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Example sentences for "pulmonic"

Lexicographically close words:
pulls; pully; pulmonalis; pulmonary; pulmonate; pulp; pulped; pulping; pulpit; pulpits
  1. When we raise the arms from the side and percuss the thorax between the folds of the axillae, where the serratus magnus muscle alone intervenes between the ribs and the skin, the pulmonic sound will answer clearly.

  2. The muscles of respiration cannot, therefore, produce a vacuum between the pulmonic and costal pleura, either while the external air has or has not access to the lungs.

  3. Lyons is a great, populous, and flourishing city but I am surprised to find it is counted a healthy place, and that the air of it is esteemed favourable to pulmonic disorders.

  4. Smollett speaks of his pulmonic disorder, his 'asthmatical disorder,' and uses other expressions which show that his lungs were affected.

  5. The pulmonic veins will be taken up and discussed later under the pulmonary circulation.

  6. The pulmonic veins receive the pure oxygenized blood from the lungs and convey it to the left auricle of the heart.

  7. This is important if it can be, even but partially, established; since it is this particular class of storms and winds, last referred to, that are to be so much avoided and to which can be traced the initial point of most pulmonic troubles.

  8. To all who are afflicted or threatened with pulmonic troubles the climate of Minnesota becomes, in view of its reputed freedom from this scourge, an interesting subject of inquiry.

  9. Abdominal and pulmonic complains are the two prevalent diseases.

  10. The pulmonic affections are generally contracted at an early period by the youth of both sexes, and are occasioned by the great and sudden variations of temperature already noticed.

  11. A pure sea-breeze pervades the whole surrounding country, the evenness of temperature producing a very genial and happy influence in pulmonic diseases, more than all the drugs compounded by any pharmaceutist in the world.

  12. The chloride of sodium, compounded in the laboratory of the great saline aquarium and respired without effort, is freighted with the germs of health, which are productive of beneficial effect in many forms of pulmonic complaints.

  13. An ideal view of a portion of the pulmonic circulation.

  14. This artery conveys the impure blood to the lungs, and, with its corresponding veins, establishes the lesser, or pulmonic circulation.

  15. Show the relation between the functions of the arteries and veins both of the pulmonic and systemic circulation.

  16. This disease is sometimes called chronic bronchitis, sometimes mucous consumption, pulmonic catarrh, and galloping consumption.

  17. If, on the other hand, the right ventricle becomes insufficient, or is insufficient, the second pulmonic sound is weaker than normal, and the prognosis is bad.

  18. Asses Milk, and Bristol and Seltzer Waters, which are found so serviceable in pulmonic Disorders, could not be had in the military Hospitals; and riding on Horseback was too expensive a Remedy for a Soldier.

  19. Some, whose Constitutions were worn out by these obstinate Agues, fell into Consumptions and other pulmonic Disorders in the Winter, of which they died.

  20. From all this it is also evident that conjunction of spirit and body in man is by means of the correspondence of the cardiac and pulmonic movement in both.

  21. For there is a general cardiac and pulmonic movement throughout heaven, and a particular movement therefrom in each angel.

  22. The general cardiac and pulmonic movement is from the Lord alone, because love and wisdom are from Him alone.

  23. The kingdom where love reigns is called heaven's cardiac kingdom, the one where wisdom reigns is called its pulmonic kingdom.

  24. The lung upon its highest evolution with the nervous system is the nose--olfactory sense--pulmonic sense.

  25. The pulmonic vessels of Fishes are the blood-vessels of the swimming-cyst, which convey blood directly into the heart, whereby this organ obtains the signification of the left or arterial heart.

  26. There are therefore also 5 thoracic or pulmonic vertebræ.

  27. As the sense of smell is the pulmonic or arteriose sense; so also does the arteriose substance of the brain combine with this organ.

  28. The many convolutions of the turbinated or olfactory bones correspond to the ramifications of the trachea; the nasal cartilages to the tracheal or laryngeal rings; the olfactory membrane to the pulmonic vesicles.

  29. Secretion is an hepatic character, excretion a pulmonic character.

  30. Fishes swallow the air and drive it into the pulmonic cyst, where it is analysed or decomposed.

  31. The lungs and right heart are full of blood, and there is a backward engorgement produced by the pulmonic block.

  32. The vapour was very deleterious to those having any tendency to pulmonic affections.

  33. This part of the circulation is often called the lesser or pulmonic circulation.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pulmonic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    asthmatic; nasal; panting; puffing; pulmonary; sniffy; snoring; snuffy; stertorous; wheezing