The ship patronised of Hassan Rayes, which you wrote to be ours, prooued to be a Catalonian.
In the morning we sayled with the winde at Southwest, and lay West and by North, but it prooued calme all that night, and the currant Southeast.
And by that his attempt of America (wherof West India is a parte) is well prooued to be many hundred leagues distant from any part of Afric or Europe.
Hauing sufficiensly prooued that there is a passage without a land impediments to hinder the same, contrary to the first obiection, it nowe resteth that the other supposed impediments bee likewise answered.
So that by our countrymen the North partes of Europe are at full made knowne vnto vs: and prooued to ioyne with no other continent to hinder this passage.
And therefore the passage prooued and the benefites to all most apparant, let vs no longer neglect our happines, but like Christians with grilling and voluntary spirits labour without fainting for this so excellent a benefit.
And yet in all their rule I find not that anie mention is made of their deferring of iustice, or of anie polling or briberie: as was openlie prooued by such as gouerned before their time.
Mariners, some sixe miles from Iaffa, but it prooued contrary.
Fish, they caught none, saue a fewe Eeles vpon hookes: the poole prooued no where past a fathome and halfe deepe, and for a great way very shallow.
When it was knowne that strange ships were arriued in that place, there came thither a great number, as well of gentlemen as commons of the countrie, to beat them backe if they prooued to be enimies.
From London the king brought him to Richmond, where manie notable feates of armes were prooued both of tilt, turnie, and barriers.
Both the Williams were rather taken of suspicion, bicause they were so neere of kin to the conspirator, than for anie prooued matter.
Thus haue I (as I trust) prooued that we may iustly trade and traffique with the Sauages, and lawfully plant and inhabite their Countries.
I doe know the shippe and the boy very well, and am familiarly acquainted with the owner, which voyage prooued very beneficiall.
M136) They haue this vertue and propertie in them, they will stop or stanch bleeding at the nose, for we haue prooued it.
There is very good ryding at Sea: for any ship being shaken in a tempest, can neuer perish there by breaking of her cables, which we haue prooued by experience.
Here all the sands and clifts did so glister and had so bright a marquesite, that it seemed all to be gold, but vpon tryall made it prooued no better then black-lead, and verified the prouerb.
By whose experiences America is prooued to be separate from those parts of Asia, directly against the same.
The foure and twentieth of Iuly we met with the Francis of Foy, who with much adoe sought way backe againe, through the yce from out of the mistaken straights, where (to their great perill) they prooued to recouer their Port.
Dunwallon (king Henrie the fift excepted) and yet in the end he prooued such a prince, as after his death there was in maner no subiect, that did not lament his funerals.
But sith the certeintie of these things is rather prooued by few than the certeintie of them knowne vnto manie, I let it passe at this time.
This Kinewulfe prooued a right woorthie and valiant prince, and was descended of the right line of Cerdicus.
This man prooued right valiant in gouernement of his subiects.
And the same day the Visitadores did visit our ship with great ioy, thinking that those commodities which wee brought with vs, had bene for the marchants of this countrey: but it prooued to the contrary.
Besides, when we came neere land the winde prooued too scant for vs to attempt any such enterprise.
In verie deed (as some write) the archbishop repented himselfe of nothing so much, as for that he had commended king John to the Noblemen and Peers of the realme, sith he prooued an other manner of man than he looked to haue found him.
And (whether, to the intent that his words should be the better beleeued, or whether vpon too much trust of his owne cunning) he offered himselfe to suffer death for it, if his prophesie prooued not true.
And for so much as oftentimes his saiengs prooued true, great credit was giuen to him as to a verie prophet: which was no good consequence that therefore his predictions comprised vndoubted euents.
With which newes the armie was sore troubled, and euery man assaied his armour and prooued his weapon, and were prest to defend their enimies.
This Mulmucius Dunuallo is named in the english chronicle Donebant, and prooued a right worthie prince.
This Kinewulfe prooued a right woorthie and valiant prince, [Sidenote: The Britains vanquished.
It will be prooued to thy Face, that thou hast men about thee, that vsually talke of a Nowne and a Verbe, and such abhominable wordes, as no Christian eare can endure to heare.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prooued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.