recipe), and add to it the cream and pulped onion.
When cold, remove the fat from the stock, and add the pulped vegetables and meat.
The wet and perfectly purified, finely pulped gun-cotton is intimately mixed up between edge runners with about the same weight of nitrate, and the mixing and grinding continued until the whole has become an intimately mixed paste.
At the bottom of a deep dish place a good layer of pulped apple, sweetened to taste; season with cinnamon.
In the poacher the pulped gun-cotton is stirred for a long time with a large quantity of water.
As it leaves the hydraulic press upon being converted from the pulped state to masses, it contains about 15 per cent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pulped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: doughy; flabby; fleshy; mushy; pasty; pithy; pulpy; soft; spongy; squashy; succulent