He wrought with the energy of a huge mechanical power, and with a quick promptitude of perception and a ready change of action which is denied to mere, mechanism.
The young captain issued his orders as calmly as if there were no danger, yet with a promptitude and vigour that inspired his men with confidence.
He paced the deck slowly, as we have said, undecided as to what course he ought to pursue, but ready to act with the utmost energy and promptitude when the time for action should arrive.
The promptitude with which these orders were given and obeyed, prevented the steamer from running down the sloop altogether.
Ay, ay, sir," responded Billy, with the ready promptitudeof a seaman.
With a promptitude and energy meriting the highest praise, he diverted the whole of his China force to the seat of war, and he himself, only calling for a day or two at Hong-Kong, accompanied the naval brigade to Calcutta.
I saw he had immediately connected my enquiry with the talk we had had in the railway- carriage, and his promptitude showed that the ashes of his eagerness weren't yet cold.
My promptitude surprised her a little, but I quickly felt how little it was to Gravener I was now talking.
I was aware that my resolves must be instant, decisive, and immediately acted upon, as on firmness and promptitude at this crisis the success of the expedition depended.
On the contrary, it furnishes repeated testimony to his promptitude in honoring the solicitations of private distress or subscribing to public purposes.
It is gratifying to witness the promptitude and fidelity with which the agents of this Department in general perform their public duties.
As such they deserve to be put down with promptitude and decision.
These sections direct accuracy and promptitude in various kinds of cases, with penalties for negligence.
It certainly reflects great credit on the administration, that it acted with such promptitude and efficiency in seizing this opportunity of multiplying avenues of commercial intercourse.
The Prince, with a promptitude worthy the future ruler of a great commercial nation, closed with the bargain at once, laid down his shilling, and walked off with his prize.
Juries, animated by hatred and by a sense of common danger, convicted housebreakers and cattle stealers with the promptitude of a court martial in a mutiny; and the convicts were hurried by scores to the gallows.
The zealous churchmen who formed the majority of the House seem to have been of opinion that the promptitude with which they had met the wish of James, touching the revenue, entitled them to expect some concession on his part.
But though James and his three advisers were pleased with the promptitude which Lewis had shown, they were by no means satisfied with the amount of the donation.
He looked, moved, and spoke as if by a succession of continued efforts; and it seemed as if his will had in some degree lost the promptitude of command over the acute mind and goodly form of which it was the regent.
Streams of this character are occasionally met with, and it is important to know how to cross them with the greatest promptitude and safety.
To this duty he addressed himself with a promptitude and resolution characteristic of the man, and commensurate with the preparations which, it was supposed, the British had made to subdue it.
Then, with a promptitude surprising for a British Government Department, the duplicates arrived.
That interval was actively improved by Lafayette, who, although not apprised of the full extent of his danger, acted with promptitude and decision.
But it had always been a maxim with him, that a timely preparation for war afforded the surest means for preserving peace, and on this occasion he acted with as much promptitude and energy as if the invaders had been actually on the coast.
General Walpole was wounded and escaped with his life only by the promptitude with which the Black Watch used the bayonet.
To maintain our prestige was essential, for it was by prestige and promptitude only that we have maintained our pre-eminence in India.
The movement, at all events, indicated an intention to act with promptitude and energy.
However, I somewhat doubted thee, and therefore have not trusted thee in matters where I required uninquiring promptitude and exact obedience.
The instruction and discipline thus acquired would gradually diffuse through the entire body of the militia that practical knowledge and promptitude for active service which are the great ends to be pursued.