These were things of great moment with the vulgar sort; who loue more where they are louingly intreated, then where they are benefited, or happely preserued.
Happely also the King was incensed by matters more light; but taken in the worst part, as it commonly falleth out in suspitions and quarels.
After this, and happely vpon this vicious feeding, he fell into a feuer; which increased in him by such dangerous degrees, that within seuen dayes it led him to the period of his life.
These things happely not much spoken amisse, might easily bee depraued by report.
Harold spent little time, lost none (vnlesse happely that which hee might haue taken more) both in appointing and ordering his Armie.
Trust me, least he my looue happely chaunce to beholde.
The gret fader Jupiter strenth and mycht Distributis happely to the Grekis in fyght, 10 And eik the goddis ire prouokis he Aganys Troianys power in the melle.
O fortoun, or we wist, so happely Thou schawist the in our help and supple!
I doubt not some shal think this woman too sleight a thing to be written of, and set amonge the remembraunces of great matters: which thei shal specially think, that happely shal esteme her only by that thei now see her.
Which was happely the thinge, that the more easily made her encline unto the king's appetite, when he required her.
If happely in one moneth euery Post be not able to goe so long a way, yet doeth there notwithstanding once euery moneth arriue one Poste out of the shire.
If happely any one, hauing the meanes to get food, do escape, he is set with the condemned persons, and prouided for as they be by the King, in such wise as hereafter it shalbe said.
If any one happely escape by bribing the Gailer to giue him meate, his processe goeth further, and commeth to the Court where he is condemned to die.
Happely You something know: yet I beleeue there comes No countermand: no such example haue we: Besides, vpon the verie siege of Iustice, Lord Angelo hath to the publike eare Profest the contrarie.
If happely you my Father do suspect, An Instrument of this your calling backe, Lay not your blame on me: if you haue lost him, I haue lost him too Othe.
Yf happely any one hauyng the meanes to geat foode do escape, he is set with the condemned persones, and prouided for as they be by the kyng, in such wyse as hereafter it shalbe sayde.
If happely in one moneth euery post is not able to goe so long a way, yet doeth there notwithstandyng once euery moneth arryue one post out of the shyre.
Iff myn oncle be noon executor, it maye happely brynge ageyn a trussyng coffre with CC.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "happely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.