Joan’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak, but theproofreader grabbed her elbow.
Dat new proofreadergives me de creeps,” said a voice behind Joan and Chub, and there was Bossy.
Joan wanted him to be careful how he worded his conversation to Dummy, lest the proofreader guess himself to be under suspicion.
Joan opened out the paper, and with the proofreader looking over her shoulder, she went through the whole issue, column by column.
RING MARK--A circle around a marked error to signify a special correction ordered by the proofreader or author.
A style card or style book may be prepared for the purpose by the proofreader or foreman.
This cost a proofreader and a printer or two their employments, and I regretted that, but they deserved their punishment, and the matter was one that demanded drastic measures.
Having some little education more than his fellows, he becomes a proofreader for a house which is putting on the Italian market the standard works of science and philosophy in all languages.
The proofreader on a paper of large circulation is an example.
But each one has a definite part in the work of the world and there is no one to whom the example of historian and proofreader is without value.
The commonest signs used by the proofreader or the copyreader, together with instructions for preparing copy, are given in the Style Book at the end of this volume.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proofreader" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.