The latter strode over to her instantly, and laid his hand with a proprietorial air on her arm.
Alan laid a hand on Tony's arm with a proprietorial air which made Dick writhe far more than his insulting manner to himself had done.
He drew her hand under his arm, and his eyes ran with proprietorial freedom over the details of her costume, pale blue satin, creamy foam of white lace, soft sheen of large pearls, and bouquet of exquisite half blown La France roses.
After this had been going on for some weeks a member of the proprietorial household came to me with a letter open in his hand.
The aggregate thickness of skull of the proprietorial household was phenomenal.
Seeing Bence complacently seated near the bureau in the proprietorial sanctum, his face flushed, his grey beard bristled, and his dark eyes rolled angrily.
Now he lay watching his illness with a curious mixture of fierce resentment and proprietorial pride.
Angus felt personally responsible for the resources of Edinburgh when he heard the news and once again he made a pilgrimage, taking Louis to his old rooms in Montague Street, and doing the honours of the city with a proprietorial air.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proprietorial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.