Lawe giuer, to bruste out with soche a cruell and bloodie lawe, that without iudgement or sentence giuen, the matter neither proued nor examined, adulterie to be death.
It presents a combination of entertainment to which the curious can never be indifferent.
Of people vnthryfty is alway to despyse And diffame other whiche ar but innocent Wherfore let suche as ar discrete and wyse Nought set by them that lesyngys doth deuyse Nor theyr vayne foly: for he that doth certayne Is but, a fole.
The one is a murderer the other a fereles thefe, The one of god nor goode man hath no fors ne care.
But of this one poynt thou nedest not to fere That any goode man: vertuous and Just.
Illustration: Here we expresse, the errour and blyndnes Of them that se others aduersyte Theyr wofull fall the ruyne and dystres.
Looke not vpon things strangely alledged, but iudiciously consider what is justly proued against them.
If any thinke that all these former sentences, be spoken onelie of the subiection of the maryed woman to her husband, as before I haue proued the contrarie, by the plain wordes and reasoning of S.
Laste foloweth the shorte abidinge, a certeine Token of the disease to be in the spirites, as wel may be proued by the Ephemera that Galene writethe of, whiche because it consistethe in the Spirites, lasteth but one natural day.
To this enterprise also amonge so many learned men, not a litle stirreth me the gentilnes and good willes of al sortes of men, which I haue well proued heretofore by my other former bokes.
Wherby it is proued that without dout, the handsome diligence, or carelesse negligence, is the sauing, or casting awaye of many.
And yf any Theme compounde: be it Logicall or Rhetorycall / it must be referred to the rules of Logike by the[m] to be proued trew or fals.
EUery Theme compounde: ey- ther it is proued trewe or fals.
Proued by the Scripture, that such a thing can be: And the reasones refuted of all such as would call it but an imagination and Melancholicque humor.
As was clearly proued by Iudas his hauing as greate power in that commission, as anie of the reste.
And this was likewise proued by the confession of a young Lasse, troubled with spirites, laide on her by Witchcraft.
The residue of the ships, when newes came to them of this mishap, returned backe to London; and then was the armie dispersed, and so all the cost and trauell of the Englishmen proued in vaine.
I beleeue then thou wouldest not bee so hard hearted, but haue pitty vppon the griefe whereof thou shouldest haue proued the vehemence.
Here may be proued the great difference betweene Wysedome and Folly, betweene Vertue and Vice.
Wherewithal Ricciardo encouraged, proued a very stoute and valiaunt man in suche wyse almoste as the affaires of the whole state passed through his handes.
But the prophet of the City whom the Cytizens had wel tryed and proued to be faithfull and trusty, manifested vnto them the great daunger that hong ouer the tyrant's head, sutch as the lyke neuer before.
They exalted him greately, as men that had prouedhis force.
Trecherous Vlysses bringing in that horse, Which proued a fatall coffin for Troies corse.
The child being borne proued a son, & was named Iohn, but liued not manie daies after.
In the end it grew to a conclusion, and Articles were drawne and signed, but they also proued of void effect.
But it may be doubted, whether the bridge would haue proued as impossible, as the Sconce fell out vnnecessarie.
Wherefore if we haue proued both by reason & by exãple, that we be bounde to put oure selfe in peryll for the common wealthe, they are to be counted wyse men, whych for the sauegarde of the contrey auoyde no peryll.
The inuencion of many proposicions is, when the chyefe state or principal proposion of the cause is declared and proued by manye other proposicions and argumẽtes, so set in iuste order that there be no confusion of proposions.
I tell thee Daughter, I sprang not more in ioy at first hearing he was a Man-child, then now in first seeing he had prouedhimselfe a man Virg.
You haue seene and proued a fairer former fortune, then that which is to approach Char.
By the Lord this Loue is as mad as Aiax, it kils sheepe, it kils mee, I a sheepe: Well proued againe a my side.
But bicause I do suppose that it is sufficiently proued by the reasons which I haue alledged / I will now prepare myself to an other proposicion.
This place therfor doth make most against our men / and euen the same wayes which they go about to excuse their facte / by the same it is most playnly proued to be synne.
That the riuer of Wels in the west parte of the Citty, was of olde so called of the Wels, it may be proued thus, William the Conqueror in his Charter to the Colledge of S.
Illustration] The second thing to beproued was that the earth is immouable.
But experience hath proued this to bee false, shewing that the bullets, will both fly at equall distance.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.