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Example sentences for "answere"

Lexicographically close words:
ansuerd; answer; answerable; answerd; answerde; answered; answeredst; answerer; answeres; answereth
  1. They charged him then (as is aforesaid) to make knowne unto them whence hee came; and the Spirit made answere in a hollow uoyce; From Ireland, From Ireland.

  2. This answere strooke his heart as cold as any stone; Unto the Wood from thence he went, with many a grievous groane.

  3. To which the Spirit made answere in this mumbling manner, I would come out, I would come out.

  4. King It likes vs well, and at fit time and leasure Weele reade and answere these his Articles, Meane time we thanke you for your well Tooke labour: go to your rest, at night weele feast togither: Right welcome home.

  5. A more particular and farther | answere to the former objections.

  6. Objections againste the manner | how the body affecteth the | soule, with answere thereunto.

  7. A farther answere to the | former objections, and of the simple | facultie of the soule, and onely | organicall of spirit and body.

  8. We heard an other answere him, Then make thee handsome, trick and trim, And lay in time to wiue.

  9. Cock croweth at midnight, times few aboue six, with pause to his neighbour, to answere betwix.

  10. And if the fogge do continue long, then the Admirall to shoot off two pieces euery euening, and euery ship to answere it with one shot: and euery man bearing to the ship, that is to leeward so neere as he may.

  11. The other shal answere him (if he be one of our Fleete) After God came Christ his Sonne.

  12. This was all the answere for this time we could haue of our men, or of our Generals letter.

  13. It onely then remaineth, that we now answere to those arguments that seemed to make against this former conclusion.

  14. And thus much for the first part of my answere vnto the fourth obiection.

  15. These people are in nature very subtill and sharpe witted, ready to conceiue our meaning by signes, and to make answere well to be vnderstood againe.

  16. The first part of my answere is manifestly allowed of by Homer, whom that excellent Geographer Strabo followeth, yeelding him in this facultie the price.

  17. Whose answere I iudged reasonable, and contenting me well: wherewith will I conclude this narration and description of the Newfound land, and proceede to the rest of our voyage, which ended tragically.

  18. Page 1017 An answere to the correcters and of all workes reprouers.

  19. Let his necke answere it, 30 If there be any marshals lawe in the worell.

  20. Well for vs, you shall returne our answere backe To our brother England.

  21. O sir, I can answere that, With giue the diuel his due.

  22. Go Lords, and sit with them, And bring vs answere backe.

  23. To answere stranger ciuilie, But show him not thy secresie.

  24. Why ye prouerbe booke bound up in follio, have ye no other sense to answere me but euery word a prouerbe, no other English?

  25. In a curious manuscript of the fifteenth century may be found "the answere which God gave to a certyn creture that desired to wit whate thinge was moost plesure to hym in this worlde.

  26. Lend me horse, and serving-men, and your apparel, And I’ll ride to London to answere your quarrel.

  27. To which answere is made, that there is a [co]foure-fold obseruation of {Naturall.

  28. Whitgifts defence of his answere to the admonit.

  29. Subiectio, when we axe of oure selfe what can be saide agaynst vs, and answere to our selues thus: ¶ Shall we tary in synne?

  30. The seuen is any answere takẽ out of the mouth of God, or taken out of the cõmaundement of God.

  31. And therefore I besech you to send a servant of yours to my lady and to me, and show now by your fatherly kyndnesse that I am your child; for I have sent you dyverse messuages and wryttings, and I had never answere againe.

  32. But I wolde that thou woldest answere to this: remembrestow that thou art a man?

  33. For ye, that been of torment in swich rage, May to no long prologe as now entende; And her-upon ye may answere him sende.

  34. His answere was, that straightwaies he would beare them companie, and would neuer leaue them to death.

  35. And this was the answere that was giuen in Machao vnto certaine messengers or ambassadors that were sent by the aforesaid king, for the same demand, the which was required with great instance.

  36. And Further I desire yowe of your good Answere in this behalf the morowe Folowing your next Courte Day by yowe to be holden at your halle Endd.

  37. Russhe I spake with him also at [the] courte if I then had knowen your pleasure I could now haue sent you answere of the same.

  38. You yet may, Lady, 80 In recompence of all my dutious seruice, (Prouided that your will answere your power) Become my Creditresse.

  39. You know not, Sir, How in this cause they may dispence with Law, And therefore frame not you their answere for them, But doe your parts.

  40. I shall answere that better to the Commonwealth, than you can the getting vp of the Negroes bellie: the Moore is with childe by you Launcelet?

  41. I am sorry for thee, thou art come to answere A stonie aduersary, an inhumane wretch, Vncapable of pitty, voyd, and empty From any dram of mercie Ant.

  42. Thus faile not to doe your Office, as you will answere it at your perill.

  43. He cals againe: I pray you answere him Isa.

  44. If his owne life, Answere the straitnesse of his proceeding, It shall become him well: wherein if he chance to faile he hath sentenc'd himselfe Esc I am going to visit the prisoner, Fare you well Duke.

  45. And if you shewe them a better waye, they answere they were brought vp after thys fashion, and wyll not suffer that anye chyldren shulde be in better case, then they them selues were when they were chyldren.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "answere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answered and said unto; answered gravely; answered grimly; answered her; answered his; answered promptly; answered quickly; answered quietly; answered she; answered simply; answered slowly; answered that; answered the; answered the little girl; answered the young captain; answered the young girl; answered the young inventor; answered the young lady; answered the young major; answered them; answered they; answered very; answered young