Heere we made a double floore in the hall where the shippe was abuilding, so that the wild men, being ignorant of our way of building, could not take any notice of our cuningnesse, which proved to our desire.
To take away all suspicion of our innocency from thinking to build any shipp, which if it had come to their knowledge had don a great prejudice to our former designe, a shippe then uppon the docke almost finished.
I stayed till spring, expecting the transporte of a shippefor new france.
This day it was notified vnto mee by one of the shippe that had beene a slaue in Turkie, that no man might weare greene in this land, because their prophet Mahomet went in greene.
Here also they vse a kinde of Bark or shippecalled Iase being compact together onely with hempe.
From Malacca to China is eighteene hundred miles: and from China to Iapan goeth euery yeere a shippe of great importance laden with Silke, which for returne of their Silke bringeth barres of siluer which they trucke in China.
Istria, to the port of Rouigno, and the said day there came aboard of our ship the Perceuena of the shippe named Tamisari, for to receiue the rest of all the pilgrimes money, which was in all after the rate of 55.
With which marchandise euery yeere there goeth a great shippe from S.
Also there goeth another great shippe from Bengala euery yeere, laden with fine cloth of bombast of all sorts, which arriueth in the harbour of Pegu, when the ship that commeth from S.
To shippe is brought this woful faire mayde Solempnely, with every circumstance.
So with this determination they put their shippe into the river Pagansinan, which was but seuen leagues from the saide port.
By reason of this great wind, there was not one shippe of all those that were in the port of Plon coulde go foorth to giue any notice vnto the rouer of the going of the Spaniards, neither of the captaines of China.
My Lord of Suffolke, within foureteene dayes At Bristow I expect my Souldiers, For there Ile shippe them all for Ireland Suff.
Item, every grete Shippe most have attendyng opon hym a Barge and a Balynger.
This aftemoone we tooke in two or three skiffes lading of stones to ballast our shippe withall.
Also that no beere nor broth, or other liquor be spilt vpon the balast, or other place of the ship, whereby any anoyance, stinke, or other vnsauorinesse shall growe in the shippe to the infection or hurt of the persons in the same.
Also the wares bee packed and laden as is aforesayde, as by an Inuoyce in euery Shippe more plainly may appear.
The ninth was the infant knight, who on his armour had ennameld a poore young infant, put into a shippe without tackling, masts, furniture, or any thing.
Sight was the first, Lust was another, Thought was the thirde; and Wil eke was there a mayster; these broughten me within-borde of this shippe of Traveyle.
For how shulde it nat yet, amonges so greet plentee of people, ben many shrewes, sithen whan no mo but eight persons in Noes shippe were closed, yet oon was a shrewe and skorned his father?
Another voyage to the Iles of Candia and Chio made by the shippe the Mathew Gonson, about the yeere 1535, according to the relation of Iohn Williamson, then Cooper in the same ship, made to M.
And so from thence I came to London with the shippe and goods in safetie, God be praysed.
The good shippe called the Mathew Gonson, of burden 300 tunnes, whereof was owner old M.
Then the armie being past, I laded my shippe with wines and other things; and so after I had that which I left in Chio, I departed for Messina.
But they presently sent the Purser to the Towne of Maiorca, where he was examined by the Viceroy very straightly, what their shippe and captaine were, and what voyage they intended, but he confessed nothing at all.
When thei come to londe, the maister of the shippe asked of the knyght his hire for his passage, for him, and for his wif and for his two childryn.
The shippe thou seest sayling in sea so large, &c.
When fortune shall haue spat out all her gall, I trust good luck shall be to me allowde, For I haue seene a shippe in hauen fall, After the storme had broke both maste and shrowde.
The accompanying cut from Barclay's "Shippe of Fools," gives a view in the interior of a mediaeval town.
Then comming aboord we went toward the shippe of Sant Thome, but our ship was so foule that shee escaped vs.
Then did Master Barton, and his company, with two more of our company, shippe themselues as passengers in the same Settea, and went to Constantinople.
Then the great shippe shot at vs all her broad side, and her foure greatest pieces that lay in her sterne, and therewith hurt some of our men, and we did the best we could with our shot to requite it.
The next morning we might see bearing with vs a great shippe and two Carauels, which we iudged to be of the king of Portugals Armada, and so they were, wherevpon we prepared our selues for our defence.
Besides I was appointed by them that died (if they had liued) to haue had the whole gouernment both of shippe and goods, because I was to them the sole inuenter of that trade.
That when some have been with them aboard to buy necessaries, ye shippe men would usuallie say to some of them that they could not want any thinge, they were full of ye Spiritt.
That wonder greate to scape: but, GOD was on his side, And throughe them all, in spite of all, his shaken shippe did guide.
And in trueth the warden of the castle committed an oversight: for if the shippe had entered into the haven, the men thereof could not have come on lande without leave both of the citie and of the castle.
Here he had sight of the Savages, which rowed to his Shippe in Boates of Seales Skinnes, with a Keele of wood within them.
South Southeast, the shippe rode still: This day Christopher Burrow was sent to shore to Derbent to prouide some necessaries for the voyage, and with him a Tisike or two, which should goe in the shippe passengers to Astracan.
For the prouision and furniture for a shippe of 200 tunnes, to catch the Whale fish in Russia, passing from England.
At three in the afternoone the winde came to the Southwest, we were forced to make our shippe faste to a piece of yce, for we were inclosed with it, and taried the Lordes leasure.
Iune at ten of the clocke in the morning: then they tooke vp their ordinance, which before they had stowed in hold for easing the shippe in her rowling.
And sithence fortune thus hath shou'd my shippe on shore: And made me seeke another Realme vnseene of me before: The maners of the men I purpose to declare.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shippe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.