The following table shows the principal remaining pronominal forms, with their derivation from Ap.
There are other pronominal forms upon which, except perhaps koi (Pr.
It combines systematically the advantages of previous schemes with a thoroughly logical word formation, and has neither accented constants nor arbitrarily coined pronominal words.
Note: Self is united to certain personal pronouns and pronominal adjectives to express emphasis or distinction.
Used as a pronominal adjective in the predicate; as, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay.
Along with these pronominal lists comparative tables of fifty conceptual terms have also been made.
Under this head will be treated not only pronouns and pronominal adjectives, but also articles.
Here, there, and where, joined with certain particles, have a relative and pronominal use.
Adjectives that are sometimes used as pronouns are called =pronominal adjectives=; as, These books are mine.
Select the pronominaladjectives in the following sentences, give the kind of each and the word it modifies:— 1.
The two principal features which at once strike the student are the numerous epenthetic changes of vowels and consonants and the employment of pronominal suffixes.
The corresponding tenses are formed by addingpronominal suffixes to the weak, the strong, or the pluperfect participle.
Kashmiri makes very free use of pronominal suffixes, which are added to verbs to supply the place of personal terminations.
The former is made by adding thepronominal suffixes of the nominative to a base chu(h), and the latter by adding the same to a base as^u.
The pronominal forms differing from the inflection of the corresponding substantivs ar in the following paradim put in Italics: Sing.
The inflection of thesepronominal adjectivs is identical with that of the strong adj.
The repetition of Auxiliary Verbs and Pronominal Adjectives is also conducive to clearness.
The translation in Specimens, ‘a wonderfully strong one,’ does not take into account the form of ane, and anticipates the pronominal use of an.
Other pronominal uses are of þare, of that other 328 (representing neut.
Again, in Feejee language the functions of a verb may be discharged by a noun in construction with an oblique pronominal suffix, e.
On the other hand, even if we tap the tree of language as high up in its stem as the pronominalroots of Sanskrit, what is the kind of ideational sap which flows therefrom?
The Derivation of Words from Pronominaland Prepositional Roots, Proc.
And, as we have likewise seen, the outward and visible sign of this inward and spiritual grace is given in the subjective use of pronominal words.
This is proved by their comparative paucity in many existing languages of low development (their place being taken by pronominal appositions, &c.
Now, there is very good reason to conclude that these pronominal adverbs, or adverbial pronouns, were in the first instance what may be termed articulate translations of gesture-signs—i.
Substantives are divided into classes or genders, indicated by the pronominalparticle prefixed to the root.
The 20th prefix, Mu-, however, does not seem to have a complete concord, as it is only used adjectivally or as a preposition and has no pronominal accusative.
Not only has it no negative nouns, it has not even any negative pronouns nor pronominal adjectives,--those convenient keepers of places for the absent.
Pronominal adjectives are manufactured in the same way.
The verb incorporates the direct and indirectpronominal object and inflects for person.
A transitive verb connected with its direct pronominal object runs as follows: yíklita to pinch, the pinching.
They are simply suffixes of pronominal origin, and correspond to our articles the, a, to our relative and demonstrative pronouns, partly also to our adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions.
The pronominalparticles we have called article pronouns; they serve to point out a variety of characteristics in the subject, object, and indirect object of the verb.
The affixed pronouns are either special, confined to these expressions, or if elsewhere in the tongue, are not employed with verbs, or not in this manner; or they are the pronominal affixes of the verb itself.
The tense signs consist principally of single vowels, by means of which thepronominal prefixes are attached to the stem.
It is, in fact, a species of pronominal dual confined to the first person in the plural.
Literally: let none be unfaithful to the wife of thy youth, a curious instance of the Hebrew habit of mixing the pronominal references.
In their version there are the usual differences of grammatical construction, especially in the pronominal suffixes and verbs, and of punctuation; but very few bits of expansion and no real additions.
As a specimen of pronominal declension, we may give the most common forms of the first personal pronoun.
The past tense (of which the conjugation for a Maithili transitive verb is given above) is formed by adding pronominal suffixes to the past participle.
I E wa pronominal base used in compounds; Dak wa pronominal prefix some, something.
Adelung and Latham do not however give pronominal forms in as many languages as they give words for father and mother, and I cannot so well determine their distribution.
They are almost exclusively confined to a few pronominalbases of very wide diffusion, and the following: 1.
As has been said, pronominal adjectives are primarily pronouns; but, when they modify words instead of referring to them as antecedents, they are changed to adjectives.
The sentence shows how it may lose its pronominal force.
Pronominal adjectives, words primarily pronouns, but used adjectively sometimes in modifying nouns instead of standing for them.
Indeed, an eminent linguist has been so impressed with this feature that he has proposed to classify them distinctively as "pronominal languages.
As of the first importance I would mention the prominence they assign to pronouns and pronominal forms.
To give these expressions a verbal form, the substantive verb, with its pronominal modifications, must be superadded.
By separable, is intended those forms which have a meaning by themselves, and are thus distinguished from the inflective and subformative pronouns, and pronominal particles, significant only in connection with another word.
The distinctions of person are, exclusively, supplied by pronominal suffixes.
But this number is indiscriminate, and leaves the sense vague until the pronominal suffixes are superadded.
In conjugating the verbs through the plural person, the singular terms for the pronoun remain, and they are rendered plural by a retrospective action of the pronominal inflections of the verb.
In all these expressions, the word izzhi is combined with the pronominal inflection â (or nâ) and the animate termination gozzi.
I shall conclude these remarks, with full examples of each pronominal declension.
What and which, when joined to nouns in asking questions, are denominated interrogative pronominal adjectives; as, "What man is that?
In parsing the distributivepronominal adjectives, NOTE 2, undo Rule 19, should be applied.
When are they called interrogativepronominal adjectives?
Notwithstanding the difference, the first form is a variety of the second; so that the adverbs when and then are really pronominal in origin.